For the last two weeks, we have looked at the incredible passion and real intimacy Jesus Christ wants to have with each of us, and how it is not our sins that break His heart but our lack of desire for Him in return. Our passion and thirst for everything but Him. The fact that our emotions, needs and trusts are placed in something—anything—but Him. Because He created us to be His greatest love, desire—His beloved. Like any husband, He longs to be everything to His bride in return. Many (most) of us never experience that intimacy with Christ. We give Him our money, time, proper behavior—everything but the one thing He desires most. After two weeks of study, the question now comes down to this: "How do I draw closer, more intimate with Christ as He desires?" Today, we will give a very real and practical, eye-opening answer to that question.
We introduced the Story of Hosea and Gomer...With a "Modern Day Parable" equivalent... To drive it home. The Passage explains how God told Hosea…To marry a woman of whoredom...And show her love and acceptance... Even when NOT deserved!...And then... He told Hosea to CHOOSE loving her...Even when she was unfaithful to him...Even when she had children from another man!
Even when she basically became a prostitute...Ruining her life... And finally becoming so worthless and used up...She had to give herself into slavery to exist! Hosea literally buys her back again...Pays her debts which were racked up in her sin...And brings her home... In LOVE! We have spent much time on the subjects…Of Sin, Judgment, and End Times in recent days...And in light of the current National and World Events…Compared to Biblical Prophecy... These are appropriate and desperately needed studies!
But... There is one study... That our broken and sinful world...Our lost, directionless world...Needs even more! A Study which Trumps all other studies...And tells the world what it really needs to hear...Desperately WANTS to hear...More than anything else! Homosexuality, Transgenderism, gender-fluency—these subjects have become the central focus, affecting every area of social and religious life in recent days, creating a whirlwind of changes within politics, laws, social etiquette, entertainment, education and even military recruitment and training. For many Christians who cannot agree with these issues—no matter the love and acceptance of the people that are involved in them—anger, exclusion and attempts to silence opinions—have become more and more common. There has been much hatred, prejudice and improper behavior on both sides of this issue that to continue in society, the Church must soon be compromised or crushed. As we address this issue head on today, my most difficult task will be in getting many to simply, truly listen to this message in its entirety before disregarding or disagreeing with what you hear.
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September 2024