Last week we studied how a person might become someone whom God can actually use in this world. And we learned hat to be used, you must first make a purposeful, passionate choice to be someone God uses...This may be the most important part of the entire study on how to be someone whom God can use.
In a continuation of last week's lesson, Pastor Doug conveys the final requirement for those wanting to be used by God; the X-Factor.
Why does it seem that God uses some people in extraordinary ways and not others? Have you ever wondered what it would take to be used by God in that manner? In this message Pastor Doug explains what God is looking for in people in order to use them powerfully.
How many people would honestly like to be one of the Christians whom God is able to use powerfully in this life?
Most would say, "Yes!" However, most Christians are simply living a spiritual life of mediocrity at best, living a more moral life than others and attending church, but all in all, not accomplishing a lot for Christ; not actively seeking and pursuing His will daily. Have you ever looked back at certain big events or decisions in your life and pondered, "What if?" What if I had taken that job? What if I had never made that decision? What if I'd never met them? What if I'd never said that? Done that? What if they had waited just a few minutes? Ever contemplated how it all could be totally different right now?There is a whole line of comic books devoted to this very thing, that many of the younger people here are probably very familiar with today...
We all know that some of the "What if's" we could ponder would drastically change everything in our entire lives... For good or bad... (Remember this… We’ll come back to it in a second) I have heard comments, and seen comments on social media...From angry non-believers and even questioning believers...Concerning why Christians seem to act so hypocritical when following the Commandments of the Bible!
There’s a young lady who is madly in love with her boyfriend. She wants to be with him all the time. She wants to spend her whole life with him—no matter where it takes them, she wants to be by his side. Then finally the day comes he brings her a velvet box. She’s so excited. He gets on one knee and hands her the box. She is beside herself with excitement and joy. She opens the box and inside is a set of keys. She is very confused and asks him ‘what does this mean?’ He explains he is ready for her to move in and live with him. She asks why just move in? Why not get married? He again explains ‘you are the best woman I’ve ever met, and I don’t want anyone else, but I’m not ready to change my entire life the way you would like if we settle down. I know there are things in my life that aren’t pleasing to you, I don’t want you telling me when to be home or you be worrying when I’m out all the time. I’m not ready to share the money I work for with you just yet. I don’t want the pressure of being a good husband. Living together, I can still have you in my life when I don’t want to feel alone, but I can be free to be me.’
Have you ever found yourself looking back at points in your life and wonder what if? What if I had done that instead? What if I didn't do that? It's a very common thing for people to do. We even sometimes look back at our lives before Christ and wonder what we are missing by choosing to walk with Him. In this message Pastor Doug explains how dangerous that can be and how it keeps us from what God truly wants.
Repentance. It may seem like something of an old fashioned word in today's world. It however is essential to our walk with Christ especially the start of it. In this message Pastor Doug explains the importance of repentance and the role it should play in our lives.
Many people ask what the Levitical law of the Old Testament means for Christians. Why is it that we are not called to follow all the tenants of the old law yet still are called to act in a certain way? In this message Pastor Doug explains the purpose of the Law, how Jesus's great sacrifice relates to the Law, and what the Law means for us today.
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September 2024