We are in week THREE of a very relevant study about our current situation in America, and the world...
And WHAT OUR RESPONSE AS CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE! I have personally seen and heard comments and opinions from friends, at work, and especially on Social Media...Concerning what our attitudes and actions should be in response to the MANY CURRENT EVENTS which surround us in this crazy year in which we are living! And what I have noticed... What is MOST frustrating and disheartening...Is the vast majority of the comments and opinions about our role as Christians in all of this... ARE EXACTLY THAT... PERSONAL OPINIONS!!! Opinions based upon very fragmented knowledge of Scriptures and God's Character... Opinions based upon INDIVIDUAL WANTS, BELIEFS AND THOUGHTS... I have seen just about every angle of view and argument being justified by God and His Word... Much of the time... Selfishly and inappropriately!
After last week's call to be strong and vigilant for Christ in these crazy times, I knew even then, God would have me to follow such a lesson with what we will discuss today. I can tell many of you truly feel the urgency of our times; genuinely accepting the call God has placed on our generation. You are ready to change, ready to step up, ready to act. The next thing for us to consider together is simply—how? What does God practically want us to do next? What is our mission in these times? How do we respond to the chaos or the Karios around us? Literally and specifically?
We are living in unprecedented times in this country. Times where everyone has their own version of truth. Times where freedom has become an abused word to mask hatred, selfishness and sometimes even anarchy in many ways. Times when many, even in God's Name, are calling good bad and bad good. Times when everyone is pursuing their own way, their own wants, at any cost, and if you dare to even disagree you are to be quickly labeled and silenced at best.
I've had this lesson on my mind for three weeks! Today we will glean from a story about one of the greatest kings in Judah, other than David... Josiah! Because his story reveals a powerful, relevant message to the time and place in which we find ourselves today!
Memorial Day is best known for being the unofficial first day of Summer! And many often miss reflecting on the whole reason for the National Holiday! Some are not even exactly aware of what this Day stands for! Memorial Day is NOT the day we honor our Veterans around us... Though there is never a wrong day to do so! Memorial Day, is the Day we set aside to remember and honor those men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice... Given their lives... Dying in protection of their loved ones and this Country's Freedom! An estimated 1,320,000 in our Country's History thus far! It's a time to be mindful of their lives never lived out...Of their families' lives lived with a hollow place in their hearts...
Mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, children...So we could stand here today... Free, happy and comfortable! |
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September 2024