We are living in unprecedented times in this country. Times where everyone has their own version of truth. Times where freedom has become an abused word to mask hatred, selfishness and sometimes even anarchy in many ways. Times when many, even in God's Name, are calling good bad and bad good. Times when everyone is pursuing their own way, their own wants, at any cost, and if you dare to even disagree you are to be quickly labeled and silenced at best. Listen to how Paul described the generation that would exist when Christ Returns: 2 Timothy 3:1-4. And many of the supposed followers of Christ in this generation are not following the Words, the Love, or the Way of Our Savior at all, but instead have joined the majority of this world who want nothing but success and gain, or to promote an agenda for their own way; and have decided to use God's Name as another twisted tool to use in getting what they want rather than wanting what He is. Again, listen to the Words of God as He described our predicament even in the churches perfectly in these days: 2 Timothy 4:3-5; Jude 1:4;
John 8:43-45; 2 Timothy 3:5. This has become our stance on God in this generation for many: either we remake god into what we desire him to be, with some form of a "Build-A-God" mentality and then worship how we choose while keeping all of the things which hurt and offend Him; or we shake our fist at the God that is and say, "If you don't like how I'm living, who needs You? What kind of God must you be to judge me anyway? If you don't accept me like I am, I'm Not changing for anybody!" And if this is how some listening right now feel, I'm not angry with you. I'm not trying to attack you. I simply ask you to be open-minded enough to hear me out for the next few minutes, and then go about your own way if you still want to. But, some of us Fundamental, Bible-Believing Church Attendees had better listen just as close, because we may not be as open and "in-your-face" with our attitudes, but our actions show just as much contempt and rebellion as many who openly oppose God. Let's remove ourselves for a moment from the influence of our times, from the slant of our current teachings and grand ideas, from the selfish pursuits we have grown accustomed to living amongst, and see the reality of where we all are living. First, we have to decide once and for all, whether this book we are claiming to follow is or is not God's Word, God's Mind, God's Character, God's Way. Or else we simply need to find another one more trustworthy in our eyes. Because if you have to cut and paste; if you have to twist and shape to make it Perfect, it obviously was not all Divine in origin. We are not smart enough to discern what is and is not God, so take it or leave it, but don't slice and dice it. But if you are wise enough; open-minded enough, to see that a Book which has withstood countless critics and attacks through thousands of years, and has been proven trustworthy historically, archeologically, scientifically, and most importantly prophetically beyond explanation or doubt is worthy to be believed and followed, then let's compare It's Wisdom and Claims to the mindset of our current world. A world which, by the way, not only did this Book predict would be exactly as it is right now, but spelled out exactly where it is in His timetable of events. Let's start here: This is God's Universe. This is God's World. He made it, not us. He's not just here to cater to our needs, or beg us to accept Him in desperation; we are here by His design, and though He adores us more than life, ultimately, we will not decide how things are going to be here. God originally created this world as a place of "Perfect Selfless Love". That Plan was broken and we have slowly moved so far away from His Mindset, and His Heart that we don't even know or desire His Ways by nature. We have literally learned to make it all about ourselves: Romans 3:10-12. It's not just that God hates sinful actions. It's that God hates the selfish, uncaring heart that is always behind sinful actions. Many people, Christians included, have believed and communicated to others the notion that God does not love or accept people in their sins. It is a very common thing to hear these days, "Well, if God doesn't accept me like I am, if I have to act a certain way for Him to love me, He's not a God of love, just judgment, and I don't need that God!" God accepts us all in our sin, big or little, many or few. He loves us so much that He changed everything about Himself and His Existence to love us exactly as we are in our sins. He became one with us in our sins; became sin with us, to die for our sins. He did all of this for us exactly as we are in our sins because He loves us now, in our deepest sins. If what we are, if what we've become is really ok, why would He go to such radical extremes to fix it? After He has given everything to accept and save you as you are. Then it is no longer OK to say, "He should accept me as I am, or else!" Because to do so at that point spits in the Face of Who He Is; destroys what He created us to be; erases the entire purpose of his death; of the entire Gospel. You are literally telling Him the exact thing you claimed was unfair, "That He had better change who He is, or we won't love Him." This is the exact thought process/rebellion which will force Him to end this world. "I know better. I want what I want. I don't trust your Wisdom or love. This is my life, not Yours." Can you really hear your own words and not see the pure rebellion in them? Can you not count the “I’s” and “my’s” in those statements? Romans 8:7. To truly love Him is to see the beauty of what He is; of how He loves in ways we cannot without Him. It is to trust His wisdom in what we don't understand or agree with, and to want what He is more than you want to hold onto what you are. When we say that anger, unforgiveness, lust, homosexuality, greed are just normal, and natural—it is who we are—because we have a fallen nature. We all have sinful traits that are part of who we are and how we feel. But that does not mean it is who we were made to be. That doesn't mean it is what is best or right, or what would make us happiest. It simply proves His word is right and that apart from Him, we have no good in us. And just as He became all that we were, even in the worst of our sins because He loves us, we are called In our love for Him, our trust in Him to become all that He is in return. It cost Him everything to become what we were; it should cost you and I no less. It’s supposed to cost everything—our lives given to Him. His love did make Him accept us where we were; our love should make us accept Him where He is. It is our turn to do the same in our sacrifice for Him. Otherwise, we have never really learned to trust Him; never really accepted Him for who He is; never really wanted Him close at any cost to self; never forsaken our lives for Him, as He did for us. 1 John 3:5-10: this Scripture makes it crystal clear that anyone who changes or twists Scriptures to justify their continued practice of sins; anyone who says God had better accept their sin; anyone claiming a Christ and purposefully living in sin is not a child of God. It's not because He doesn't want you, but because you do not want Him. Some of you have claimed to know Christ for years. Heard sermons like this—maybe from me—for years, and you continue to choose your own way. You still have no desire to show God that you love Him and trust Him by the way you live your life. And some of you are way more interested in justifying and proving you ways are OK than in showing your trust and devotion to Him. Here is the "proper perspective" for where we are—on God's Map. We are living in one of the most rebellious and selfish times of our country's history—of the world's history. If you cannot see this, you are completely blinded by Satan himself. And many of us have bought into the ways around us; loved them more; trusted them more, than God. Everything in God's Word says the next major Event on His calendar is the return of Jesus our King, to take His beloveds home and to punish all that is selfish, hurtful and rebellious once and for all; to finally destroy all of the sin He became a part of and suffered through with us, and died to erase. And it will break His heart if you are not with Him when He leaves this earth with His beloveds. But get this—He is God—we are not. This is His world, not ours. if we could just get in touch with reality long enough—get off our prideful throne long enough to realize the God who Created all of this—who created us—might just be smarter than you are; might just have a better plan than this world; might just be Worthy of your trust and obedience—and realize that His Love, His Salvation, at such a price as He paid are not a religious game; not something to take or leave when you feel like it; not something you can change to fit your desires and likings. He is a Loving, Merciful, Humble, Sacrificial God, but He is also a righteous, and a just God. And with that intense love for His own, and the need for justice comes a terrible and inescapable vengeance against those who choose to destroy what He has died to recapture for His loved ones—I am so afraid many in the sound of my voice will be caught in the next very close event on God's agenda—unprepared—because you tried to reshape an unbendable God; because you took His mercy and love as a weakness to be exploited. And instead of standing behind our vengeful, warrior King on that day, you will find yourself standing in front of Him. He is not a game; not a play toy; not a political figure to be used. He is a loving, jealous God who will not be denied or used. Romans 2:4-8. I am positive there are some hearing me now which are flirting with destruction in your own pride and selfishness right now. It is only His sacrifice that will save you, but He will only save those who truly want Him, not those who change Him, use Him, ignore Him. Make the decision to truly give your heart and life to Him once and for all. And love and trust Him above all. Let His blood truly wash and change you—whatever the cost—and you will finally find that pearl of great price. And then, you too, will soon hear that trumpet sound.
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