Titus 2:3-5, Proverbs 31: 25-31. Not every woman is called to be a mother; but if you have received the calling, according to His Word, what makes Him most pleased? Moms have to be so many things today. They are expected to be everything in the home, and everything in the workforce, and everything to their husbands. Women have such a pressure on them to meet certain goals, live at a certain status, to be strong and independent, and yet, most of you here still make your families your priorities—as a matter of fact, many of you not only play mommy, but you make up for absent, lame and lazy husbands.
We want to say thank you for caring for our families, and often for keeping our faith alive in those families. Men—how often do you make your wife feel cherished and amazing for all she brings to the family? Children, how about you? And moms, when you are tired, and doubting, and frustrated, remember God created you in the most unique and unimaginable way—to be the precious place where life is knitted together in unfathomable wonder; to be the only one that can literally bring nourishment, comfort and security to that helpless life given to you; even after birth. Recognize this in thanksgiving and awe. Be what you were called to in Glory. Way beyond even that, ladies, you were given the instinct, the passion, the gentleness, the determination, and a love like no other to care for and hold your family together through anything. In our world, that is the one thing more important than anything else you could be called to do. If not for the way God has worked through the passion of our Christian mothers today, we may already have become extinct as believers. In all the craziness being taught in schools, and colleges; in all the influence of internet, TV, media, and peers, you are the main line of defense, maybe the only line—take it seriously—realize your eternal importance. Please be encouraged in the dire role you fulfill; and please, no matter how busy, or successful, or pressured you feel by the structure of this society, remember and trust God's plan, God's purpose, for your life above this crazy world's ideas. CALL TO PRAYER BY MEN OF CHURCH!
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