Our culture has bombarded us in recent years with the idea that, "gender" is something that has no bearing on a person beyond the reproductive differences’ that men and women are exactly the same, and any differences between the two are simply, "culturally formed"; that we should stop raising children with roles or expectations which are gender specific, because we are fueling this, "difference in gender" myth; that we are somehow doing children a disfavor when we try to help them recognize and grow into their gender identity. There are two reasons these statements truly infuriate me today: 1) Out of fear of inequality today, these ideas are being pushed on the public, with absolutely overwhelming, indisputable proof for the contrary 2) We are willing to overlook all of the evidence, and the provable negative effect it has on our children and society, and continue to teach and train identical roles for gender, knowing that in doing so, we confuse and harm our children, we weaken our society, and we dishonor our Eternal, All-knowing Creator Who designed us magnificently with purpose—to become one, together. Of all the things we've discussed thus far, this is the most damaging to individuals and society, and unfortunately, the biggest lie that has been culturally accepted as common fact. The secular experts of the world emphatically disprove everything that, "political correctness" tries to mislead us with. Simple, commonly known, scientifically provable statement disproves so much of the propaganda being deceitfully spread, and pushes an entire culture towards teaching, and accepting lies that massively affect us as individuals and a nation. We think, feel, process, and act inherently differently based solely upon our gender. To choose to live a gender other than your birth gender, is to choose to be a second rate anything else because you’re not equipped to do so. Experts proclaim these differences need to be recognized and included in parenting, educating, and supporting children. (Difference Between Male and Female Structures, Heidi Miller, LDN) (Some differences: men are taller and heavier; women are more sensitive to sound; men on average are 30% stronger, with notable increases in endurance; men have larger hearts and lungs; men’s skin has more collagen and sebum, making it thicker and oilier; women have greater body fat; their brains are different in size, shape, connectivity to the body and in oxygen supply to different areas; men have better depth perception and distance vision; women have better night vision and visual memory.) These differences should be incorporated into everyday of our lives, by way of interaction, training, educating, and living; the world is lying when it says men and women are not needed to create a balanced and proper relationship or to raise children most effectively; these very real differences affect our self-view, our cultural view, and our view of God because God created us differently for at least two very big reasons: Matthew 19:4-6: 1) so that we could complement one another (in need and reliance) and become one together 2) Genesis 1:27, Genesis 5:1-2: to glorify and represent God—only our combined traits can properly show the likeness of God. Gender is one of the most beautiful gifts that God has given to us that makes us need one another, makes us appreciate, and admire one another, that makes us desire one another, that makes us a mystery to be discover by one another, and it has been destroyed through our blind, biased, politically correct society--that is why we need to talk about it in church.
Our culture, in its rebellion and pride, has removed God's plan so completely, that to even discuss it today, brings immediate fear and resentment by many. But that fear and resentment are based upon ignorance of God's intent or shear desire to reject Him; and almost all of it, stems back to this single principle: Ephesians 5:22-25. God's Plan is awesome, and irreplaceable when understood clearly without bias or selfishness. First of all, is Jesus inferior to God the Father? Philippians 2:5-6: to say that would be blasphemy; and it would take away everything Jesus was able to do on the cross, when God became a Man to die for our sins. So—if they are equal how do we explain: John 10:17-18, John 6:38-39, John 4:34, 1 Corinthians 3:23, 1 Corinthians 11:3: Clearly Jesus is in subjection to the Father, as is the Holy Spirit, but He is absolutely equal to the Father, as is the Spirit: we can see the foundation for why God says wives should be in subjection to husbands. 1) we were designed to come together as one, just as the Father and Jesus; the harmony, the order, the direction, the purpose in the Trinity all become beautiful, powerful, possible because of submission to One purpose and will. 2) submission to one purpose and will (giving yourself to serve another) is only possible when you know that person’ every motive is to love and care for you; this relationship is the ultimate expression of unity, trust and love from both parties. Our inability to commit ourselves on both sides to this relationship has cultivated competition rather than compliment, struggle rather than harmony and peace, spite and contention rather than growth in love and trust, pride rather than humbleness. In submitting, yes, but also, and especially, in giving of one's self completely to care for another "As Christ loved the church." Joining in submission and unity to someone's will does not make us unequal, less important, less appreciated, or less capable—it makes us more of everything, as we work together to accomplish so much more, with so much more fellowship and joy; but it all must center around humility and serving others above self, which has been lost by this society. God has a plan that we see, and know, works everywhere in creation, but a plan that we are systematically doing away with in our society through rebellion against supervision, authority and relationships; it has destroyed our homes by causing conflict rather than unity, competition over teamwork and appreciation, rebellion of our youth at home and in society; yet our pride and political correctness cause us to continue in a system that has begun our downfall and brought more unhappiness than contentment to those promised by the lies. Women, your role is that of Jesus Christ, in His role to the Father: give your life to the direction of your husband, humbly work together in one direction, with one voice, and one purpose, showing beauty in your softness, and trust: 1 Peter 3:3-4: It has nothing to do with equality, or ability, or respect if you respond as God directs, towards a man that truly loves you, your equality, ability, and respect will be treasured more than ever in your support of him. Men, your role is that of Jesus Christ to the church: to understand this authority is given as a grave responsibility, not a right; to understand that you are to live sacrificially for your wife, meaning every decision and act is for her well-being over your own; meaning you see her incredible worth, skill and ability over your own in many areas, and you invite her to use those gifts; meaning you understand she comes first, and you live to protect, grow, and care for her. Ephesians 5:32-33: God perfectly spoke what we have finally proven 2000 years later through modern psychology. A woman's most basic desire is to be cherished and loved; a man's most basic desire is to be respected and needed. Based on God's Word and modern studies, women, show your love by giving him what he needs—respect and trust to care for you; submissively. And men, show your love by giving her what she needs—to be cherished above all, to center your life around her, and to love her deeply. This is how we become peanut butter and jelly (totally different, totally great together; complimenting and working in unity and peace; teaching our children humility, selflessness, worth, and submission to authority; joining to complete each other in your faults and inadequacies, rather than attack, belittle and control in your pride and insecurity; living the beauty of true unity, as the Father and Son exemplify—as God). Fight the world's notion of, "gender sameness" with all you have inside you, knowing it's based on absolute untruth; knowing it takes away your unique design and worth, and relish in our differences that make us equal but special, and mysterious, and needed by one another. This is God’s Plan. It is not a request, not an option—you just have to choose whether you trust Him today; whether you want to obey Him today.
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