We see about Jesus' early life...Something simply AMAZING... That we seldom contemplate! We have Studied of how Jesus EMPTIED HIMSELF...Of all of His Attributes of Deity...And walked this earth fully HUMAN!
That Incomprehensible Little Babe in a feeding trough...Was 100% a Human Baby! With no knowledge of Who He Was at that Moment...No Knowledge of Why He Came...No Knowledge of the Scriptures or the Will of God! So... How did He Learn these Things?! These few Verses we have about His Childhood tell us clearly!
So often we are taught as Christians...
"Don't just follow your emotions!" "Love is a Choice!" "Choose to do right, no matter how you feel!" "Worship is a frame of mind, not just feeling!" Every one of these statements is TRUE... In proper context! But... Just like many people base... Their entire "religious experience" on pure emotion...Others of us are just as guilty... Maybe, more guilty...Of never feeling or expressing ANY EMOTIONS...In our love and worship of God!...And THAT... Not only shows a lack of true, deep Love...But is also... A strong indicator of arrogance and pride...On our part! Mark 12:29-30: "HEART". Just as one might say, "That child is my whole heart!" This is how we are to see and love our God. And this is how our Jesus shows HIis love for God and for every one of us. The Advent passage we just heard—speaking of Jesus' moment of supernatural conception—shows the ultimate depth of Jesus loving God and His bride with all of his heart. There is a passage in Hebrews which is often misunderstood in the power of its context (the place and time) in which the words are expressed as having been spoken at the very moment we read about in Luke 1:35. What if I told you that just before Jesus leaves His throne, power and position—just before He sheds His divine power—to come to earth as a tiny, conceived child in Mary's womb. Scriptures actually reveal the very words He spoke to the Father: Hebrews 10:4-7. This is loving with all your heart.
This sermon will be uncomfortable, politically incorrect, socially unaccepted, and difficult for many! (But loving, and true!) It is about the explosion of the Transgender Movement in our culture... Even in our own local society!
It is about what God Says concerning the tidal wave of change...Towards sexuality, gender, and acceptance! But it will be even more focused… On what the secular world says... And what the secular world shows… Through the horrible suffering of our culture...Showing that God’s Words… Are full of Wisdom & Love!...And what God has Said about sexuality is ABSOLUTE TRUTH! Whether WE want to accept that Truth or not! Stop for a moment... And as a Christian...Take a long, serious look at where we are right this minute! Your own children are being purposefully taught…Extreme views of sin... Which are against our God... Our core beliefs...Being taught against your own will...And any resistance to that is being labeled extremism...Even terrorism!
Drag Queens are reading to our children in schools...But Christian doctrines and beliefs are excluded...Because they are against the interests and views of institutions! Crime, drugs and violence on the streets...Are literally making life in many cities unlivable...While we work to remove even more order and protection...And we produce laws which make life easier for offenders! |
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September 2024