Today we are here to explore and celebrate…The Awesome, God-Created, Powerful, Blessed, Precious…Role of Motherhood! Which according to the Plans & Purposes of Our Almighty God…And the very foundational truths of Biology...Can only be fulfilled... By a woman! Sad... That we actually have to clarify that... In a world that is supposed to be dictated to snd ruled by…Science and reason! In all reality... I do not think "Mother's Day" does the position justice...But... I guess its' just not convenient to say... "Asset Analyst, Investment Manager, President of Compliance and Control, Marketing Specialist, Supply Chain Director, President of Strategic Partnerships, Skills Development Master Trainer, Design Expert, Human Resources Consultant… DAY!" In grasping where we are in historical and social times...And applying that to what God's Word…Has to tell us about Motherhood...Never... Ever... In our Nation's History... In World History...Have we needed to draw a more...ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY BATTLE LINE... To protect all God has Given to us... And all He has Taught us about Love and Life in motherhood!
Our foundations are crumbling...God's people are misguided, miserable, angry...And suffering horrifically... Right before our eyes! Romans 1:21-22 (HCSB) 21 For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became nonsense, and their senseless minds were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools... If you are serious about living as God has Planned…In the world in which we find ourselves now...You are not only ridiculed anymore...But often considered radical, intolerant, oppressive...And downright dangerous to society! Haters! Don't think this is new... It was the ploy used in 2nd Century Rome...To promote loathing of Early Christians as well! Listen to a section of the writings by Cornelius Tacitus...A senator & historian of the Roman Empire! (56AD-120AD) Pay close attention to the attitude of society concerning these persecuted Christians! "44.2. Therefore, in order to abolish that rumor, Nero falsely accused and executed with the most exquisite punishments those people called Christians, who were infamous for their abominations. 44.3. The originator of the name, Christ, was executed as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius... 44.4. ...Therefore, first those were seized who admitted their faith, and then, using the information they provided, a vast multitude were convicted, not so much for the crime of burning the city, but for hatred of the human race... 44.5. ...Even though they were clearly guilty and merited being made the most recent example of the consequences of crime, people began to pity these sufferers... - The Annals, 15.44.2-5, (c. 116 CE) 1 Motherhood has become less of an honor...And more of a burden… To many in our culture. The tasking job of parenting today... To those who ARE sincerely devoted is extremely difficult! Between an economy that often requires 2 people to work...And the distaste brought towards anyone choosing to focus solely on loving and raising their family... And the stigma on anything hinting towards gender roles...And the ongoing battle to have any authority...About what your child learns...Or even what can be hidden from parents' knowledge...In a tax-supported education system...I sincerely honor and thank every mother... Who is trying to live their lives according to God's Words and Will! You are the quiet, humble heroes…Who are the driving force of God’s Kingdom!! No Mother's Day? On one of the most deserved days of honor we could possibly celebrate...Many in our culture today are even arguing...Whether it is RIGHT to celebrate "Mother's Day" anymore! Opting for it to be dismissed altogether...Or be renamed with titles such as "Nurturing Day", etc...The LGTBQ community gets an entire month...Can Mothers not get a single day? If you want to be recognized in equality…Then recognize others in that same equality! In a culture that has truly pushed God out almost entirely...I do not dislike or reject those who don't hold to what we know is true about our God and His Word. But there has to be a time and place...Where Our True God's Plans are made clear!! Along with the sound reasoning behind Them! Where TRUTH... KNOWN SCIENTIFIC TRUTH... Is still given to those who will listen... Maybe offering direction and stability... To some who have not heard it otherwise! We are hammered with the notion today... That men and women are equal in every way... And that differences are only culturally applied...Through oppression and societal norms!...And that after surgery and a number of hormone therapy treatments...One can truly become a member of the opposite sex... Thinking, feeling, acting, functioning as another gender...And the few seemingly fixed gender roles remaining...Such as giving birth and mothering...Have become challenged... Even rejected! For any Scripture accepting, Christ believing person...This is complete nonsense... And should be very alarming!...Because it is mocking and destroying everything God Created... Taking away the greatest honor and most challenging role...With which God has blessed half of humanity...Because it is destroying lives, families & society…Because it is completely unsupported by literal TRUTH! Why doesn't this fact bother anyone who is simply rational? Regardless of faith?! We will take a few moments to explore this literal truth...For a very powerful reason in the end... So stay tuned! Obviously we don't have to look very far to see…There are big differences in the way men and women…Are designed physically...But it is also equally obvious... To note the very real differences...In how we view life, solve problems, and communicate! The differences... Aren't so much challenged...As is the ORIGIN of these differences! With just a short delve into decades of research...Using the latest in technology of MRI, Cat Scans, Biochemistry, etc...These differences CAN and HAVE BEEN…Deeply investigated...To determine if these differences are real and distinctive...Or taught and chosen! The results are not only amazing... But very CONCLUSIVE! Let's take a look at God's design! Starting from most obvious...Physical & Hormonal Differences: Men are taller, heavier and hairier! Women are more sensitive to sound... 2 Men are physically over 30% stronger... 2 Men have larger hearts & lungs... And their higher testosterone produces more red blood cells for oxygen! (A man jogging at 50% capacity would require an equally fit woman to use 70% capacity) 2 Women have larger stomachs, kidneys, liver, thyroid and appendix. 2 Men have thicker and oiler skin 2 Woman have higher body fat, giving more beautiful and soft skin! 2 Men and women have different levels of certain hormones effecting a complex list of behaviors, emotions, and functions! 2 Women have menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation... Influencing behavior and feelings significantly. Men have better depth perception, distance vision, and lighted vision. 2 Women generally have better night vision, better vision at the red end of the spectrum, and better visual memory. 2 When women say, "Smell this!"…It is usually something they want you to smell that is actually nice! In labor, the pain is so great for a woman... Women have on average, lower blood pressure and higher heart rates. Men and women differ in EVERY SINGLE CELL of their bodies because they carry different chromosomal patterns! Now... Many will say that many of these traits and emotions…Can be altered with hormone replacement... Here is where it gets very interesting...Look at the physical, unalterable differences…EVEN IN OUR BRAINS! "It’s no secret that boys and girls are different—very different. The differences between genders, however, extend beyond what the eye can see. Research reveals major distinguishers between male and female brains. Scientists generally study four primary areas of difference in male and female brains: processing, chemistry, structure, and activity. The differences between male and female brains in these areas show up all over the world," 3 - Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D, Hope For Relationships, Psychology Today Some argue that these differences we are about to explore...Are caused by our ever changing brains…As we grow and learn in society...The problem with this is... Most of the differences detected…By modern science are shown to have occurred...At conception, or while still forming in the womb... Before cultural influence can alter the brain in any way! And occurring in like fashion in every culture. "...but the fact is that some amount of sex differentiation takes place immediately as the male or female begins to develop within the womb... Contrary to the beliefs of feminists or bisexuals, several studies have proven that there are expressed differences between males and females programmed within the DNA from the moment of conception." 2 These programmed differences include: Men have larger brains… Even when taking into account the difference in overall body size. (About 11-12% increase in brain weight) 4 Men have approximately 7 times more gray matter in their brain… Which is the information and action processing centers...3 Women have about 10 times more white matter...Which is the networking grid that connects the gray matter to other processing centers in the brain. 3 Neither means one is smarter than the other... Just very different! Basically, the gray matter allows men…To excel in highly task-focused projects...And the white matter allows women…To think quickly, transition quickly and multi-task well! 3 Male & female brains have different levels of neurochemicals...Which route through different body-to-brain connections... 3Females often have larger memory centers...With more neural connections...Causing them to absorb more information from the five senses... And retain it. 3 Before birth male and female brains...Develop different hemisphere divisions of labor. The right & left hemispheres of the brain develop differently...Women more equally divided... Men more compartmental...And this effects how we...Problem solve, communicate, and show emotion. 3 Meaning thought & emotion are not JUST hormonal...We are literally "hardwired differently!" Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, psychologist, author of over 26 books, chemical dependency counselor, licensed mental health counselor...Conducted over 1600 interviews in his expertise... And summarizes his entire study…Of the differences of male and female brains this way: (From secular source - Psychology Today) "These four, natural design differences listed above are just a sample of how males and females think differently. Scientists have discovered approximately 100 gender differences in the brain, and the importance of these differences cannot be overstated. Understanding gender differences from a neurological perspective not only opens the door to greater appreciation of the different genders, it also calls into question how we parent, educate, and support our children from a young age." (In other words, train them up in their gender!!) 3 The obvious conclusion drawn from...Purely secular, scientifically analyzed evidence is…From conception... Men and women are physically, chemically, emotionally, and mentally designed...With different strengths, weaknesses, and abilities...Different emotional and thought patterns! “We think gender-specific behavior is a composite of all these modules, which, added up, give you your overall degree of maleness and femaleness,” 5 - Stanford Medicine Magazine, Neurobiology Spring 2017 All these unchangeable… Programmed DESIGNS…Give unarguable advantages in certain roles and tasks...And show the distinct way in which the two genders… Complement one another with their advantages. To attempt proving equality in all areas...Or to compete equally in all ways...Or to believe we can truly understand & become another gender…Not only removes the very real reason... We are designed to need and compliment one another...It is a false declaration... Disregarding these known facts! We were NOT designed to be equal in everything...We were designed to be equal as HUMANS...But DIFFERENT in our roles and abilities! So that we could rely upon, and admire one another! Why not be the best at who you are designed to be...Instead of second best as someone else?! We have gone this in-depth with our study today...Because society is removing the wonderful honor, joy, and responsibility... Of True Motherhood! Under completely false notions! THE REALITY IS... Society IS shaping gender roles today...Just as many have tried to declare of the past!...But society is shaping it in a way which has…STIFLED AND STOLEN...The natural desire and instinct...Of a woman's most precious, and distinct privilege! Hold The Line With PASSION! As with many sermons anymore today...We have to make the simplest occasions... The simplest Truths...Sound almost radical in our passion!...Because the world around us... Has forced us into an insane... And tightening corner...And if WE do NOT address these issues radically...We WILL lose God's Truth entirely...We will lose our youth entirely... WE WILL LOSE OURSELVES ENTIRELY! Some here even today... Believing Christians...Are almost offended at the information we have seen already! As a culture... Many women today…Have lost or suppressed a natural desire for children! Many more women are suffering from the division...Between what they DO naturally crave and desire...And what societal molds have forced them to live out... And our children are the victims in the middle! THUS... Our very culture has become the victim of the overflow! I am pleading with you to answer this Calling from Our God... As His Disciples on this Mother's Day! Recognize the unique, unsearchable way in which God…Has specifically blessed women alone... In all of Creation...Recognize the honor and responsibility of that blessing! Recognize that your skillfully crafted gift...Gives you the greatest single power on earth...To bring new life... To nurture new life... To change the course of people and entire cultures...Like no other force on earth!...AND GLORY IN IT...RATHER THAN SEE IT AS A BURDEN OR DISABILITY!! 2 Timothy 1:5 (ESV) I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. When seeing the power & internal instincts of a MOTHER: The perseverance through anything… The unparalleled love and devotion… The protectiveness… The fierceness and strength… The tender encouragement… The knack for quoting the obvious! A GODLY MOTHER!! Is the most UNSTOPPABLE force on earth!!Without you… God’s Movement in this generation…Would be gone already!! This HONOR is NOT to be taken lightly...Not to be disregarded... Not to be made second fiddle to ANYTHING ELSE...You may be called to fulfill in life...No matter the restraints or demands of our times! IT IS… THE GREATEST… MOST DEMANDING…MOST IMPORTANT CALLING… ON THIS EARTH! I implore you... Not just to resist falling into... And trusting a world view... Which has clearly... Quickly... Passionately...Not only destroyed God's Plan... But our entire culture at it's core...But to actually stand in complete opposition to it...In how you LIVE... No matter how radical it may seem! 1 Peter 1:13-16 (HCSB) 13 Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be serious and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance. 15 But as the One who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; 16 for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy. Reject every aspect of this world's poison completely…And with fervor! Embrace the most important assignment…God has entrusted to you...With everything you have in you! OTHER LIVES… OTHER SOULS… ARE RELYING ON YOU! Make raising your children the most crucial... Unbending... Assignment of your life! Not a second job when you can make time... Not depending on schools, relatives and IPADs to pacify them...While you live your life! THEY ARE YOUR LIFE! Motherhood is the most involved, selfless, sacrificial, difficult calling on earth! And that IS EXACTLY WHY…So many shy away from it today!...Because they are too busy with their own desires... To care about another above themselves! Relentlessly teach and protect them… From the cultural views around them... Teach them love, respect and servitude by living it with them! Show them the importance of your God...In your Prayer life... In your devotion to your church family. Make your family be...Your ambition... Your Purpose... Your Calling...Serving God TOGETHER… NOT just enjoying life!!...And revel in that greatest calling God could give to you! Why do we let the world set our standard for worth and joy? Do you trust God? Or do you trust those who have taken the world apart...In just a few short years? Even defying logic and reason in their selfish ambitions...Along the way?! Understand that God has uniquely made you... Gifted you...Physically, mentally, and emotionally...To perfectly fulfill your beautiful calling... Equal to men... But so much better… In so many ways... Embrace those ways... And glorify God! Let's take this precious day of honor...That many are trying to even wipe away from existence... Because it's meaning has so radically begun to change!...And plant our feet firmly in God's Words...Plant our lives firmly in God's Ways...And be what God has called us to be!...Proudly... Faithfully... Passionately...Change whatever needs changing...Sacrifice what needs sacrificing...Live as the skillfully-equipped, gentle...But roaring force… YOU were DESIGNED to become! Be a Mother the Way God Has Called you to be...In this dark, fallen world! Proverbs 31:25-29 (NLT) 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. 26 When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. 27 She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. 28 Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: 29 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” Footnotes: 1: Writings of Cornelius Tacitus may be found at: 2: Studyhealth, Differences Between male And Female Structures (Mental And Physical), retrieved on June 21, 2014 from 3: Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D, Hope For Relationships, Psychology Today, 4: Studyhealth, Female Vs. Male Brain - Is There A Difference?, retrieved on June 21, 2014 from 5: Stanford Medicine Magazine, Neurobiology, Spring 2017, Two Minds, The Cognitive Differences Between men and Women, By: Bruce Goldman, May 22, 2017, Retrieved on 5-13-23 from
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