Our culture has bombarded us in recent years with the idea that, "gender" is something that has no bearing on a person beyond the reproductive differences’ that men and women are exactly the same, and any differences between the two are simply, "culturally formed"; that we should stop raising children with roles or expectations which are gender specific, because we are fueling this, "difference in gender" myth; that we are somehow doing children a disfavor when we try to help them recognize and grow into their gender identity. There are two reasons these statements truly infuriate me today: 1) Out of fear of inequality today, these ideas are being pushed on the public, with absolutely overwhelming, indisputable proof for the contrary 2) We are willing to overlook all of the evidence, and the provable negative effect it has on our children and society, and continue to teach and train identical roles for gender, knowing that in doing so, we confuse and harm our children, we weaken our society, and we dishonor our Eternal, All-knowing Creator Who designed us magnificently with purpose—to become one, together. Of all the things we've discussed thus far, this is the most damaging to individuals and society, and unfortunately, the biggest lie that has been culturally accepted as common fact. The secular experts of the world emphatically disprove everything that, "political correctness" tries to mislead us with.
Today Pastor Doss covers some hard truths about marriage roles, and it isn't what you think. Click below to listen and discover what the Bible says your responsibility in the marriage is.
In the culture in which we live, with so many ideas about what constitutes marriage, relationships, and even gender itself, we need to take an in-depth look at exactly how God has designed the covenant of marriage. If you are not a Christian, you can believe and act any way you'd like in a relationship. [We] have no desire or right to judge you based on [our] beliefs; our only desire is to love and accept a non-believer with the same passion as Christ, until they see their worth in His eyes. But for those claiming a desire to know and love Jesus, [we] have an obligation to show how He designed marriage in His wisdom. No one has a right to change or bend a single word of Scriptures to fit a lifestyle, desires or sins. [If this Word needs to be changed, it is not worthy to be followed.] Understand that God's plans are more modern than the freshest ideas coming from social media and Hollywood. As we reveal the Scriptural Design for marriage today in these next lessons we will break every taboo, every trend, and every social and political rule in our society; in one great plunge, we will go from loving Christians to hypocrites and haters, simply because people do not realize that God's plan truly is the best, most loving, most fulfilling of all. As we reveal God's Plan, no matter where you come from or what your beliefs—wipe the slate clean, forget culture, forget your preconceived ideas, and listen with an open mind. God knows what He is doing: Psalm 18:30, Psalm 119:29-35, 37-39.
Today, Pastor Doss continues to lay the groundwork for our series on marriage. Listen as he addresses two topics that many have questions about and yet few feel comfortable asking about: homosexuality and inter-racial relationships - is God okay with them? Think you know the answer? Listen to find out!
Besides our relationship with God, there is none other which effects our lives more than an intimate relationship with another (whether that be in the form of marriage, dating, or living together); our, "significant other" is one of the biggest, and life effecting relationships of our lives. Faith is a direct relation to divorce rate among Christians. The world will offer you an unbelievable number of options in who you can marry, how you can make marriage work, and why you don't even have to get married to have a great intimate relationship for life. If these are the options you want, there are plenty of places to go and learn more, including many churches today. But, I warn you, even secular studies have shown where this, "wisdom" leads in the end. But, if you know Christ is real, and if you'd like to hear His timeless wisdom about marriage, then tune in for the next couple of weeks, since He did design it, after all.
Take a poll of your friends and statistically at least half of them will have had a divorce in their immediate family. It is a scary statistic with a reality that means broken homes, single parenting, blended families and heartbreak. But this isn't what God had intended for us. Today Pastor Doss begins a new series designed to help us see God's idea of marriage - what to expect from it, what we should be giving to it, and why.
In the previous months we have heard story after story, in this sanctuary, about the increase in horrible persecution and suffering by Christians in countries all over the world; and as bad as things are getting here, we know we are still very blessed because we don't suffer that way. Yet, many of these suffering people, know Christ with an intimacy and realism, that most of us cannot fathom. Most of the persecution, most of the suffering occurs, when the victims choose to live for Christ in the face of the threats, and sometimes in the certainty of suffering. In that light, are they not choosing to suffer when they don't really have to suffer? So, you may say, "I am not faced with such a choice, and I can't help that." To which, I would say to you, "Are you sure about that?"
Hezekiah consulted his prophet, Isaiah, and then shortly after, received a terrible letter of threats and attacks on his city and on his God Almighty, his reaction: 2 Kings 19:14. Hezekiah faced a situation he had no chance of winning; a situation that honestly made no sense to Hezekiah, because he was doing all he could to honor God and change the world for His Kingdom.
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September 2024