With each lesson we have studied, I have thought that the next one could not possibly be as interesting or exciting... Each time I have been wrong! This is no exception The Sixth Feast: Feast of Atonement (Day of Fasting/Repentance) (Yom Kippur) (Lev. 23:26-31) The only day that God commands a fast; He powerfully stresses that this fast must be followed. We see this fast referred to by Paul, in his treacherous trip to Rome as a prisoner (Acts 27:9). Held ten days after Feast of Trumpets (when the temple doors are opened)- and is when the temple doors are closed. During this ‘in-between’ time was what is called ‘The Ten Days of Awe’-told to prepare themselves with fasting, prayer and repentance because Day Ten is Judgment Day: final atonement is made for righteous and they’re given new, fresh start, unrighteous are sealed in Book of Death, destiny is decided this day and temple doors were closed. The Feasts serve as a “copy of the shadow of the heavenly things (Hebrews 8:5)— *if the doors to the Temple are a copy of Heavenly things, and on Yom Kippur, the fates are sealed and the doors close—what might be the Heavenly equivalent? It’s amazing when you see the rich detail that God displays about future events. Revelation is the Story of the ‘Revealing of Jesus Christ’ and the time of the end comes alive with new and amazing significance when you can understand it in light of Yom Kippur. This is the Ceremony on this most solemn day of the year: (Lev. 16:4) The High Priest removes his garments and bathes five times (he washes his hands and feet ten times) and dresses in white linen to make an offering (two kid goats- one as Lord’s goat (sin offering) (Lev. 16:5-10, 15) – one as ‘scapegoat’(Atonement offering)(with red sash(ie: sin)tied around its’ neck) taken far away (10 miles) (ie: sins taken far away) (Lev. 16:20-22) Comparison: Jesus offering our sin to God, dying for our sins- allowed to live (as scapegoat) but taken far away with our sins. Side note: according to Talmud- scapegoat was actually pushed off cliff- if landed on right side, it was considered good sign from God; when scapegoat (w/red sash) dies- the red sash on the temple doors turned white; western most light stayed lit- however- the last 40 years before temple destroyed (70AD) the: goat didn’t land on right side (God was not in favor of them anymore), the temple sash didn’t turn white (sin couldn’t be covered anymore) and the menorah light didn’t stay lit (God no longer dwelt in the Holy of Holies) and the temple doors kept opening on their own (God has been made open to all - coincidentally when Christ was sacrificed for our sins! God made a way for all of us. Now, when High Priest was in Holy of Holies to make ‘atonement’: Compare: censer full of coals of fire, and two handfuls of sweet incense- brought inside veil (Lev. 16:12): (Rev.8:3); incense on fire so that cloud of incense covered mercy seat (Lev. 16:13): Rev. 8:4); blood of bull sprinkled on front of mercy seat seven times (Lev. 16:14): (Rev.8:5). Lastly- every 50 years there was Jubilee Year (celebration): all slaves were set free, all land/inheritance was restored, land left to rest for one year (Lev. 25:8-55) On this day, ‘all things are made right again’ (Acts 3:19-21) Recap: Great Day of Judgment seven days after Feast of Trumpets (second coming seven years after Rapture)- where all fates decided as final; Christ as High Priest offered Own Blood in Holy of Holies- where no one could go but Him, making a way for us all to enter; bringing Jubilee Year freeing men and restoring all lost inheritance; ending with ‘Closing of the Gates’. (Hebrews 9:23-26)
The Seventh Feast: Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot (temporary dwelling places)- (seven is number of Divine Perfection of Completion in Scriptures). This is the only Feast God told Jews to rejoice and celebrate- remembrance of how God delivered them from bondage in Egypt- celebrated when third star can be seen in evening sky (Lev. 23:39; Deut.16:13); one week and one day long: take harvest in thanks that they’d been brought into Promised land (Lev. 23:39-40); stay in temporary booths (sukkot) for seven days- to remind them looking back of their temporary dwellings used in flight from where God brought them and to remind them looking forward that we are in temporary homes as we await the coming of the Messiah (Lev. 23:41-43). Recap: we’re celebrating before the Lord; gathering of fruit is completed; celebrating we are no longer living in temporary home; we’re carrying choice fruits to the Temple to show we have arrived in Promised Land; we’re past the Second Coming and Judgment of Jesus- celebrating that He is living here on earth with us in the Thousand Year Reign. (Zech. 14:16-18)- All Nations will continue to celebrate this Feast as Thanksgiving that the Messiah lives on earth with us and those that will not during the Millennium will not receive rains for their crops; Side note: only Feast with one extra day: one more day of rest and celebration- representing renewal/new beginnings: He is showing us that at the end of all this- is a new rest. There is so much more that could be said about each Feast, and so much Scripture comes alive as we learn more and more about them. But this is enough to show you God’s amazing prophecies brought to us in these Feasts to show His Plan of redemption from start to finish. 1) Passover - Jesus gave His life so God would "pass over" us in Judgment. 2) Unleavened Bread - Jesus died, taking all of our sins away to the grave...Never to be brought back. 3) First Fruits - Jesus arose as the First Fruit of the Harvest of souls to come, because of His Salvation. 4) Pentecost - The Spirit of God was sent to dwell in our redeemed bodies on the same day that the Law proclaimed us unworthy. 5) Trumpets - Proclaim the coming of the Savior to take us away with the Final Trumpet call. 6) Atonement - The Final Day of Judgment, when all things are made complete and the doors are closed. 7) Tabernacles (Booths) - When we are rejoicing with our Savior, because He has come to dwell with us, and we are no longer in temporary homes awaiting His return. As you read Scripture in the future, see how often these Feasts are talked about and celebrated throughout the Pages; it will bring new insight into your reading, and show you how God's Hand must have been in every Word of the Bible as it was written. Only a God that is Real, Creative, Intelligent, Caring, and Powerful could have given these Feasts, and then played them out in history, down to the exact day in time with their fulfillment, to show us what was to come, and to share and communicate with us in such a special and awesome way. Take this evidence of our Wonderful Savior, and let it take you to deeper levels of serving and faith.
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