Homosexuality, Transgenderism, gender-fluency—these subjects have become the central focus, affecting every area of social and religious life in recent days, creating a whirlwind of changes within politics, laws, social etiquette, entertainment, education and even military recruitment and training. For many Christians who cannot agree with these issues—no matter the love and acceptance of the people that are involved in them—anger, exclusion and attempts to silence opinions—have become more and more common. There has been much hatred, prejudice and improper behavior on both sides of this issue that to continue in society, the Church must soon be compromised or crushed. As we address this issue head on today, my most difficult task will be in getting many to simply, truly listen to this message in its entirety before disregarding or disagreeing with what you hear. If you are not a Christian, I cannot dictate your beliefs based upon my morality any more than a Muslim, Hindu or Atheist could dictate mine—because your world-view is different. I understand this, but I do challenge you to listen to the end, because there is more to consider than just "religious beliefs" when addressing these issues. Your emotional, mental, even physical well being are deeply connected to these issues as well, based upon strong, but often unspoken information. It’s not just about homosexuality, but a God Who adores you, just as you are today, and you just might discover the truth that this is not just about homosexuality, but that there is a Savior Who adores you even right where you are now, regardless of whether He accepts your actions. If you do claim to be a Christian and yet embrace these issues as right—you, more than anyone—need to hear this information because there are many misrepresentations of God's Word on this subject today; because there is so much ignorance of what Scriptures say today about real love, judgment, and sin. If you have embraced these lifestyles yet claim to be, or want to be a true follower of Christ or you just don't know what to believe about this issue, the question is not “Who agrees with me?” or “Am I in the majority?”, because it doesn't matter if the entire world emphatically embraces your life choices—there is only One Who matters, and you cannot change Him by changing His Word or finding the right church to agree with your view. He loves you just as you are, whether messed up Christians show you that love or not. He loves you enough to have His body and Soul tortured and die naked on a tree so He won't lose you. The question is this: "Do you love Him enough to accept Him as He is?" "Do you trust that He is wiser and more Loving than any of us?" "Do you love Him enough to sacrifice for Him as He did for you?” If not, you don't really have a true love for Him anyway—you want security and blessing—in your own way. With an open mind, listen as we study this hot topic together and be ready to accept what Christ truly says and no one else. We are going to take a slightly different approach to this topic. Rather than try to make my own argument, lets reverse the discussion and look at the best arguments of the opposition, showing why they are not only Biblically unsound, but often logically unsound as well.
First, we will address the so-called "Scriptural" arguments that are supposed to defend this lifestyle. Maybe the most popular argument being that Christians are "hypocritical" for calling homosexuality wrong Scripturally. It is seen in movies, TV series, and talk shows alike, and it goes like this: You quote OT Passages that say homosexuality is wrong (Leviticus 20:13), yet, these same Passages say mixed clothing fabric, planting mixed crops, eating pork and shrimp are all wrong too—do you follow these Verses? Leviticus 19:19; Leviticus 11:12: How about the one which says the adulterer must be put to death? (Lev. 20:10) Sounds like you are picking and choosing what you want. Listen carefully: The answer: first of all, you obviously are a "Cherry Picker" too. Because you are choosing to use select Verses of Scriptures which say judging others and being hypocritical are wrong, yet you have disregarded many other verses in your beliefs as well. It would seem we are all "cherry pickers!" But here is the difference: what appears to the unstudied Bible reader to be random cherry picking and abuse of the Word—is in actuality picking and choosing—based upon true understanding and division of the Word as it is written and meant to be followed, rather than picking and choosing to get what I want from the Text—which is what someone using this argument is actually doing. A true Bible student wanting Truth and not false evidence will know these Laws were given to a select group of Jews for the select time in which they were living. These Laws were designed to keep them from the very specific pagan religious practices surrounding them at the time, and they will know these Laws were broken into three sections: Moral, Religious and Civil—of which the Religious and Civil Laws dealt with that time and place—setting them apart from pagan rituals and creating social order. But Christ Came and replaced that Covenant of Law: Hebrews 8:13. But, these “Moral” Laws given at that time—which did not only deal with the pagan rituals or civil regulations—but had been timelessly represented in Scriptures long before the Mosaic Law was given in Leviticus, and long after those days had passed (NT) and are represented in Christ’s new Covenant as well. As in these NT verses pertaining to the Modern Church Age concerning Moral Laws that God will hold us accountable to follow—NT Apostles made it clear we were not under these Civil and Religious Laws represented in Leviticus anymore. But they made it equally clear we were to always strive to keep His timeless Moral Laws—which represent His heart; which represent True Love, His True Character; which represent His Order of Creation—and they repeated those laws numerous times after Christ came: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. In this passage: homosexual and sodomite: so what would seem to be "cherry picking" to a casual Bible reader is actually properly dividing and understanding the Word according to Christ. Another popular argument is that Jesus never talked about homosexuality. It goes something like this: "You quote these verses in the OT and NT about homosexuality, but Jesus never spoke directly about homosexuality Himself. How can you be so adamant about something Your Messiah never even mentioned?" The answer: First—it is not true that Jesus never spoke about homosexuality: Jesus clearly defines God's Plan for union in marriage and sexual relations: Matthew 19:4-6. Secondly, Jesus is part of the Godhead—three in One—Father, Son, Holy Spirit—Whom Jesus said several times are so completely One in every way, that "If you have seen Me, You have seen the Father.” If the Father says it, Jesus says it—period. Lastly and most powerfully: John 1:14. This Verse says that Jesus is the literal Word in flesh. If the Word speaks against homosexuality multiple times, it is Jesus Who said it because He is the Word. Therefore, Jesus spoke about homosexuality. The third argument is that NT writers [Paul] were not really addressing homosexuality, but was actually addressing the terrible practice of "Pederasty." In Ancient Rome of the 1st Century, in which he lived [which didn't involve two consensual adults, inferring that would have been OK to Paul] but the common Roman practice of adult Roman men using adolescent boys for sex (Psychology Today Report). Romans 1:26-27: If this was speaking of the male Roman practice of Pederasty, as many claim, why does Paul condemn the act of women with women? Or why he would use the description of "men" with "men" describing two adults, and why these actions were considered "Committing what is shameful?” Or why he would repeatedly call it "Leaving the natural use?” I've been told before, "If you only understood the Bible in It's original languages, you would see differently!” This Verse taken in context and in the original language, along with a number of other NT Verses, is even more crystal clear of its intended meaning. It is a Scripturally sound and clearly stated: homosexuality is absolutely a sin in God's eyes. Argument four: Love is Love. Another major argument today in the "Christian Realm" is this: "Well, love is love, no matter who it is between and God is a God of Love, so He would be accepting of this relationship." Here is the quick, easy and obvious answer to that statement: if you take anything seriously about God's Word and Love, tell me: can a man fall in love with another woman and leave his wife and kids for that woman in adultery? [Absolutely] But does God say that is acceptable? “Because come on, love is love, no matter who it's between.” (What about loving a 7yr old?) We can control to whom we surrender our hearts and desires. And besides this, if you are using God to make a case for true love, then: 1 Corinthians 13:4-6: real and true love, Scripturally defined towards God would never commit wrongdoings or immoral acts against Him and His Word. Towards the other person would never draw them into sin against God, hurting them terribly. So, in God's true definition of Biblical love—and compared to all other examples of Biblical Love in the Bible—the "Love is love, no matter who it's between" justification absolutely does not fly with Scriptures. Some types are forbidden because they are hurtful. Argument five: The one thing we hear proclaimed most—by media, educators, and even politicians—is "I was born this way." “How can you be unaccepting of who I am as a person? When God made me this way?” We hear numerous people stating that people are "born gay," and because they physically, biologically cannot help who they are, we are wrong to condemn the lifestyle. It is angering and heart-breaking that so many people make this statement as a seemingly "known fact". Almost no one even doubts the credibility of it—accepting it blindly. Do your research before you use this argument. In the largest "scientific" study ever conducted on this subject [Scientific, not Christian], 100 times larger than any previous—involving 1/2 million people published in SCIENCE MAGAZINE (2019) in an article entitled: "There Is No 'Gay Gene.' There Is No 'Straight Gene' Sexuality Is Just Complex." How many of you had completely accepted this myth as truth? Because so many have unfairly proclaimed it as justification? Homosexuality is not an immutable, genetic trait such as being Hispanic or Caucasian. There is no gene, pheromone, physical difference. This absolutely does not mean that people are being dishonest when they say, "It is who they are, or how they feel." As the report said, many factors weigh in—environment, psychological and mental health, experiences, self-esteem, abuse—all play a factor. Because of these same kinds of factors; these same predispositions—other people become—by their adopted nature, often subconsciously—prone to anger, fear, violence, promiscuity, pedophilia, abusive behavior. This does not mean it is how they have to be or should be, or that they are happier that way, or that it is not detrimental to them in some other way. The American Psychiatric Association and the New York State Department of Health give the following information for Homosexual and Bisexual lifestyles: Prone to higher mood/anxiety disorders, have increased depression and suicide (up to 21), are more likely to develop eating disorders, are more likely substance abusers (alcohol/drugs/tobacco); have higher rates of HIV/AIDS, have higher risk of Hepatitis, have higher risk of other STD's, have higher risk of Prostate, Testicular and Colon Cancer, currently have a higher risk of Monkey Pox, LGBTQ+ have a shorter life expectancy. If any other lifestyle caused this many psychological and physical risks, would we be promoting and celebrating it? Would we be saying, "You don't love them..." because you are discouraging them from that lifestyle? These are the known risks of a lifestyle that is being socially and politically promoted across the country for the sake of political correctness. Over 200 years ago Scriptures addressed even this fact: Romans 1:27. We are equally guilty. Anyone who accepts the reality of Jesus Christ must accept this Scriptural fact: homosexuality is a sin in the Eyes of God. Any professing Christian who says otherwise to those who practice this lifestyle is misrepresenting Scriptures and committing a terrible injustice to God and that person. We must understand this truth as well: homosexuality is a sin, just like many other sins. We all have things that have become part of who we are, which God says should not be there, because we live in a fallen and broken world. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: God will not overlook these sins either just because they may have become a part of who we are. We are all equally sinful and equally in need of a Savior—that is the Gospel message. No sinner is less deserving, but neither is any sinner exempt because their sin is politically correct. Whatever a person's sexual orientation, we are all deserving of acceptance, love, honor and affection. We are all in need of the Blood of Christ Who died to save our souls, which are so precious to Him. After Paul gave this long list of sins which will separate us from God, He ends the Passage with these words: 1 Corinthians 6:11. If you are in the lifestyle of homosexuality, I have the same love and acceptance for you—as for any other soul on this planet. That means I love you enough to tell you—as I would tell every other soul on this planet: "You are a sinner, in need of repentance, and the Blood of Jesus Christ"—just like me and anyone else who wants Him. Turn from your sins [we all need boundaries outside ourselves]—just like He asks of me and every other sinner to do. Because the big question you will one day be asked is “What did you do with Jesus?” Because the problem is not homosexuality, but in revealing one more selfish sin that is showing we want “me” more than Christ which the world is glamorizing. He gave up everything for us; He changed everything for us. He loves accepts you and I just as we are in our sins, no matter the label of that sin. But He Loves us too much to leave us in our sins. The question is: do we love Him enough to accept Him just as He is; to trust His ways and go where He leads? He has always Loved you even more than His Own Life—will you love Him the same way? Romans 5:8. The often misrepresented phrase is true: love truly does win in the end!
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