Last study we had a life-changing talk...About how God's Greatest Desire is not just… To have a Saved believer...But that His Ultimate Goal...Is to have real, intimate connection with us RIGHT NOW! THAT... Is the SOLE reason we were Created! Today's Study will have no impact on you... If you do not truly grasp that FACT! So, please go back to last weeks Study if you missed it! If you embraced the Truth of last week's Study...Of just how deeply God Wants to know you better NOW! The OBVIOUS NEXT QUESTION has to be..."HOW do I make that happen?" Some would answer by saying, "I have tried to be closer to God for years..And it's never happened!.. Is it even possible?!" Well... God Originally Created us for no other reason...Than having an awesome Oneness with Him... Why would He go through all that He has...Just to restore us to a place as His Intimate Bride again... Why would He go so far as to literally Place His Own Spirit...INSIDE of our very SOULS... AS ONE WITH US...Today is exciting! Today can be life-changing!...Because today... We will learn the Guaranteed Scriptural Guideline...For how you ABSOLUTELY CAN...Know God more Intimately! Personally! Let's dive into our Study!
True Desire! We discussed that God's Salvation was 100% ALL HIS SACRIFICE!...But that a closer walk with HIM...Is ALL ON US!...All on how badly WE WANT to Know More of Him!...Because God Absolutely WILL NOT FORCE us...Into a closer relationship! That would... Literally, by nature...Make it anything BUT a more treasured relationship! Scriptures DO Say…That we do not even have the desire to Know Him...Unless HE first DRAWS us to Him! John 6:44 (HCSB) No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day. Jesus is talking to non-believers...And The Spirit's Drawing for us to seek His Salvation... Once He Draws us to Know Him... And we accept Him...And we see Him for Who He really is in our lives...He Wants that Epiphany to produce REAL DESIRE...To be closer to Him! To experience MORE of Him! James 4:8 (NKJV) Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. So our first step towards experiencing more of God RIGHT NOW...Is... Realizing what it means to TRULY WANT MORE OF HIM! Jesus had multitudes of followers in His Day... That wanted to know Him more! That wanted HIS Attention and Presence! BUT LISTEN VERY CLOSELY...MOST OF THEM CAME TO SEEK HIM FOR WHAT HE COULD DO... NOT... FOR WHO HE WAS!! On Wednesday Nights... We have been studying about the first King of Israel... Saul! Saul only wanted God's Blessings on his Throne! He cared nothing for God's Presence and Closeness! So when Saul did NOT get what HE WANTED from God...He was not interested in drawing any closer to Him! The same could be said for the vast majority of the multitudes...That followed Jesus in His Day! THAT is why Jesus Spoke Words…That would turn a crowd of thousands into a few dozen... Instantly!...As it may do today! BECAUSE MOST OF THE PEOPLE EVEN IN THIS VERY ROOM...ARE FOLLOWING GOD FOR HIS PRESENTS... AND NOT HIS PRESENCE! Moses had everything his heart could desire! (Pharaoh's son) Riches, women, education, acceptance, freedom, independence!...But he gave up all of it... To follow God!...And not just to follow God... Not just to get His Blessings…But we see later in his life… To be CLOSER TO HIM! How do we know this? Because... When all of the other Israelites...Were complaining in the desert... (Those coming out of slavery... Not royalty!) About "How they were better off"…Before God Came into their lives!...And how they'd rather return to Egypt...Than live this difficult life for God! God told Moses that He would...Remain true to His Promise to Deliver them...But He was so Hurt and Angered by their rejection of Him...He Told Moses..."He would send an angel"... To drive out the Canaanites from the Land...And let them have all that He Promised...But that HE... Would NOT go with them in His Presence!...And THIS was Moses' response! Exodus 33:15 (HCSB) “If Your presence does not go,” Moses responded to Him, “don’t make us go up from here." Moses was the ONLY ONE... Who said: I'd rather stay in the desert... In this unpopular position...In hunger... In threat... In uncertainty... In discomfort! Than to be in your Blessings... Without you! Please stop and consider your own walk...Is your Christian walk characterized by...A regular, repeated prayer time...Consisting mainly of your needs and desires only...A constant frustration or exasperation with God...Over your unanswered prayers... Or your current unhappy condition...Or about stopping those who make you unhappy!...Or in argument over what God did not do that you wanted! FACE THIS FACT: You are probably living like the majority...Of "Trained Christians" in this country... Following God in His Presents in your life... And NOT His PRESENCE in your life! You don’t even realize how deeply this is true!! If God told you He would Bless you...In health, relationships, and all the money you wanted...But you could never know more of Him… Than you do this day...Would you be tempted to take that Offer? SEEK TO SEE HIM! THE NEXT STEP TO TRULY BEING IN HIS PRESENCE...LIKE YOU NEVER HAVE BEFORE IN YOUR LIFE...Is to begin SEEKING THE REAL JESUS...With everything you have in you! Have the SINGLE purpose of KNOWING HIM PERSONALLY...NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES! WHAT DOES THAT LOOK LIKE IN ACTUALITY?! Give yourself to His WORD... With a totally different mindset than ever before! Pray for His Leading before and during your study...That He would Reveal Himself! Then read every Story... Every Command... Every Prophecy...With only ONE intention...TO SEE HIS HEART, CHARACTER, LOVE, PURPOSE, WORTH, MAGNIFICENCE, CONCERN, SACRIFICE, KINDNESS, PASSION! See His Tender Heart and Concern for every unknown soul... See His Motivation behind every Encounter... See how He Cares NOTHING for Himself... As God! Begin to actually KNOW this PERSON...You say you have the desire to Love more! You will be overwhelmed…With His Personality, Wisdom, and Love...If you see Him for Who He is in every Page! You take on the Characteristics of those you spend time with! You crave more of the foods… That you grow use to eating! Then walk in recognition of the most obvious and awesome show of His Love and Personality all around you! See Him in every facet of CREATION around you! The night sky... The warmth of the sun... The power of the storm... The smell of the rain...Were ALL Placed their by Him...FOR US to see and be in awe! Every animal, insect, bird, tree, plant... (Every frog croak, lightening bug lit up) Even those creatures which are fierce and dangerous...Were Masterfully Crafted for us to see His Wonder and Care!...For us to see His Power beyond our understanding!...For us to see His Personality and Care!...The sounds, smells, and feel of His Creation...Are not chemical mistakes in a dead universe...But a blanket of proof…For His Existence, Presence, Artistry, and Love for you! He SUSTAINS ALL THINGS… FOR US! Psalm 104:24-25 (HCSB) 24 How countless are Your works, LORD! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. 25 Here is the sea, vast and wide, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small. Psalm 8:3-4 (HCSB) 3 When I observe Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You set in place, 4 what is man that You remember him, the son of man that You look after him? Isaiah 40:26 (HCSB) Look up and see: who created these? He brings out the starry host by number; He calls all of them by name. Because of His great power and strength, not one of them is missing. Psalm 19:1 (ESV) The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. SEE HIM LITERALLY ALL AROUND YOU...IN HIS MASTERFUL GIFTS OF CREATION! Know that He did these things for YOU! Know the One Powerful and Majestic enough to Make all of this... DIED TO BE CLOSER TO YOU!...AND SEEK HIM WITH PASSION!...IT'S CRAZY NOT TO!!! Give Yourself To Him Completely! When you literally see His Masterful Gifts all around you... As far as the eyes can see, and ears can hear! Know they scream His Presence! Know they show His Overwhelming Desire...To fascinate and capture you! When you have seen His Heart and Passion in Scriptures...And realize just how far He's Gone... Just how much He's Given...Just how much He Wants you! Decide that HE IS WORTHY... ABOVE ALL ELSE...TO HAVE YOUR COMPLETE TRUST AND LOVE IN RETURN! Worthy to control your life... In confidence He Wants best! Worthy to have your devotion and allegiance...Because He has given you His!...AND THEN… LET IT DRIVE YOU…TO DECIDE ONCE AND FOR ALL...TO TAKE AWAY ANYTHING...THAT WOULD STEAL YOUR HEART FROM HIM! Decide to remove all of the things that take your love...All of the things that make you think contrary to His Goodness...Start by asking Him to Reveal the sins you harbor in your heart! Psalm 139:23-24 (HCSB) 23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way. Then openly admit in prayer to Him...All that you have done... All that you have desired... Above a relationship with HIM! Don't just pray, "Forgive me because I know I have sinned!" Name the things you have desired over Him...Tell Him how He has shown you… They are hurtful...And turn from them… While in His Presence! HAVE A LITERAL TIME...OF RECONCILIATION AND RESTORATION IN LOVE! Would you not do this with a spouse you have hurt?! How can you possibly have...The deepest, most meaningful, intimate relationship of your life...When something else is absolutely more important to you? EXAMPLE: Girl accepts marriage proposal...And promises only to sleep around once a month! Or only to keep seeing just one other guy forever! God Wants ALL OF YOU! God has EARNED ALL OF YOU!...Because HE has Given ALL OF HIMSELF! Take this as a pretty cliché if you want…And walk out of here with no more of Him than you have! Decide to stop looking at your sins through the lens of...What you legalistically can justify... Through what everyone else does...Through what you can get away with and not suffer! Simply REMOVE EVERYTHING from your life...In extreme malice...That causes you to go against His Plan...That changes your heart to lust, selfishness, or pride...That causes you to take one single step…Farther from intimacy with Him! Pre-marital sex, porn, alternate lifestyles, drugs, games, movies, attitudes, arrogance, sharp tongues, unforgiveness, social media obsession, craving acceptance…AND REMOVE IT AS A GIFT OF LOVE...NOT… AS A BURDEN TO BEAR IN NECESSITY! FOLLOW HIS COMMANDS IN TRUST THAT HE LOVES YOU...FOLLOW HIS COMMANDS SIMPLY TO SAY, "I LOVE YOU!" JUST AS YOU WOULD AVOID THINGS…THAT MAKES YOUR SPOUSE DOUBT YOUR LOVE...Walk in constant awareness of His Presence with you...And say "No" to things that are offensive to Him...As you would when walking with your spouse! John 15:9-11 (HCSB) 9 “As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love. 10 If you keep My commands you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commands and remain in His love. 11 “I have spoken these things to you so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. Truly Live For Him! Then… Do This...Let your prayer time be transformed…From just a list of needs and concerns! To a time where you simply come to the One you Love...So you can share with Him! Actually just come to Him sometimes...To reflect on His Goodness to you!...To give Him thanks as you talk of His Blessings...For all you have in your life! To tell Him what you think of His Creation...To ponder before Him...About all He actually did to Win your love! Just to tell Him…How much He is loved and needed in your life! Select a Psalm which reflects your feelings...And read it heartfelt and reverently back to HIM in prayer!...And then... Spend some of your time with Him...Not just telling Him…Where you'd like for Him to Move in your life!...But actually coming as His loving & thankful servant! Coming as His Beloved... Who is dying to please HIM!...And let your prayer be all about… Trying to get to where HE IS!...All about finding out what His Work is in your life!...All about what YOU can DO for HIM right now...Even in the middle of your trials! ASK HIM TO GIVE YOU OPPORTUNITY...TO SHOW YOUR LOVE! By finding and doing His Work with your LIFE! Because you simply want to PLEASE HIM! DON'T YOU DO THIS FOR YOUR FRIENDS? SPOUSE? KIDS? WHY WOULDN'T YOU DO IT FOR HIM... ABOVE ALL?! Psalm 143:10 (NLT) 10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing. Psalm 25:4-5 (HCSB) 4 Make Your ways known to me, LORD; teach me Your paths. 5 Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; I wait for You all day long. When you actually SEE WHERE you can do His Will...See something that needs changing in your life...See where you can show love to Him or His children around you...Even see where your King is Calling you to do His specific Work...Answer Him in Complete... And Immediate OBEDIENCE! Some of you have known...You needed to do something for God for years!...Or you needed to stop doing something for God for years!...Some even brag about their rebellion..."Yeah, God's been dealing with me over that for a long time!" (But you’ve done nothing! Do you love really Him?) THIS MAY BE THE GREATEST WAY TO INTIMACY WITH GOD OF ALL! 1 Samuel 15:22 (HCSB) Then Samuel said: Does the LORD take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice, to pay attention ⌊is better⌋ than the fat of rams. John 14:21 (HCSB) The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me... WHY… Is OBEDIENCE such a powerful way to show love...And Become closer to God? Because following even when we don't understand or agree...Shows that we TRUST His Wisdom and Heart over our own! Shows that we want His Joy more than our own! THAT... Is the only way to show that love is authentic!! The rest is lip service! STOP AND THINK ON THIS: Ever wonder why God Chose Israel?! Over all others? (Even He Says they were not special!) God Chose the entire nation of Israel... Through all times and nations! To be His People... To Bring His Own Son into the world...Because ONE MAN... ABRAHAM…SHOWED COMPLETE... INSTANT... OBEDIENCE...In trust that was beyond possible understanding! With an incredible illustration for all times...Embedded in the very actions Abraham was called to perform! Which transcended his knowledge...Even though Abraham did not understand at the time! Mt. Moriah is where the Temple & Presence of God would come to rest thousands of years later! (And Jesus Died!) Abraham was called to leave everything he knew...And go into a Land he had never seen...With a Promise that he would father a nation!...And then he was told to take his only son...And offer him as a sacrifice to God!...With no explanation given!...No doubt in heartbreak, confusion, maybe even anger...Abraham left early the next morning... In obedience! And here was God's Reply through His Angel: Genesis 22:12, 15-18 (HCSB) 12 Then He said, “Do not lay a hand on the boy or do anything to him. For now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son from Me.”... 15 Then the Angel of the LORD called to Abraham a second time from heaven 16 and said, “By Myself I have sworn,” ⌊this is⌋ the LORD’s declaration: “Because you have done this thing and have not withheld your only son, 17 I will indeed bless you and make your offspring as numerous as the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your offspring will possess the gates of their enemies. 18 And all the nations of the earth will be blessed by your offspring because you have obeyed My command.” To this day... We can look at the existence of Israel...As God's Chosen people...BECAUSE OF THIS MAN'S TRUST AND OBEDIENCE! YOU WANT TO DRAW CLOSE TO GOD? SHOW HIM YOUR OBEDIENCE IN FAITH AS WELL!! There it is: Want Him for Who He is... Not what He can give! (Presence... Not Presence!) Look for Him... Learn about Him... See Him Intimately... In His Word... And in His Creation... And in His Sacrifice! As a gift of love and trust... Willingly, joyfully remove all sins… That separate you from Him! Come to Him in Prayer... Simply to Love on Him... Praise Him... LEARN HOW TO BE WHERE HE IS... HOW TO PLEASE HIM! Rather than just use Him as a Blessing! Let your entire life shift… Around obedience to what He Calls you to... In His Word...And in His Personal Calling in your circumstances! NO MATTER THE CHALLENGE OR COST!...AND IT IS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED IN SCRIPTURES... THAT HE WILL DRAW CLOSER TO YOU THAN EVER BEFORE! It Worked for Abraham, Moses, David, Paul, and Peter…HE... IS WAITING AND WANTING MORE OF YOU...HOW SERIOUSLY DO YOU WANT MORE OF HIM?! To do this… Will obviously completely change how you live and think! Are you willing? Or are you happy with your blessings… Whether He is with you or not! Matthew 10:38-39 (HCSB) 38 And whoever doesn’t take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. 39 Anyone finding his life will lose it, and anyone losing his life because of Me will find it.
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