Last week's sermon literally was one of the toughest sermons to hear and embrace. It was so important, and so different from our current way of thinking as Christians, that it requires a continuation to be sure that we hear and apply everything that was said because there is no doubt in my mind that after such a powerful message from the mouth of Jesus Himself, many of us left feeling hopeless, overwhelmed or depressed—feeling that we could never measure up, never do or be all that Jesus required of His true followers. Luke 14:25-27, 33. If Jesus truly meant, "Give up all that we have, forsake everything and everyone, and throw away our lives...", how do we meet that kind of request? And where should we even begin? What does it mean to me, if I even try to give Jesus the devotion that He asks? And how does this kind of talk even begin to match up to other things Jesus said, such as: Matthew 11:28-30.
After last week's sermon, Clunkers for Christ, you may be wondering just how to do this whole disciple thing. And while it may sound difficult, in truth it isn't. Today Pastor Doss goes over the single thing that will help you truly follow Jesus, and that will make all the rest of it feel easy. Listen to discover the Key to Following Jesus.
We, as a modern church body, have traditions and methods of doing things much like the rest of the Christians in our culture. We have a time of worship, some that come to the altar in prayer. We give to the church. We have programs for Bible Study, VBS, etc. And all these things are good, but, I want us to erase all of the preconceived notions of what church, and being a believer in Christ and walking as a disciple bring to mind, and listen to the following statements made directly by Jesus Christ Himself, to the crowd in His day.
The world tells you it is about what you have - fame, fortune, reputation. Jesus says none of that matters. Sounds odd, doesn't it? Listen to the sermon for the details.
Last week we reviewed an overwhelming number of Scriptures which show very clearly that God never stops loving us. He never leaves us or give up in our failures. But we saw that Scriptures also overwhelmingly say we are free to walk away from Him at any time. With that Truth comes many honest and important questions that we all must ask ourselves because the answers to these dire questions will decide how some of you live your life now, and whether some of you are still with us in a hundred year.
Last week we addressed the question, "Will God reject me if I mess up too bad?" This week, we look at what happens when we turn our back on Him. Can we ever return to His loving embrace? Or is it a choice with a forever consequence? Listen below to find out.
Can Your Name Ever Be Removed From The Book OF Life? Are we, ‘Once saved, always saved?’ Or can we lose our Salvation through sin or other means? This is a major question in every Christian's life, that every person in this room has probably contemplated at one time or another. Strong beliefs in the answer to this question have caused division between church denominations for years, many being very adamant, even hostile about the issue. It has direct and powerful effects on how you view God, and how you think about, and walk your Christian walk. Honestly, an imbalance in how people view this topic sometimes causes them to have a very distorted view of God—some looking at Him in constant fear and dread, unnecessarily, others seeing God with a flippant irreverence and disrespect. Therefore, we can see the extreme importance to learning the Biblical Truth behind such an important question. When your spiritual well-being—your very Spiritual destination—and your emotional and mental health are at stake, whatever your view of this subject, I simply ask you to listen until the end, and speak with me afterwards if you have further questions.
You know the messed up, AGAIN, and as you sit down to pray and ask forgiveness you wonder.....was this time too many? Was this time too bad? Does this mean I don't get eternity in heaven now?
Or maybe you are on the other side of things. You know Jesus died for your sins so it doesn't matter what you do, 'cuz you know that the day you accepted His gift, you didn't have to worry about it anymore. You know, once in grace, always in grace. How can there be two polar opposite views on salvation? Which is right? Listen to today's sermon as we attempt to straighten it all out. One of the hardest impacting, and most influential topics within the Christian community, and our society today, is the topic of homosexuality. In the world of politics, in the world of entertainment, in social media, in our jobs, in our schools, and in the personal lives of many people today, the subject of homosexuality has become the front and center focus of attention.
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September 2024