Today's Study will be very different from our usual sermons, but one of absolute importance in our Christian walk, our understanding of the world in which we live, our understanding of how God is working through Israel, and how Satan is cleverly working on Israel, and the world to bring about the Times of the End. So many well-meaning Christians are completely oblivious to the truths of current event because of the ignorance and even purposeful lies being parroted around the world. So many people are uncertain of the reasons behind all of the current events in Israel and Gaza today. So many people are rapidly turning against Israel because of the current military retaliation in the Gaza Strip. So many people blame Israel for the conflict—allegedly, because of their mistreatment of Palestinians and especially their “occupation" of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank Territories. We will take a look at some of the history and see the truth of this situation today from some of the most unbiased and completely informed sources, rather than from tainted and distorted opinions which are being screamed loudly around the world in the largest, quickest anti-Semitic growth the world has known since the Holocaust. So many people from around the world instantly and passionately held protests and repeated false claims about the supposed hospital strike in Gaza, by Israel. Even when powerful opposing evidence has emerged (Including open-source video, intelligence, missile activity, and intercepted Hamas communications during the incident) showing proof that it was an Hamas misfired rocket behind the event, showing proof that it did not even strike the hospital but the parking lot, mass condemnation and threats by Iran and other nations continued to come based upon this single, probable false allegation. Anti-Semitism has already been on a massive increase in just the past several years. But since this war began, there has been a 500% increase in documented incidents against Jews in the U.K.; 189 incidents in France; Jewish stars painted on many Jewish homes in Germany; Jews advised not to wear their yarmulkas in public; anti-Israel protests erupting in many countries (including the U.S.) with slogans justifying the Hamas massacre; strong antisemitic images and rhetoric such as: "Gas the Jews" in Sydney, Australia. "Army of Muhammed coming for the Jews" in London and Geneva; "Free Palestine" in Washington D.C.; and even American Congress Members promoting antisemitic views repeating the refuted false claims about the hospital attacks. Teens from NYU tore down the posters of missing Israelis; a Jewish deli in NY had a swastika painted on their door—if racism is such a horrid thing, how is this embraced! How can the LGBTQ society stand for an Islamic nation when they want nothing but their judgment and death? First of all, even if this had been an Israeli missile which caused the damage by accident, this would have been a single missile coming in defense, from a country which has been brutally attacked. As of right now (October 21, 2023) 4,369 rockets have been fired at Israel—more than 90% fired at populated, residential areas purposefully (hospitals, schools, homes attacked innocently). I have watched Hamas, Israeli, and American footage taken of the sickening crimes, heard the orders given to Hamas terrorist against innocent families in their homes on October 7th. Mothers had babies cut from their stomachs; families shot, stabbed, tortured, burned alive, beheaded, raped in their homes, cars and in public, and yet the world stage erupts in condemnation of Israel focusing on one single, unproven rocket strike. And what about the atrocities committed almost daily by Iran, China, North Korea, Hezbollah? Where is the outrage and condemnation? Israel is so often villainized and hated disproportionately.
Many people, Christians included, hold Israel responsible for the atrocities because they say Israel is unjustly occupying the Gaza Strip and economically and militarily oppressing the Palestinian people. This would be one reason to be angry with Israel if it were a true statement. Here is the openly accessible information of the Gaza situation: the Gaza Strip came under Israeli control during the 6 Day War in 1967 when Egypt, Syria, and Jordan all attacked Israel together in an attempt to totally annihilate the Jews. In August of 2005, the Israeli government disengaged from Gaza giving up every square inch of the Strip and uprooting all of the Israeli settlers. Palestine was freed. But just shortly after, in an election on January, 2006, the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) was voted into power. And in June of 2007, Hamas initiated a military takeover of the opposing political party with many lives lost (161 dead/700 wounded). Hamas has maintained control of Gaza since 2006 militarily; there have been no more elections allowed. Israel and Egypt have kept a partial blockade on the Gaza Strip since this time, which many call unfair and oppressive to the Palestinians. Israel wants to be free of Gaza and they simply can’t be because the Islamic Militant Group who controls them, uses their location, their resources and their people to constantly bring terror to Israel. Even with a partial blockade, Hamas used a vast portion of its people's resources and of all humanitarian aid given to them to create tunnels to smuggle weapons from outside the Strip; used even their public water pipes to build rockets, used hospitals and schools as military storage, terrorist safe-places and launch sites. The Gaza Strip could have flourished it's economy as Israel has flourished, but just as we saw in Afghanistan after the takeover, the militant Islamic government has destroyed it's economy by forcing blockades due to weapons smuggling and attacks, by ruling over its people in fear with nothing but military goals of destruction rather than concern for its own population, using them as human shields, and war propaganda instead. What possible choice does Israel have under these circumstances? Israel would like nothing more than to be done with it all, than to lose the poor publicity world-wide. But this is exactly what Hamas relies upon—using their own people's suffering to bring condemnation as they build their terror machine. You will see absolute proof of this in a moment. Palestine is not attacking Israel because they are oppressed. Palestine is oppressed because they are attacking Israel leaving no choice. Even in this war, as Israel paused and told civilians in Gaza to follow a safe route to the south to avoid casualties, Hamas has blocked its own people from the route because the people of Palestine are as unimportant to them as Israelis. And they want to use them as shields and political victimization. How do you know this is not just more propaganda on the other side? Not "my spin" on how things may be, but how about this for unbiased, solid truth? The words of a son of a founding member of Hamas—one born and raised as a leader in the terrorist group; a "Prince" among the Islamic Militants. This man, Mosab Hassan Yousef defected from the terrorist group, Hamas and told the horrible truths behind all they were doing in Gaza that made him decide to leave family, country and religion—even though he was a giant among his people—because of their atrocities. Here are some of his statements made in June of 2018 in an interview (listen to how accurate his predictions were) long before this war brought things to light; long before Israel took center stage in world scrutiny. Listen to this ultimate source of the Hamas mindset which came from deep within the control of Gaza; listen to a former Hamas Leader tell the true reasons Gaza is miserable and oppressed; listen to a former Hamas Leader tell why Israel is truly hated by many in the Middle East; listen to a former Hamas Leader reveal what Israel's true attitude and actions involve towards surrounding, hostile nations. He opens with his intentions for speaking out: "I came to a place where I saw a higher truth and I disagreed with the majority of the Palestinian people, which came at a very high personal expense. And I choose to stay an honest witness for my own truth. I am not promoting for Israel... It's just my sense of responsibility. Towards first of all, my people. The ones who have not experienced what I experienced within Hamas leadership." Listen to HIS explanation of why the Palestinians have suffered in Gaza since Hamas has been in rule and by who's hands: "They (Palestinians) wanted to blame somebody on their misery. Which was basically the outcome of the Arab world's misleading leadership that led Palestinians from disaster to disaster. And the Palestinians...The victims of this conflict within their territories, thought that Israel was their problem... They did not see that other Arab leaderships who did not want to reconcile with Israel, and recognize Israel as an existing regime, and coexist, and live with Israel... Were responsible for the misery of the Palestinian people. They still don't see this... And I was part of this delusion, that Israel was the cause of our misery and suffering. So, we grew up buying hatred, and projecting hatred... Israel is the only true democratic model in the region…The people can say whatever they want to say. I am responsible for my words, and I speak with authority of my experience, and first-hand observation of the reality. Knowing Hamas leadership, knowing Palestinian authority leadership, and knowing that they are the enemies of the Palestinian people! Israel cares for the Palestinian people more than their own leadership cares. Actually, Palestinian leaderships want Palestinian people to die, and that's a reality! it has been like this for so many years. there is no need for them (Hamas), if people don't die. And every now and then, they start a war…by sending people to die, the world has to pay them off, you know. And this is the fuel for their endless cycle of violence." Listen to the real reasons that Palestinians do not have basic needs met: "It looks like all of the funds that come to Gaza, they're invested in building tunnels you know, and building a military wing, rather than bringing milk to the children of Gaza! For me, I see Mahmoud Abbas cutting electricity from the Gaza Strip, cutting milk, medicine... And now, the situation in Gaza Strip is at the edge of another conflict. What I see, is Mahmoud Abbas wants Hamas to attack Israel, so Israel will attack Hamas. As the outcome, children will die. So, this is the Palestinian leadership mentality. When they don't have money, when the United States cuts funds or reduces the funds from Mahmoud Abbas... He would say, 'Sacrifice a few hundred children in the Gaza Strip, so the world can outrage against Israel', you know... And Mahmoud Abbas will raise billions of dollars out of this suffering. How is he going to spend it?! I don't know... Gaza does not have electricity; they don't have medicine. People are dying, children are dying in hospitals because they don't have electricity in the hospitals, they don't have medication. So the average person, you know... Without all dimensions of the conflict, will look at Gaza children dying, and it's going to be just the exchange of blame, you know. They just want anybody to blame. Israel is going to be the party to blame!" Listen to the truth of Israel's conduct and influence in the Middle East even apparent to a former Hamas Leader: "Even though Israel will open its hospitals, even though Israel will ask civilians to evacuate, to get out from certain areas so they can come and deal with the tunnel problems. And Hamas will force civilians to stay...Instead of blaming Israel, you need to blame the party that uses civilians as human shields. Mahmoud Abbas... He's a criminal. But of course, he knows how to get away with it. He knows how to manipulate the international public…I am not affiliated with politics. This is not a political statement...But this is a fact. This is a reality... And what we need for the region is more models of Israel. Actually, we would like for surrounding countries to learn from Israel. I believe... It's not that I believe actually, I know... It, (Israel) is the life of the region! ..Because democracy, dialog, human rights, women's rights, animal rights, and so many other ethics and values of the Israeli Constitution makes the country advanced and livable. And people from every path of life can co-exist with each other. There are Arabs, in Israel... They are citizens of Israel. They have rights, they have members..."The world talks about the Palestinian refugees...And we ask question, 'Well, how about the Jewish refugees?' You know, who left everything. Their property, their gold, their money. And they lost everything. They were replaced or relocated somewhere else. What about those people? Are they people? So, there is definitely a double standard in the way we are discussing the reality of the Middle East. This is why I don't like blaming Israel. It's the easiest thing to do. You know, with the what-so-called occupation, which is non-existent. And I say, ' non-existent' because Palestinians have the opportunity of being independent. And Israel will definitely help them. Israel has no interest of controlling the Palestinians lives. They (Israel) don't need nothing from the Palestinian people. Actually, the Palestinian people get a lot from Israel. And Israel is willing to give more and more, to help them on every level...We will live, and I will live, and witness more and more of this truth: That Israel is not the enemy of the Palestinian people... Israel is not the enemy of the Arab people…Actually Israel has the power to invade and destroy most of the Arab capitals in a matter of hours, you know, if they want to. But they are not doing it! If the picture was the opposite, if any Arab country had the power Israel has, they wouldn't hesitate of destroying the State of Israel... So, the world can go on denying this reality, and this truth. But we all will pay a price. And it's time for us to take responsibility, to choose which side... Taking the side of a successful model, that respects the human dignity, respects the human rights... And open for all types of people, for all religions, you know." Israel was Promised to the Jews 4000 years ago through Abraham, and that Promise became a reality in 1405BC when Israel took the Land of Canaan and when they were brutally slaughtered and driven out of their Land by the Romans across the world. Beginning in 70AD. they suffered persecution all over the globe. A people without their Land, persecuted worldwide, tortured and murdered by the millions. And when they were returned in 1948, it was not by violence or conquest, but the Land was given back to them in order to basically protect them from extinction after the horrid anti-Semitic slaughter of the Holocaust ending almost 2000yrs of persecution like no other. Anyone who claims that the people of Palestine have always owned this land are historically, archeologically, and biblically ignorant or blatantly hiding the truth. The Israelites returned to a long deserted, forsaken, barren land that no country wanted or occupied anyway. It is not the land that Israel's enemies want; it is only the complete annihilation of the Jewish people. Since their return, they have been relentlessly, and without provocation attacked by surrounding enemies and have had to fight for their very existence since coming home to their own land again. This tiny stretch of land is no larger than the state of New Jersey, and yet the small population of 9.7 million Jews cannot be allowed to exist in peace. They have tried giving up part of their small piece of land in exchange for peace in the past (land for peace) and we see where that got them today (Hamas). Why should they be expected to do so again when every square mile given up is used against them. If the Palestinians, Iran, Hezbollah were to lay down their weapons today there would be peace. If Israel were to lay down its weapons today, they would not exist tomorrow. None of this should take an informed Christian by surprise. The loss of their land for so long, the incredible return, the hatred by the nations around them, the impact of one tiny nation on the whole world's safety and security—all was perfectly foretold by many prophets thousands of years ago in exacting detail. Today, as never before, the nations look on as Israel becomes a cup of trembling to the world. Lebanon, Syria, and Hezbollah are already engaging from the North already in limited engagements. Yemen has fired advanced missiles at Israel this week intercepted by American ships. Iran is behind this entire scenario fighting a proxy war through Hamas and Hezbollah and threatening to become involved directly if Israel invades Gaza, working in the last stages to produce a nuclear weapon. The U.S. has B1 Bombers now stationed in Europe, and two U.S. Naval Carrier Groups have been positioned in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, near Israel already engaging in missile defense actions and promising to get involved if Iran becomes involved. Russia, who has stayed somewhat neutral in the past has sided with the Palestinians and Iran and has military units in Syria. China has stated that if the U.S. helps Israel expand this war they will definitely tilt the balance in favor of the Palestinians. North Korean weapons were used by Hamas in the attack on Israel on Oct. 7th. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq have all joined in solidarity against Israel with two attacks against the U.S. occurring this week—one in Iraq, and one in Southern Syria. We know that every player in Scriptures involved in the Last War before the Tribulation is in place right now. We know that is Israel is the centerpiece for all End Time Prophecy, but we do not know for certainty this is the start of that War mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Could it be? Absolutely! Could it be a prelude, building to this war in the near future? Absolutely. Could we go for months or years before seeing this War come to fruition? Absolutely! Is it at least the grass roots of this formation! Absolutely! Many thought WWII was the start of the end. Many thought that the Six Day War of 1967 was the start of the end. But never have so many pieces and nations been in such exact placement as now; never have all other aspects of end time prophecies come together at one time such as today. It is the ultimate goal of the Islamic faith—not politics—to remove Israel from the earth and they will not stop until it is done; and to create a Global Islamic Rule under Sharia Law led by the 12th Imam, the Mahdi, who rises in a time of great turmoil, persecutes Jews and Christians, and rules the entire world for 7 years before he fights a coming "False Messiah." If this sounds familiar, it should. It is an exact description of the role in which the antichrist plays in Revelation 12:1-6, 17. We see Scriptures coming alive in our day. The Islamic nations involved in this conflict even if deterred in this War will never accept lasting peace with Israel. They will only stop when Israel is gone—it is Satan’s plan. As we teach children to question their pronouns, these people teach 5-10yr olds how to kill and be suicide bombers. But we know the end of the story, and we've seen God's unfathomable prophecies fulfilled to this day, and we've seen His Hand on Israel since it's rebirth. Yet, right now, right here in our situation, Christians must stop listening to media, and popular opinion. We must investigate truth for ourselves, and we must stand behind God's people, Israel, even if no one else does. I hope this clarifies many of the rumors and false teachings you have been hearing about Israel lately, and I pray that many come to Christ as they see prophecy unfolding before our very eyes. And I pray that true Christians will rise up in passion as never before while there is still some time left to do His Work. Live your faith with a brand new passion, as never before because He is Coming quickly.
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