For weeks we have studied the wrath of God on earth in the last days, known as the Tribulation Period; all of this destruction and wrath began with a very intense moment in Heaven: Revelation 5:1-5, 9-14. We see the heartfelt worship and awe these angels and men have for Christ, but we, ourselves, so often are left numb and unmoved with thoughts of Who He is. Jesus didn't desperately beg; He just loved, and left it to us to love back. We often lack awe and worship for our Wonderful Savior because we simply can’t fathom the depth, and the awesomeness of His heart and soul. We can’t see with reality what does truly make Him worthy. After living through the horrors, and shear overwhelming power of His Wrath for the last few weeks, here and now, we have a unique opportunity to see things about Christ that we otherwise miss. Things that show us, unmistakably, why He is so worthy. After witnessing the awful destruction and death that Jesus brought in His wrath, please recognize one important fact that truly shows his worthiness as our Savior—every life that He had to take in vengeance and punishment was against His own desire and will. 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:3-4. Look at the softness and yet, the fearfulness of our Jesus; the God of wrath that brought horrible judgment on billions in the end of time literally cares so much about every lost sinful soul that He would seek them out, and love them individually: 1) Jesus walked over 70 miles to seek out one single woman who was unknown and unworthy as a Canaanite (Matthew 15:21-18) Considered unworthy, even by his own disciples so He could find her, touch her, love her, when no one else noticed her in the world, or cared by healing her daughter from demonic possession. 2) Jesus quietly sought out an old sinful man that no one cared about to secretly touch him and heal him from his physical illness and sin (pool of Bethesda: John 5:1-14) 3) Jesus touched every sick, disgusting, dirty, diseased leper He came across with love and healing 4) Jesus chose social suicide, going against all popularity and opinion, to seek out one woman of a hated nationality, who had been with five different men that had considered living with her as unbearable, and had divorced her; even then, she had a man that would only live with her, not marry her, and in her hated race, her unbearable temperament, and her sexual sins, Jesus loved her, and went looking for her alone. And the lips of the Avenging, Mighty, Holy God of Wrath touched the same cup, that had the spittle from a common, forgotten, unwanted tramp, whom He, by the way, did not see as a tramp, but a treasure. 5) The One who killed billions by His own hand stopped to heal the ear of one lost man, who had that ear cut off while fighting to take Him to His death. This is not a God who wanted or enjoyed death, but instead, One who joyfully chose all the misery of living here on earth, over life as a King in Heaven because His greatest pleasure was in finding, loving, serving, healing, touching those most deserving of death. He was the One who did absolutely all that He could to prevent even one unnecessary death before He avenged innocent blood; that is why He is the one worthy to open the seals and bring the wrath. How much more can we appreciate His overwhelming desire to gently seek out even the worst sinners when we now see that He holds such Power and Holiness?
Another reason He alone is worthy: because in all His Strength, and Respect, and Authority, He didn’t care how He looked, how humiliated He had to become, in order to reach down to us and relate to us. Every move that He made on earth, was to please the Father in Heaven; the One He was equal to, but was selfless enough to subject Himself to for the better of all. He never once sought His own way, His own Glory, His own fame or Power. Whom else could possibly be entrusted with a more true and fair judgment, that would be unclouded by self-motivating pride or righteousness? We could learn so much from Him in our culture of pride. He who stood before all the Angels of Heaven, all the Saints of earth, and even all the demons of hell, as they looked on in fearful silence, awe, and worship for thirty minutes, is the One Who was born to a fourteen year old girl, in a barn with no notice from the world, helpless and ignorant. Imagine, the Mind that had created the unreachable mysteries of countless planets, suns, and other miracles of the Universe we do not even know of; the Mind that orchestrated the Writing of this Word; that orchestrated the moving of men, nations, and nature to fulfill every prophecy in detail; that orchestrated the timeless Plan of our Redemption, involving every day of our lives before we were born, becoming an ignorant, oblivious Child that had to be taught how to go to the bathroom by a teenage girl. The One who fed thousands with five loaves and two fish; the One who will feed the nations with Trees of Life in New Jerusalem at times, had to wander through other's grain fields, plucking heads of grain and rubbing them in His hands to have food; ad to stay at another's home every night of His ministry, because He had no home of His own. He who made and named countless billions of stars; our sun being a midsize star, burning with the energy of 100 billion one-megaton nuclear bombs exploding per second every second of every hour, week, month, year, worked with His own hands, on a brisk morning, to build a simple campfire so He could cook breakfast for His friends who had betrayed Him. Jesus gave up infinitely more to save us, than Satan ever even stood to gain through his (Satan's) betrayal, torture and condemnation of every soul on earth; and Jesus did this, although the Kingdoms of the world were offered to Him without all of the pain and sacrifice, but without the love. [And some of you would still choose Satan over Him? (Not to choose, is to choose Satan!)] Everything He did was to please His Father and help us, and all the Glory He received for such sacrifice and selflessness, He even shared with those He saved. Now you see the attitude of Humbleness and Selflessness that could be trusted with doing the Right and Holy thing, rather than to seek His own will or vengeance unfairly. One last, and greatest reason of all that He is the Only One worthy to open the Scroll of Wrath, nd that, He alone is worthy of your praise and allegiance: Psalm 22:6: because He—the Most Powerful, most Selfless, most Humble, most Loving of all people or angels in Heaven literally gave Himself over to all of the wrath that was to be poured out on earth as a substitute so we would not have to suffer it. He who would destroy millions with His tongue alone, held that tongue in the face of accusations, ridicule, mocking, and insults. He who had eyes as flames of fire, and the Power to destroy every army of the earth, joined against Him fell into the dust of Jerusalem, dripping with stink, Blood, and sweat, shaking uncontrollably from exhaustion and dehydration, too weak from beatings, and loss of Blood to even walk anymore, with His face unrecognizably swollen, gashed, and bleeding, His beard literally torn by the roots from His cheeks, and the mucous and spit from others, in His eyes. He who will literally split the mountains of Israel when His feet touched down on earth again, had those feet held just above the earth by an iron spike, had flesh ripped from His back, sides, stomach, chest and legs until His bones and organs could literally be seen, was hung completely naked on a cross being ridiculed in His bloodied, disfigured nakedness, made fun of as He gasped for each breath dying in front of those He loved, as they taunted Him mercilessly, asking God to forgive them, because even now He was worried about their wellbeing, and safety. And finally, He even felt the raw, unfathomable fear and despair (that every person left to judgment in the Tribulation felt) of being completely forsaken and left alone by God Himself, when He was left to die in abandonment on the cross, as our sin (so they wouldn't have to) (Matthew 27:46). Knowing how much we deserved His Wrath, but so unwilling to make us endure it, He took all that wrath so we wouldn't have to. What else could possibly make Him more worthy to be the one to finally bring the wrath, when it had to come? What else could make us so sure that any wrath incurred was unavoidable and unwanted? What else could make him more selflessly deserving of trust, and praise, and power, and honor, and love, and allegiance, and sacrifice? Now, we can see why the Heavens and earth responded as they did, when Jesus Christ stepped forward to take the Scroll. Revelation 5:11-13. Can you now see why He alone is worthy to be called your God, Savior, and King? Can you now find it in yourself to lead a humble life before others, as He did? Can you now find it in yourself to be unashamed of this Man before the world! No matter the cost? Let's praise and honor Him as He deserves!
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