Stop for a moment... And as a Christian...Take a long, serious look at where we are right this minute! Your own children are being purposefully taught…Extreme views of sin... Which are against our God... Our core beliefs...Being taught against your own will...And any resistance to that is being labeled extremism...Even terrorism! Drag Queens are reading to our children in schools...But Christian doctrines and beliefs are excluded...Because they are against the interests and views of institutions! Crime, drugs and violence on the streets...Are literally making life in many cities unlivable...While we work to remove even more order and protection...And we produce laws which make life easier for offenders! Minors... Not capable of making the simplest life decisions...By our own established laws...
Are being coaxed, and led...Into physically mutilating their own bodies in such a way...As to forever remove their ability to function...Sexually and biologically as a man or woman forever... All before they have any true understanding of life...Often, completely without knowledge or even consent of the parents! Compare to an enemy who forcefully took your child…And castrated or removed their breasts in front of you! WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE?! The very Truths of Love…Which we base our life & existence upon...Are being labeled and challenged as…Racist, misogynistic & hateful! With more and more legal, & even physical opposition rising! Churches which once stood…As beacons of Light, Hope and Direction...Have become cesspools of lies and doubts about Christ...And some of the main encouragers of sin... Deceptively in the Name of Jesus and His Own Word! In just a few short years... EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! We stand dumbfounded and motionless...As our entire world is being completely undone around us! What’s so amazing is... That many Christians... Most Christians…Have the mentality of: "Well, it's not my right to force my beliefs on others... This is a free country."…And you are absolutely right! It IS a FREE country! So we DO have the right to at least...Hold to... And speak of... Our own beliefs in life! Just as anyone else so brazenly does! We DO have the right…To teach and protect our own children...In our ways and beliefs!...And we DO HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY... To love and proclaim to a lost generation... What we KNOW will be their only hope!...Regardless of ANY governmental or social opposition! Many others hold to the view of: "Well, That's just the way God said it would be in these last days... There's really nothing we can do...So let's just go home, hunker down... And wait for the King to Return!" I HAVE TWO BIG PROBLEMS WITH THAT!!! ONE: Nowhere... In God's Written Word...Are we told to run away...While the world destroys itself in sin and misery!!...Nowhere are we told... To allow Satan to overtake and control our children...Our families...While we simply hide in a hole... And protect ourselves! We aren’t called to sit home and cry over Fox News…While the world dies!! TWO: And the second, most glaring problem with that view is...We are not simply watching a battle…In another country or town...Which we can shy away from...Remain uninvolved in... And hide in the comforts of our own home like a coward! We have been BESIEGED in our OWN city!!! It is our own HOME that is under attack! There IS NO running home to safety and hiding out! IT IS THE BATTLE FOR OUR VERY HOME THAT IS RAGING!!! Just as we have been recently reading about in 1 Samuel on Wednesday nights ... 1 Samuel 11:1-3 (ESV) 1 Then Nahash the Ammonite went up and besieged Jabesh-gilead, and all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, “Make a treaty with us, and we will serve you.” 2 But Nahash the Ammonite said to them, “On this condition I will make a treaty with you, that I gouge out all your right eyes, and thus bring disgrace on all Israel.” 3 The elders of Jabesh said to him, “Give us seven days’ respite that we may send messengers through all the territory of Israel. Then, if there is no one to save us, we will give ourselves up to you.” The enemy left only TWO options: Surrender! And be blinded, handicapped... And enslaved! Or DIE!...There was nowhere left to hide out...Just as the people of Jabesh-gilead! OUR ENEMY TODAY… LEAVES US WITH ONLY TWO OPTIONS: RESIST WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT TO THE END... OR SIGN A TREATY OF SURRENDER WITH THE ENEMY!...AND BE OVERTAKEN! BE RAVAGED! …BE BLINDED! BE ENSLAVED! DO… YOU… GET… THAT? THERE IS NOWHERE IN WHICH TO RETREAT! THERE IS NO TOMORROW! JOIN THE ENEMY... OR FIGHT! Why We Fight!...And listen to this... Even IF the situation was NOT so intense and dire for US...We HAVE to FINALLY grasp the REALITY OF THIS LIFE!...You and I exist... Along with everything around us...In this very moment... Because we are part of HIS Precious & Loved Creation!...Because He Created us for a life with Him...Which is so much more than this world has robbed us of! He... King & Creator... Has Forsaken everything... To literally Die for us in His Wild and Crazy Love! No one... I mean NO ONE...Loves you with more Passion and Sincerity!...And millions of His Beloved Creations... Are kept ignorant and broken in Satan's lies! He Calls on you and I...To SHARE in His Love and Sacrifice...To REACH THEM!...IF ALL OF THIS REALLY IS TRUTH...If HE alone is our reason for existence...If He Chooses and Calls US…To show Him that WE share in His Love for others...If ALL OF THIS world is soon to be gone... And will never matter one iota, ever again...THEN WHAT ELSE MATTERS…FOR THE REST OF THIS LIFE? WHERE ELSE SHOULD YOU FOCUS YOUR WORK? WHY DOES ANYTHING KEEP YOU FROM HIS WORK? Take The Test! Similarly… In another time when the Israelites were being…Completely oppressed and controlled… By the Midianites...Again… It was NOT GOD…That was unwilling or unable to free them!...But that no one had courage to be used of God to do so!...Because God Works THROUGH His people! Then God Called on a simple, common man... Named Gideon!...And God used Gideon to raise up a resistance...To those who had invaded and oppressed their land. There were TWO simple test...That God used to weed out those unworthy & unwilling to fight! I promise you... This Biblical Story is the timeless example...Of what God Needs from us today! Listen... And truly ask yourself if YOU are qualified! TEST #1: Judges 7:3 (ESV) Now therefore proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, ‘Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him return home and hurry away from Mount Gilead.’” Then 22,000 of the people returned, and 10,000 remained. God Said that every person who was more concerned…For their own lives and welfare... Than fighting for His Truth and His people... Or in continuing to worship their God...And keep their family in Faith!...Should HURRY AWAY from the battle!...And TWO-THIRDS of them hurriedly left!...Think it would be any different today?...So many people will quickly... Almost defensively say..."That's not me... I'm not scared of anything... I'm ready! But that is simply not true... Many ARE SCARED! Scared to lose one minute of their packed agendas…And their all important me-time...To even come to church regularly... Much less actually LOOK for ways...God might to willing to use them! Scared to SPEAK to anyone about what Jesus has done for them... (Newsflash… That kind of the only way they know!) Romans 10:14 (ESV) How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? Test #2: We are scared to defend the clear reasons…Of why Jesus' Ways DO represent true love & wisdom...Scared to show love and genuine interest...In those who don't hold your beliefs or righteous living! Scared to say no to living like the world...The truth is... MANY have more fear in the cost of resistance...Than they have of the encroaching oppression!...And as long as THAT is the mentality…Of the majority of Christians...There is no other way... No other hope...In turning this nation around. Judges 7:5-7 (ESV) 5 So he brought the people down to the water. And the LORD said to Gideon, “Every one who laps the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set by himself. Likewise, every one who kneels down to drink.” 6 And the number of those who lapped, putting their hands to their mouths, was 300 men, but all the rest of the people knelt down to drink water. 7 And the LORD said to Gideon, “With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home.” This seemingly strange and totally unrelated test...Was actually one of the most telling of all!...As it revealed... In the unconscious actions of each man...Their innermost drive and mindset!...Did they think only of their own thirst and desire...Oblivious to the dangers all around them and others? Trusting and relying on those around them for safety...As they focused on their own needs?! DID THEY TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES… TO BE EVER VIGILANTE? AND AWARE OF THE THREATS AROUND THEM? TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES…TO BE THE PROTECTOR AND WATCHMAN…FOR EVERYONE ELSE'S SAFETY?...EVEN WHEN IT ENCROACHED…ON THEIR OWN NEEDS AND COMFORT? Now... Test yourself... With what you know of your own heart! Do you take it upon yourself to spiritually guard those you love? Do you keep watch for how the enemy has crept into your lives? Do you assure that you are attending church as a family? Growing in His Word? Following that Word? Do you make sure to reach others in distress or sin? Do you purposefully find out what your children are learning? Are exposed to? Have access to in this social media age? Do you even pray about…What God would have you to doing for His Kingdom? Do you expect others to be dedicated and vigilante? STOP TURNING THIS WAR AGAINST SATAN INTO... A political playing field of conservatives and liberals! Or a mark of patriotism or national pride! Or even a religious war of believers and nonbelievers! IT IS NONE OF THOSE THINGS!!AND NONE OF THOSE ARENAS IS WHERE WE WILL WIN! THIS… IS HOW WE FIGHT AND WIN...IT IS THROUGH REAL, GENUINE, INTERESTED LOVE...FOR REAL, BROKEN, FALLEN, HATING, BACKWARDS PEOPLE... INVOLVING YOUR REAL, ACTUAL LIFE... AND NOT JUST TALK, FLUFF AND THEOLOGY! IT’S REAL SACRIFICE AND SERVING...REAL CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS...REAL INVITATIONS TO YOUR HOME OR OUR CHURCH! Do you have any idea how many people...Are completely open and ready…To see the REAL PICTURE OF JESUS?...Are completely ready to know the Real Him?...Are completely ready to try a better way?...Are completely overwhelmed…With a desire to feel wanted & loved? Mankind’s innermost need…Hasn’t changed in all this mess! THEY STILL HAVE THE GOD-CREATED NEED…FOR HIS LOVE & WORTH! BUT NO ONE WANTS TO FIGHT THE BATTLE! Because they are scared... Like in Gideon's time!...Or looking out only for themselves... Like in Gideon's time! Get this fact: If you are contented...To live in the world's ways... Comfortably…Be lukewarm in your walk with the God Who Died for you...Come to church occasionally... As a burden...Let your children, family and friends...Be swallowed by the world...Watch people struggle all around you... Without offering Truth or Hope! Guard your precious time and resources...Over His Kingdom Work...Live to the day you die with a BIG ZERO beside your name...For those you have helped into the Kingdom! Stay totally oblivious and uninterested in...What your children, friends and family...Are being taught and influenced by...YOU... Have already made a Treaty...With those who are BESIEGING OUR OWN HOUSE!!! You have already been blinded in one eye! Already humiliated into submission and slavery! You just aren't willing to face it!...Because you are more content in that slavery...Than in risking the battle! You cannot change a nation... If you can't change a family! You cannot change a family... If you can't change yourself! You cannot change yourself... If you cannot surrender to God's Power and Love! And believe His Truth over man's wisdom! And recognize just how much you are loved!! You and I have to GENUINELY change our minds... As Gideon did!...And decide WE ARE THE ONE'S GOD CAN USE! Then ask God to give us the love, faith, courage…And opportunity...To compassionately reach others...To vigilantly protect & sway family & friends from the world...To live life on purpose... With a passion... For His Kingdom! When David was a young, insignificant lad...But already anointed to be God's man! He saw the threats from the enemy...The ridicule of the enemy...The loss his people were about to endure...And the blasphemy against his God!...And although no one saw HIM… As the ONE... Responsible for stepping up!...No one even saw HIM…As ONE capable of making a difference! David stood in the GAP! With furious indignation...For an enemy who would dare to hurt God's Glory! 1 Samuel 17:26 (NKJV) 26 Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, "What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?" David showed WHY…He was confident to take on the Battle! 1 Samuel 17:45-48 (NKJV) 45 Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD'S, and He will give you into our hands." 48 So it was, when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, that David hastened and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. David took the burden upon himself... For God's Glory! David didn't just say, "I'm available..." He said, "Here I Come!" And David... RAN TOWARDS THE BATTLE! I AM HOPEFUL THST JESUS COMES TOMORROW! BUT IT’S NOT OUR RIGHT TO KNOW… OR ASSUME!! What if He has Plans for this to awaken us to a last revival!? WE ARE NO LONGER JUST FIGHTING...FOR LOST THIRD-WORLD COUNTRIES!...OR FOR BIGGER CHURCHES...OR RECOGNITION IN OUR MINISTRIES!...OR FOR BIGGER BLESSINGS IN OUR COZY RECLINERS! WE ARE FIGHTING FOR…OUR VERY FUTURE & EXISTENCE...AND OUR HOMES ARE BESIEGED! THERE IS NOWHERE LEFT TO RUN! UNLESS… WE RUN TO THE BATTLE!
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