Mary and Joseph both, have very probably been shamed and isolated by the small town of 50 to 100. Both have possibly lost the support, or at least the trust of their families—this is quite possibly why Mary is even going on the journey, when it's so late in the pregnancy, even though the trip is required only of Joseph. They finish their long walk (80 to 90 miles, 2600 miles up), alone, and on their arrival in Bethlehem, the shame and rejection felt from distant family members of Joseph seems unavoidable as well, causing Joseph to either take Mary somewhere other than to his own relative's home—which would be highly irregular in that culture, and would most probably show that he was avoiding the pain and embarrassment they each would suffer—or, as is most probable, he was at a relative's house, but they were put into the stable area of the house or land, rather than offered the guest room, even though she literally was giving birth. The outright rejection Joseph's family must have shown them, especially if she was at their home, seems apparent, because birthing a child was a major event in the Hebrew culture. The women would join the midwives in the event together. They would all help and comfort the mother, and care for the child when it arrived—it was a celebration. Yet, the Christmas text here in Luke makes it all too clear, that these two teens were completely alone in the delivery. The passage tells how Mary, herself, wrapped the Baby in swaddling clothes and laid Him in the Manger. This surely would have been the midwife or a helper, if they were present [and every other person present at the birth was mentioned by Scriptures—so, why would these women and midwives have not been mentioned as well?] Mary wrapped her own little Babe that night, and held Him closely, as the only comforter she had, Joseph, no doubt cradled them both.
We conclude this series with the birth of Jesus, alone, surrounded by animals rather than a nation that had been awaiting the savior's arrival. Why weren't they there to welcome Him? How could they have missed this momentous event? Did they not know?
Listen as Pastor Doss explains, and ask yourself, "Will I be paying attention when He comes again?" First, let's introduce what we know about one of the least studied, most overlooked people in Scriptures: Joseph. He is depicted in more artwork, mantel pieces, and outdoor decorations than just about any other male in Scriptures besides Christ Himself, and yet, less is known about him than just about any other prominently mentioned male of Scriptures.
In today's advent continuation, Pastor Doss delves in to the life of Joseph and the choices he faced. What can you learn from his life? Listen to find out!
Luke 1:26: Gabriel is used on several occasions as a Messenger for God, and each time news is given in regard to the Coming of the Messiah, it seems that Gabriel is the Angel which is presenting the news. He appears to Daniel when the very timetable that we studied last week is given, telling of the exact time of our Messiah's coming; then he appears to Zacharias in the Temple, foretelling of the birth of John to make a way for the Messiah; then he appears here to Mary herself, announcing the coming of Jesus The Christ. Could it be that Gabriel is somehow intimately linked with overseeing and orchestrating the appearance of our Lord on this earth, in His Eternal Plan?
In part 2 of our advent series we focus on the mother of Jesus, Mary. Have you considered what it must have been like to be 13-15 years old, betrothed, and then told that you were going to have the responsibility of raising the child of God that your people had been waiting for? Listen to discover a few things you may NOT have considered.
Let's begin one of the most important journeys you'll ever take: learning why the First Coming was absolutely Divinely orchestrated beyond human capacity or reason. If I wanted to send you a letter, I could send it by email, or snail-mail right? But either way I sent it, I would have to have an address, and with each stroke of the key or pen, as we include that address, we would be narrowing the possibilities of who this letter was for, until it was down to one. You receive mail each day, specifically naming you, above almost 7 billion other people and addresses all over the entire globe. God, through His Prophets, and in His Word, did the same thing to direct us to a lonely, seemingly insignificant night, with two dirt-poor, young nobodies, in the middle of nowhere.
Adventures in odd title for a sermon series about the birth and significance of our Lord and Savior. Yet what else could we call it? Jesus was sent here to dwell among us for a short time. He was watched over by his parents for a short time. And He returned to His father, after a short time. Yet while He walked among us, it truly was an adventure! And one that we are destined to experience again.
In part 1 of this series, Pastor Doss examines the miraculous prophecies of the birth of Christ. Over hundreds of years, from many different people (who never met), God let it be known not only where His Son would be born, but gave a specific lineage he would come from. When you look at all the detail given, it's an amazing picture of the truth of the Bible. |
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September 2024