"Doesn’t matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right... we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- No, YOU move." (Amazing Spider-Man #537, December 2006, written by J. Michael Straczynski) We are so saturated in our actions and opinions with how the world views gender roles (or lack thereof); not just the gender confusion, but, the blurring of roles, and lost uniqueness of how men and women see one another; we have literally watched the world's opinion destroy this country. We've let it shape our worth, create our goals, and form our identities—instead of God's Plan. We've let it take away our admiration and appreciation for one another in God's design; we've let it cause unending strife in our homes; competition instead of cherishing and honoring; resentment and divorce; gender and self-esteem issues; poorly raised children; and most importantly, we've let it greatly affect our view and love for our God. To speak of God's plan for manhood and womanhood today, is to immediately invite offense and unrest. When you see the total breakdown of our entire culture over the last couple of generations, much of which has been a direct result of leaving this plan. Isaiah 5:20-21.
God's Word blatantly, unmistakably sets up an order that is not seen as popular today. Society almost universally shows women as powerful, in control, independent, self-sustaining, sexually seductive, and having it all; and at least subconsciously, if not openly, many here have completely embraced this version of womanhood; the only problem is, if you trust God at all, it is just about the polar opposite of all God sees as beautiful and important in the character He created you to have as a woman. Ephesians 5:22-25, 1 Peter 3:3-5, 1 Timothy 2:9-10, Titus 2:4-5: God says women are most beautiful when they are humble, gentle, kind, soft spoken, supporting the authority of their husbands, sacrificing to be sure their homes and children are cared for above all, guarding their sexuality as cherished and treasured. Consider this: 1) do you, or do you not trust God? 2) has our current plan helped or severely hurt society today? 3) have you ever considered not just what God is telling us to do here, but why? These Scriptures speak of three areas where we have slowly corrupted in our day: 1) sexual power 2) care for family 3) submission to authority. If you truly want to be treasured, seen for your abilities, character, and intelligence—stop selling yourself off as a sexual object; stop drawing attention only to physical traits; stop playing the world's game—dress and act in such a way as to give value, worth, and honor to your body, soul and mind. God's call for a married woman is to be primarily concerned with her home and children. There are surely going to be many single women, and many women who are beyond their child-rearing days, who devote themselves to a career; and there is the fact that it is extremely hard to make it with one income today, so mothers must often work outside the home; but if you have made the choice to raise a family, there is no question whose primary responsibility it is to raise that child. It is an incredible honor, that you have been given the superior ability, and the responsibility to be the caregiver for the family. How backwards have we become in a culture, when we can consider any career more noble and important in life than teaching and molding the men and women of the next generation—than taking care of the greatest gift God has shared with us in co-creation? Caring for the needs of a spouse and raising children should not be something done in spare time, with energy left over, and after you've chased your dreams first. If you do have to work, every work decision should first be based on caring for your family, not moving up and moving on—there is a time for that. Husbands, if she is forced to work, then your role is to step in and protect the one under your care and authority; to assure she is not overwhelmed and abused, until, and if, you are able to free her to focus solely on the family later. Philippians 2:3-4. Where is the beauty of Christ's sacrifice in your life? Once you choose a family, in God's eyes, that is your purpose. Your child's eternal future, world view, character, self-esteem, and decision making ability trump any success in this world by infinity. There are practical and spiritual reasons for God's design in submission. First, understand that God's original plan was always for headship and submission, as two became one; it was not the result of sin or shortcomings of Eve, that Adam was given authority. Adam was created first, then Eve—God could have used any order—the order was purposeful and significant. God allowed Adam to name Eve, giving a name was a show of authority and responsibility over another. Though Adam was in authority, from the beginning, God has shown that men and women were equal in worth, honor and ability. Submissive roles have nothing to do with ability or worth. Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 7:4, 1 Corinthians 11:11-12, Galatians 3:28. The awesomeness and the glory that this whole society has completely missed is the fact that our equality in worth, is accentuated in our many differences. If we could get this—if we could be impressed, appreciative, and honoring of each other's incredible differences, instead of competing to prove superiority; we could bring back the mystery and glory that men and women should share for one another; instead of falsely cheapening our worth to one another by saying we are the same. We need each other, we compliment and complete one another. This is why it is clear that God made men and women to be together, not two of the same gender—it is in the plan. Homosexual relationships do not make one person in the same way. God has made men and women equal, but different in ability and function; and giving an order of authority, which is clear in His Word, but not popular today—why? Without God's Plan that allows two lives to come together in unity under one rule, one vision, one direction, the world has created total chaos. As we have fought and struggled in relationships for control, as we show no unity and harmony as one, because we are so focused on getting our own way, as our attitude of independence and refusal to humble ourselves under another's authority, has permeated society at every level, causing problems in the workplace, in school systems, in social behavior, in criminal behavior, even politically. In short, it has permeated every area of our lives and warped us into an anarchist world today—yet we still refuse to see the rotted root of our problem, is that we have turned from God's plan to be subject to one another. Ephesians 5:32: When we refuse to follow this model in our marriages, we not only bring division and struggle physically, but we actually miss something in our marriage that is as big as God and His Church: 1 Corinthians 11:3. Is Jesus God? Yes. Is He equal with the Father? Yes. Yet, do they serve in very different roles? Absolutely. Is Jesus submissive to the Father's will? Always. Has there ever been a time that Jesus didn't want to be? Yes (Garden). Has there ever been a time that it cost Jesus greatly to do so? Yes. Do they ever switch places to be fair? Is there a beautiful love, trust, & fellowship in this desire for submission, which surpasses ego and will? Yes. Is there order and unity, as they know and trust One another? Yes. is Jesus given the name above all names; all authority and honor? Yes. Why? Because He had the strength, and love, and humility to be in submission, even unto death. Why is humbleness and submission so important, so beautiful, so coveted by God? Because it shows an absence of pride; it shows respect, love, and trust for another; it shows a placing of another person above self for a better good. All of the things that exemplify a Christian life given to God, right? All of the things Jesus lived out under the Father’s Authority as He said, "Follow Me!" So, why do we as Christians, see all of the beauty in God Himself (Jesus), when He shows this kind of love, submission, unity, and sacrifice, yet think God's Plan for men and women is outdated? Simply because the world says so, and our pride gets in the way. As the world pulls farther away than ever, we should be pulling even closer to His Plan in trust. We should be showing the world a taste of what still works, instead of mimicking society and falling apart beside them, while we claim His Name. We should realize He is a lot smarter; we should see the results of a world that didn't listen, as it falls apart around us. Reject the craziness of this world, and represent Christ; find the real joy, peace and unity of His Plan. Without understanding and following the submission and unity of Christ, and the Father, our marriages, families and society as a whole will never be what they should be; we will never Glorify God as we should; and we will never understand the depth of His love until we have shared in His humbleness and trust. It is not even about how much better our lives and society can be; not just about obedience to His Word; it is about becoming the love and unity that Christ and the Father are, as an earthly couple; about truly becoming one in the only way that it is really possible. See the beauty He had planned before it was warped with abuse from the inside of the Kingdom, and attacked from the outside. This beautiful plan starts with you as you live out, and teach, your children about God's plan for gender roles—in sexuality, in caring about the family above all, in honoring and becoming one with your husband through Godly surrender. Stop apologizing; stop moving every time the world moves.
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