It is unmistakable that in the last several years our world has changed in a number of ways which we never would have predicted or believed possible beforehand. We have experienced: 1) a global pandemic which has taken millions of lives and completely altered how we live, play and work 2) shortages in our supply chains which are altering prices and creating needs in every area of life 3) division, hatred and societal unrest which has not been experienced in our lifetimes, threatening to tear our nation apart 4) military aggression and threat of global conflict unparalleled since WWII (Ukraine) 5) a complete shifting of the foundational values and beliefs which have governed our nation for many generations. Christian or not, there is an unmistakable realization that the world has crossed into an era of change and even crisis. In world order and in our personal lifestyles from what we have been accustomed for some time, it truly seems as though everyone can sense that we are in a time of significant change worldwide. The big questions for many Christians are: "What do these changes mean prophetically? Are they significant? Predicted? Could it mean we are in the Last Days before Christ's Return?” Every generation since the time of Christ has wondered if they were the Last Generation. Every generation has seen evil rulers, wars, and great events which they saw as "Latter Days" signs. Why are the events of our day any different? How can we be confident that we truly are in the Last Days when so many were wrong in the past? [Same as always]. You would be 100% justified and wisdom-filled to ask such questions. If you didn't ask these questions, I'd say you were simply following others blindly and simply looking for assurance in your faith as many people of many beliefs do as well. But my prayer today is that when you see the clear, undeniable Truths which we will present just this morning. You will use the same objective wisdom-filled judgment in discerning the times and condition of this world as compared to God's very exact and descriptive predictions of the world stage just before His Return. Because this Book is different than any other "Holy Book." With over 1/3 of its content being packed with prophetic statements of specific and verifiable material which can be used to prove or disprove its authorship as divine or fake. And after thousands of years, and over 2000 instances of uncontrollable, absolutely astounding prophecies coming to pass in exact manner, the only logical and intelligent decision is to anticipate the same accuracy for current and future events: 2 Peter 3:3-18. In order to see the broad wealth of information to consider, we will only touch on a number of topics and events rather than go deeply into each as we have in the past. I ask you to consciously realize three things as we continue 1) the undeniable Truth of the information you will see 2) the objective realization of what that means for our lives 3) what course of action you should take in light of this information.
The first and most important question we need to consider today is “Why should we truly believe these are the Last Days when so many people have thought the same thing in the past?" Anyone who said they thought we were in the Last Days before this one explicit sign from God, did not understand His Promises and anyone who disbelieves after this one explicit sign either lacks knowledge, is in denial or is deceptive. Listen closely to these verses: Joel 3:1-2; Ezekiel 38:8; Matthew 24:32-34. Israel is always a ‘Fig Tree’—those who see the beginnings of these things, sees the end. So the big question is “How long is a generation?” Let Scriptures interpret Scriptures: Psalm 90:10: a generation is between 70 and 80 years. On May 14th of this year, Israel celebrated its 74th year as a Nation. Israel is God's centerpiece—His time clock. Every prophecy of the Last Days involves Israel: attacks on them, Antichrist goes there, Jesus Return there. The Last Days could not start before Israel was home. Verse after verse says when Israel does return, those are the last days—the final generation. That is why no other generation could have been the last; that is why our generation absolutely appears to be the one. And this one major event is but one piece of an elaborate picture given through many prophecies, telling almost every detail about this last generation. Details in such exactness and number, they defy any possibility of chance or accident. For sake of time today, we will walk swiftly through many of them so that we might take in the big picture. 1) The reaction of the world when Israel is reborn against all odds: Zechariah 12:2-3. Could there be a more accurate description of the Middle East today? Every nation surrounding Israel is determined for her destruction. The United Nations shows incredible hostility towards Israel in the number of resolutions passed against it compared to any other nation. In the current 76th session of the UN General Assembly (2021-2022), there will likely be 5 Resolutions about human rights against all other nations of the world combined (Including nations of Iran, China, North Korea, Syria, etc.), and 14 human rights resolutions against Israel alone. Israel-Palestinian relations have caused grief to the entire world, even the U.S., Israel's greatest ally of the past has begun siding against her more and more. Daniel 9 say the Antichrist will win favor from the world in his early appearance of the Last Days by bringing a Peace Treaty between Israel and surrounding nations. This scenario was written about over 2500 years ago—could there be a more accurate scenario written yesterday? 2) The Alignment of the Nations. Here is where things get very interesting in light of our current headlines in the world. Here is a series of current facts about our world’s stage today: Russia has shown itself to be an aggressive and unpredictable nation recently; sanctioned by much of the world, bringing great economic hardship and financial desperation; it has just recently reentered a 10 billion dollar deal to assist in building nuclear power plants in Iran, helping Russia against sanctions and strengthening ties with Iran even more, and reportedly selling Sukhoi-5 fighter jets and S-400 missile systems to Iran as well. Iran is the ring-leader of the Middle Eastern Islamic world today and the biggest, most powerful enemy of Israel today—promising on multiple occasions to destroy Israel completely. The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had this to say to the Muslim nations of the Middle East about Israel: “Any other solution is fruitless and infertile... As I‘ve said before, if Muslims & Palestinians unite & all fight, the Zionist regime will not be in existence in 25 years.” “Our stance against Israel is the same stance we have always taken... Israel is a malignant cancerous tumor in the West Asian region that has to be removed and eradicated: it is possible and it will happen.” "For Iran, the Palestinian cause is not a tactical issue, nor is it a 'political' strategy. It's an issue of beliefs, an issue of the heart and an issue of faith." Russia has strong ties with Iran and now has a large military presence in the Middle East—especially in Syria, just north of Israel; Russia has a strong influence over—and much military support for many Middle Eastern and North African nations today; Russia's move against Ukraine has rallied many of the Eastern European Nations and some Middle Eastern nations to rethink and potentially reform a new alliance in order to prevent further aggressions. In his address to Congress on March 16, 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky made the following plea: "The war(s) of the past have prompted our predecessors to create institutions that should protect us from war, but they unfortunately don’t work. We see it, you see it, so we need new ones, new institutions, new alliances and we offer them. We propose to create an association U-24 united for peace, a union of responsible countries that have the strength and consciousness to stop conflicts immediately, provide all the necessary assistance in 24 hours, if necessary, even weapons if necessary, sanctions, humanitarian support, political support, finances, everything you need to keep the peace and quickly save the world, save lives. In addition, such association, such union would provide assistance to those who are experiencing natural disasters, man-made disasters, who fell victims to humanitarian crisis or epidemic. Remember how difficult it was for the world to do the simplest things, just to give vaccines, vaccines against Covid to save lives, to prevent new strains. The world spent months, years doing things like that much faster, to make sure there are no human losses, no victims." I’m not saying Zelensky is the Antichrist—I’m simply saying the world is seeing a desire for a union. And the United States has recently lost much respect and trust in Europe and the Middle East, and is no longer viewed by many as the leader and protector that is has been for so many years. With all of this current information about the world stage of nations, let’s compare it to Scriptures about the Last Days: Ezekiel 38:1-9. This 2600yr old Passage tells of an alliance led by Gog, leader of Magog, Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal—which by geographic location is the uttermost North is Moscow as told in Ezekiel, and descendants Magog/Scythians/Russians (cities- Meshech and Tubal) is unmistakably modern day Russia—and Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, the house of Togarmah, and "many peoples with you". The primary country listed in alliance with Russia in this war against Israel is Persia (or modern day Iran since 1935). Ethiopia represents ancient Ethiopia and the area of Sudan. Libya still represents Libya today. Gomer and Togarmah represent modern-day Turkey and possibly Eastern European countries. Every nation listed in this passage is receiving military aid, intelligence and/or training from Russia today. The "Many peoples with you..." could include a host of other Israel-hating countries from the Middle East as well. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Syria all have strengthening ties and/or military ventures with Russia. In summary, our current world stage has Israel surrounded and hated by its neighboring countries, rejected and left unaided by most of the remaining world (U.N.); bringing unrest to the nations, desperately in need of someone who can bring peace to the region. All foretold 2500 years before as happening in one generation. A powerful, aggressive, now desperate (and now cornered) Russia: "I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army...":Ezekiel 38:4. Allied with one of the only countries to give it sanction relief (Iran), the leader in the Middle East Islamic nations, and promised destroyer of Israel, giving military aid, weapons, training and developing relations with every nation listed over 2700 years ago, who just happen to despise Israel today as well; who are all Biblically foretold as joining in a unified effort to fight Israel, with a weakening, less trusted Leader of the free world (USA). The War in Ukraine posing a new recognized threat which has become the catalyst for Eastern European and Middle Eastern countries (countries which all happen to be located in the vicinity of the Old Roman Empire—exactly where a new ten nation confederacy is to arise in the Last Days) are showing great deal of interest and initiative in this recent threat to create a new alliance of nations for strength and safety—just as foretold in revelation over 2000 years ago: Daniel 2:40-44; Revelation 17:12-13. All of these things—describing alliances, powers, locations, and attitudes of every nation perfectly over 2000 years ago, and all described as happening in one generation, just as they are happening now, and that generation being specifically identified as the one which sees Israel return from captivity—after being exiled for many years until the last days on earth, describing a peace treaty and a war against Israel—which will occur just before or at the time of the rapture of the church and the beginning of the tribulation. We all see and feel the changes coming. The anticipation that something has begun. Stop ignoring what your heart is telling you. Stop standing in uncertainty and neutrality, because when the trumpet sounds and we are called Home before it all begins, there is no "neutral ground": 2 Peter 3:14-18.
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