This is our first Service of the New Year, and my goodness, are we not anxious to leave 2020 behind? We, as Christians are often encouraged to make new resolutions for God in the upcoming year [put your sin behind you, spend more time in prayer or Bible Study, give more time or money for God’s work, etc.]. And all of these endeavors are good, but not best, because all of these endeavors miss the mark of the only thing God would truly have from us.
We are in Lesson 7 of our walk through 1 Peter...This Book was chosen because it was written to people living in a world so like our own today...Christians living in Roman Provinces of moral collapse, and rejection of Christian beliefs...Who were publicly and politically rejecting and hating Christians for their beliefs...And in light of this past week's events... The following passages could NOT be more perfectly timed! We MUST take Peter's Words to heart...And live by God's Will...NOT by the natural emotions of fear, anger and anxiety...NOT through allegiance to anyone or anything BEFORE Christ!
Luke 2:3-7. Do you want to know Jesus as intimately as these few people we have studied the past few services knew Him? I mean do you really want Him more than you've ever had? If you’re serious about knowing Him more, prove it starting now:
We are in week 6 of a walk-through of the Book of 1st Peter...We chose this Book for study because it so perfectly relates to our current situation in the society in which we now live...1 Peter is a Letter from Peter to 1st Century Christians who had fled to 5 Roman Provinces in Asia Minor (Turkey)...
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September 2024