On June 24, 2022—for the first time since January 22, 1973—after 49yrs, the protection over the right to choose an abortion was overturned at the federal level of law in this country and the shockwaves of this decision has sent this country into complete division and turmoil. Because of the overwhelming emotions, deep moral implications and for us the unchanging Word of our Lord and Savior, I am compelled to address this issue in full with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. So that we might stand on the side of God's Will confidently, but also so that we might have the love and compassion of Christ for those who stand against what we know is Truth, for those who are misled, fearful, and angry right now, and for those hurting who have already had abortions. And also, for those who proclaim a love for Christ but still feel it is wrong for the federal government to impose their values on another. I understand your view—that we are a free country and our moral beliefs should not be forced upon others, but please listen to every piece of information given today before you decide your final stance on this issue. Because there is much more than "religious belief" involved—much that is under the surface, often hidden or unknown that must be considered before you choose your stance on this incredibly vital topic. Please don't buy into the idea that I have no right to talk of this because I can't have an abortion. Do I have to murder someone or lose a loved one to murder to have a right to talk about whether murder is right or wrong? I had a scare at a young age and I was ready to make the wrong decision. My wife would not be here today—nor her twin—if abortion were legal in her mom's day. My son (Zac) would not be here if I had followed the counsel for abortion. We will start with why as a Christian should not even have to debate, whether they personally should ever choose abortion or not, and then we will branch out into “non-Christian” facts to be considered before weighing whether this should be a federally protected right. Whatever your current stance, I ask you to calmly, openly consider what is said today because all you have heard is the other side from media—and you just may see things differently before we are through.
Because we have covered this issue Biblically several times and because the issue is so quickly and easily decided in Scriptures, we will not spend much time in this area. Understand that about 1 in every 4 (1in 3) women today will have at least one abortion in their childbearing years. Many are scared, single, in poverty, uninformed, and feeling hopeless. God's Stance against abortion does not give the right to vilify or shun someone who has had or has performed an abortion (25%), but to reach out to them in love and care where they are in their situation and fear. It’s to realize they are sinners just as everyone else is a sinner and to show the unshakable love and mercy of Christ that covers all of our sins and still unapologetically stand strong and help others see the horrid truth of this choice. I listened to one of the most sickeningly twisted sermons on abortion I have ever come across entitled, "The Morality of Abortion" by Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper, of Judson Baptist church. "Children do grow... But so slowly, that we don't even notice how much keeping is involved. If we knew how much keeping was involved at the outset there would be many more abortions, believe me... Finally, it is nothing more or less than a medical technology, that's all it is. And you may or may not like this, but it's a lot like an appendectomy or a tonsillectomy... When you can live well, you should live well. When your circumstances are mitigated, as they are for many people, you should minimize the mitigations as well as you can. Frost also understood that some kinds of loses were actually gains. He put it as the act of self-emptying, leaving you with one less detail or matter to be bothered by so that you could go on with your life empty and ready for what's next. Frost understood that the act of emptying is a HOLY ONE, and I agree." Another human being—your child—is a mitigation? A detail not to be bothered with? And killing them so you can empty yourself of a bother Is a "Holy Act?" Is this where our understanding of God's Love and Word have taken us? By a "Doctor" of Theology, no less? Here is What Scriptures say about Abortion: 1) When does life begin?: Psalm 139:13-17. That sounds clear. God created us in the womb, knew us in the womb. Did the eternal Jesus Christ cease to exist when He was present in Mary's Womb? Was the Creator of the Universe simply a blob of tissue? Luke 1:30-31; Matthew 1:20. According to this Pastor, Jesus Christ was nothing more valuable than a tonsillectomy at one time. Scriptures—and science—say this is an individual, living human being. God chose the cycle of pregnancy to allow us the joy and privilege of bonding, caring for and protecting life to share in His Creative process. It is one of the most awesome Holy, God-given gifts for mankind to have that privilege—that time of shared creation with God—and use that unfathomable honor to snuff out life instead. Then call that act “Holy?” Or as a Christian—even justified—is blasphemy. 2) What does Scripture say about caring for an innocent human being? Exodus 20:13; Proverbs 31:8-9. We have dehumanized an entire group of people just as we did in the days of slavery; just as Nazi Germany did with Jews in WWII. And with the same justification the unaffected group decides they are "less than human," "Not worthy of rights." How can we condemn slavery and genocide as a nation and have the audacity to kill countless more with the same rationale? How can a culture that screams, "Why can't you just love me as I am?" Say to another, "You are not worthy to be loved"? How do we say this is, "an act of equality for women?" when at it's very core it has removed the equality, worth and rights of almost 64 million people which we have classified as ‘sub-human’? 3) And if, as a Christian, the child will cause hardship and difficulty. If they will be, "a bother", as the so-called pastor said, then we are to show Christ in our choice to Love others over self: Philippians 2:3-5; 1 John 3:16-17; 1 Timothy 5:8. We could go on for several sermons, but this must suffice today. What about those who don't hold our Christian view? For those who understandably say, “I totally agree, but what about those who don’t agree? Is it right to force our beliefs on them?" First, please become informed about an issue before getting radical about your stance on the issue. So many people are screaming about their right being taken away by this decision—that is not a true statement. The reversal of Roe V. Wade simply said this is not a decision—was not ever a decision—which can be forced on everyone as an unconditional law because it is too controversial; too religiously and morally involved, and not a Constitutional right that all should be forced to financially support and have to take part in executing. This reversal has handed the decision over to the people of each individual state to be decided by their majority vote. So that each state has laws which reflect their own decision. The power was given back to the people to decide for themselves. How much more democratically could an issue this divided be handled? The freedom to decide with your own votes. It has not been taken away; it has been given to the states which decide they want it, but not forced upon those who do not. Secondly, whether you have any Christian morals—or any other religious beliefs—how can you say others deserve to have a legal choice for something that literally kills another innocent human being? No law, regardless of faith should legalize murder of another. This goes against the basis for everything freedom stands for. If you want to "follow the science..."—as so many scream about today—you can never again condone the phrase "My body, my right!", or "Keep your laws off my body!" Because that growing child in the womb scientifically is not her body. It's not a question of whether they are developed enough to be called an individual. Science shows they have their own DNA, their own blood type, own life, own future. They are a separate individual which happens to reside in her body, but they are not her body! Listen closely to these questions: [stop and think]: Is killing a 10yr old acceptable because they "were part of your body?" The only difference is their size and maturity. And if you say, "Yes, but the unborn child is dependent upon the mother for life,” then, so is the 10yr old. So are the physically and mentally disabled; so are newborns, toddlers, and young children; so are many hospital patients. Are these people not considered human, not worthy of the right to life? You say, "Yes, but the unborn baby is still developing, it's not fully human yet!" So is a six year old. They are still in development? Expendable? Who here is under 30yrs old? You have not reached full development. Your brain will continue to develop until you are at least 25 to 30yrs old. Can we kill you? Your level of development at any given stage does not decide whether you are human or not; just how much you've grown. If a mother makes a mistake, can we kill her 2yr old in retribution? Her 15yr old? Then why is it ok to take the innocent life of an unborn child because of the mistake of the mother? Is it legal for a woman over 21yrs old to drink alcohol? Yes. Is it legal to drink and drive? No. Why? Because she could kill someone else. She can't do what she wants with her body by law if it could hurt another individual. If someone wanted to have sex with you, but you didn't agree, could we say "You must let them anyway because it is their body and we can't tell them what to do?” Absolutely not. Why? Because what they do with their body at that point affects another human being. If someone did something that killed your unborn child, it’s murder. But if the mother does it, it’s a fetus. That’s not logic or science. There are laws in every state holding the parent accountable. If they do not provide for the safety and well-being of their own children, why do we then make contrary laws giving those same people the right to take the life of those same children because they are younger or less developed? How can you say that should simply be "a choice" for each individual, protected by law, forced to be supported by those who don't agree? The "science" and, "every other law we have on the books” in this country say we are to protect and respect innocent life as our own—equal rights. Then you say we should include one law that contradicts the science, which contradicts the other laws and justifies labeling a group of people as inhuman worthy to be killed just so someone can have a choice not to agree with your beliefs? I am totally pro-choice about freedom, but life trumps choice. "It is not an infringement on my rights, to take away my ability to kill another innocent human being put into peril by my own actions." What makes me more angry than anything about this entire issue are the hidden facts and the hidden victims. The fact that the very women who are fighting for these rights to choose are very often the greatest victim of the horrid acts they fight to protect and no one is telling them. Let's clear up a few common and dangerous facts which are usually left unmentioned by abortion advocates: (The following stats are from a recent publication from Focus on the Family): First time post-abortive women physically experience: At a rate of one in every five "hemorrhaging, perforation of the uterus, cardiac arrest, endo-toxic shock, injuries to adjacent organs, infection resulting in hospitalization, convulsions, ectopic pregnancy, cervical laceration, uterine rupture and even death." And there is no national abortion reporting requirement so these statistics are most likely downplayed. Though most think medicated abortion is not as risky, an FDA study shows that medicated, early abortions are actually 4 times higher in complications than surgery, with 2/3 of women suffering from negative side effects. And 1 in 10 experiencing incomplete abortions or only partial removal of baby tissue. First time post-abortive women are: 2.7 times more likely to have future low birth weight; 3.3 times more likely to lose the baby in delivery or have stillbirth; 2 times more likely of premature delivery; 70% more likely to have Placentia previa (Baby placenta covers cervix) (200% more likely after multiple abortions); 1.8 times more likely to experience Ectopic Pregnancy (fertilized egg outside uterus); 30 to 99% higher chance of bleeding in subsequent pregnancies (Increasing risk of mother and baby). Emotionally, post-abortive women: 1 in 3 have negative psychological effects, which including depression, fear of infertility, abnormal eating behaviors, decreased self-esteem, nightmares, guilt and regret. In one of the longest running studies ever conducted, it was found that negative emotions increased and decision satisfaction declined over the extended course of 5 years straight. There is a doubled risk of suicide, significantly higher anxiety (than even miscarriage); 5 times increase in substance abuse; and an increase in the likelihood of divorce by 200%. Focus on the Family summarizes this information—which is largely hidden from the average person this way: "Due to lack of media attention and underreporting of abortion complications, many women go unaware of the danger it presents. Not only does it come with potential harm to women, but it substantially impacts those around her and future generations. While abortion takes one life, it destroys others in the process. It’s time to inform women of what it truly is – the destruction of life disguised by the name choice." Would we be fighting so hard to protect any other "procedure" with that many proven detrimental effects while hiding the effects from public? And I have heard it quoted many times recently, "the illegal abortions of the past caused a massive number of deaths to many women and this is on your hands." Even one death is too many, but listen to the truth behind this statement: According to the Pew Research Center, the number of deaths from illegal abortions in 1972, the last year before Roe V. Wade was introduced was 35 deaths from illegal abortion. At its highest in 1963, there were 280. After Roe V. Wade—in recent times—there have been over 3000 deaths a day due to legal abortions. 22% of all U.S. pregnancies end in abortion (almost 1 in 4). Since Roe V. Wade= 63,897,000 deaths, compared to 1.01 million COVID deaths in U.S. Please tell me which of these two choices seems to be causing the most unnecessary deaths? Please tell me you think the women making this "choice" aren't being unknowingly victimized as well? Please tell me that a law which justifies killing a whole group of people because they are sub-human and not deserving of rights or life. Isn't contrary to everything we stand for as a country? And doesn't reek of the genocides and slavery that we disdain from our past? Just so far this year there have been 434,295 deaths by abortion and out of that, only 4,212 were for rape or incest (less than 1%). But this is a major argument for the other 99%. And even then, should you kill a child for the sins of the father? The true cost of abortion over these 49 years has been unfathomably higher than if it had never been legislated in the exponentially higher number of deaths caused; in the number of hidden victims through physical, mental and emotional trauma; through cost to our conscience, our hearts, our faith, and the division from—and pain caused—to our God. The affects of which will last for generations—maybe indefinitely. You don't have to be a Christian to see why this should never have been a federally protected right to begin with. As a Christian, you should stand against it with all you have but also, as a Christian, you (of all people) should know the worth of every person who has ever had or performed an abortion [not a time to gloat or jeer]. You should know your own sins are equivalent in God's eyes and that we all need our Savior. You should be loving and embracing of these people, not condemning. You should see and feel the fear and anger of those on the other side who do not understand, rather than gloat or strut. “Blessed are the meek.” And we should be first in line to finance agencies which will be overwhelmed in this new chapter—first in line to take children that are given up, rather than aborted. How many here today—after this wonderful victory for life—are now ready to say as truly caring Christians, not only, "Give your baby life, but "Let me help you through this in support and finance. Let me take that baby you cannot keep." It's time to stop saying this should never have been a choice, but it’s also time to stop gloating, and roll up your sleeves in compassion and work.
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