How many here have seen the new Top Gun movie? As cheesy as it was, the original movie was my favorite movie—until this one came out… The message today has been on my heart for a couple of weeks now. God made it very clear this one was for me as much as for anyone here. And as I studied more and more, I realized the premise of this new Top Gun Movie was—humorously enough—the ideal opening illustration of what needs to be conveyed. "Maverick", Pete Mitchell, Is a Naval Aviator. The word alone means “one independent of associates.” Hated by many in his profession for being a passionate, loose cannon, he is called upon to teach a group of pilots how to achieve victory in a seemingly impossible mission. When they lose hope that it can be done, Maverick brings them back by deciding to "do the impossible" himself to show the way and then join them in the mission. And when he is called upon to sacrifice everything to save his friends, he is told, "Maverick, you know what happens if you go through with this." To which he responds, "I know what happens to everyone else if I don't." Our Lord Jesus Christ was/is hated by many today—supposedly even in His Own profession for being what they would call a "passionate, loose canon”—a "Maverick" in the religious world. And He has been called upon to show us how to love by first showing us how much we are loved. And since even beginning to comprehend just how much He truly loves us is a seemingly impossible task, He decided to do the impossible. He decided that rather than just letting us read His Words, He would join us and become those Words to us in the flesh. At one point in the Top Gun movie, Maverick made the claim that being a Naval Aviator was not simply, ‘something he did, but it was who he was.’
Last week we took an objective look at current world events...And compared them to Scriptural prophecies and descriptions of the Last Days before the Coming Tribulation!
Starting with the most obvious and undeniable event of...The return of Israel to her own land... And which seems to powerfully represent…The beginning of the last generation in Scriptures! (Israel is now 74 years old!) Expanding from there... We looked at other nations today...Their locations, alliances, strengths and actions...Particularly at Russia, Iran, Israel... And many Middle Eastern & Eastern European nations...To show incredible proof that…The world stage is flawlessly set in place...As was detailed prophetically... From 2000 to 3400 years ago! For the events leading to the Rapture of the Church...And the beginning of the Tribulation on earth! These events alone... Are sufficient for any open-minded seeker...To discover undeniable proof of God's Hand...In the Truth of Ancient Prophecies...And to see the unmistakable evidence...That we MUST be near the end of this era in mankind's history! But as we stated last week...More prophecies in Scripture are related…To the last generation on earth...Than any other subject...Therefore... If we ARE living in the days which Scriptures deem..."The Last Days!"...We should see an ABUNDANCE of prophetic descriptions...Concerning the world surrounding us on this very day! Which are specific and unmistakable! So let's continue our study... NOT… By leading the evidence with Scriptures FIRST...But simply by addressing what we all see and know...As the most obvious and pressing issues…Of our current state! It is unmistakable that in the last several years our world has changed in a number of ways which we never would have predicted or believed possible beforehand. We have experienced: 1) a global pandemic which has taken millions of lives and completely altered how we live, play and work 2) shortages in our supply chains which are altering prices and creating needs in every area of life 3) division, hatred and societal unrest which has not been experienced in our lifetimes, threatening to tear our nation apart 4) military aggression and threat of global conflict unparalleled since WWII (Ukraine) 5) a complete shifting of the foundational values and beliefs which have governed our nation for many generations. Christian or not, there is an unmistakable realization that the world has crossed into an era of change and even crisis. In world order and in our personal lifestyles from what we have been accustomed for some time, it truly seems as though everyone can sense that we are in a time of significant change worldwide. The big questions for many Christians are: "What do these changes mean prophetically? Are they significant? Predicted? Could it mean we are in the Last Days before Christ's Return?”
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September 2024