A few weeks ago... We focused on issues that MEN ALONE are facing in this world! And looked at God's Design for how men, and fathers are to answer their calling from God...Regardless of the pressures, trends or beliefs of the fallen world around us! Today, for God’s Glory… And request from several people... This Mother's Day... We will do the same for the ladies! Because YOU, ladies... Need to know... There is NOT a more precious, valuable, powerful force on this earth... Than that of a woman! And it is my goal... My duty before God... To help you see that worth... And answer that calling! How many of you have ever used a pair of PLIERS? They are invaluable to a mechanic, electrician, carpenter...They can squeeze things together, retrieve what was lost, pull things out when stuck, hold onto things which have become damaged! They are irreplaceable! How many have ever used a pair of pliers for a make-shift HAMMER? Usually doesn't work well... Usually end up hitting your finger! And very often... You damage or break the pliers in the process! Then... When it is time for the pliers to do their job...They are less effective... Sometimes unusable!
Both tools are absolute essential equipment in the toolbox...But they are NOT effective... Not HELPFUL to the USER...Even dangerous and hurtful...When, instead of doing the job they were created to do...They are used to mimic another tool! The same can be said for things such as SALT and SUGAR! BOTH are essential ingredients in cooking and baking...But when used in place of one another... Disaster! Some of the biggest societal problems...And even bigger spiritual problems we face today... Are because...Through abuse of power, suppression, misuse of Scriptures, tradition, and let's be honest... Some outright rebellion and pride... So much attention and desire is given towards proving equality between men and women in every aspect of living...That we have lost all notion of the incredible differences and usefulness of our design... Like a hammer and pliers... Like salt and sugar! We have stopped trying to excel in ways that accentuate one another…To make a full toolbox or a complete cooking set...And we have become RIVALS... COMPETITORS... Rather than brothers-and-sisters-in-arms! Rather than ONE in Christ! And Satan loves it! And we have abandoned much joy... Caused much neglect...And massive damage to one another... And society... In the process! As I said to the men... If you are NOT a Christian...I don't expect you to understand or even agree with everything we begin talking about today...I WOULD LOVE for you to listen to the logic and beauty until the end...And you may just change your mind! But for the Christian woman listening today...No amount of pressure, wisdom or harassment from the world... No amount of oppression or abuse thru tradition and idiocy of the past...Gives you the "free pass card" to stop trusting God's Word...To become totally self-focused, self-exalting and self-choosing... Rather than God focused and people choosing...Rather than loving and serving others humbly... Truth is Truth... Love is Love... Anything else is just another label on the excuse to serve self! And there are areas that…YOU ALONE HAVE THE POWER AND ABILITY…TO HOLD THE LINE FOR GOD IN THIS BROKEN WORLD...If you would only make your goal no longer be...To just become all you can be in this world... To prove yourself in this world...But to embrace loving, serving and excelling in the Kingdom of God! By searching for And passionately pursuing the challenges only YOU can defeat in God's Design...Warriors SERVING Together! I want to explain something that I have discussed with my congregation previously... But is VITAL to understand for all of our newcomers! From the literal very beginning…God made His plan and position for women on earth perfectly clear... Please listen closely! Genesis 2:18 (NKJV) 18 And the LORD God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." This word used for, "Helper", or "Helpmeet" in the KJV... Is 'Ezer (ay'-zer)... Meaning- help, aid. This word has been IGNORANTLY used even to de-emphasize women...Saying they are to be man's assistant... Servant. Boy, those people have no idea how this word is used in Scriptures! It ruins a God’s entire concept! In a Scripture search, this word was found 21 times in the Old Testament...15 Times it was used to illustrate God's help to men!! Definitely NOT a servant! And once, to describe a warrior king chosen of God! EVERY TIME… It was used in an almost military fashion…Describing one who stands alongside another...In protecting, defending, uplifting, strengthening, fighting the battles with them!!!! Psalm 33:20 (NKJV) 20 Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. Deuteronomy 33:26 (NKJV) 26 "There is no one like the God of Jeshurun (poetic name meaning upright, righteous one- Used for Israel), Who rides the heavens to help you, And in His Excellency on the clouds. So women were created to stand BESIDE their man... Equal in the battle! Serving TOGETHER AS ONE! And when God says they are to fall under the leadership of their husbands in when married...It has nothing to do with worth or ability...But order and accountability! How much strife and division and divorce could be alleviated in this understanding alone? (From both) Yes... You are called to serve... But let me ask men and women…HOW do you think that changes your status or calling from men?! God called men to LITERALLY SERVE those under his leadership in total selfless sacrifice... JUST AS HE DID! Therefore... BOTH men and women are CALLED TO SERVE ONE ANOTHER... ALWAYS... ABOVE SELF! IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN... YOU ARE CALLED TO SERVE OTHERS! Following leadership has NOTHING to do with ability or worth!! BUT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH HUMBLENESS! Done Biblically it means THE WOMAN often makes the call, or takes the lead when she is the expert or chosen one...But in order and mutual respect... In harmony and trust! EXACTLY LIKE GOD THE FATHER & JESUS CHRIST! Equal... But loving and trusting as they pursue ONE DIRECTION! No jealousy, strife or division... Following in chosen unity!!!! 1 Corinthians 11:11-12 (NKJV) 11 Nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the Lord. 12 For as woman came from man, even so man also comes through woman; but all things are from God. 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) 7 In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. With those things established and understood...Let's focus the remainder of our time on THE POWER OF A GODLY WOMAN! And on the things YOU have been equipped and called to accomplish...That no man can possibly do as well as you! THEN... Take this information... And FOCUS on being everything you were called to be for God's Kingdom... In love for HIM... In doing so, you find the beauty and power of who YOU are... Which no one can equal! Ladies, mothers, daughters, and sisters...Here are some things that ONLY YOU CAN DO, LIKE NO OTHER ON EARTH! And LISTEN… You shouldn't do a single one of them because you HAVE TO FOLLOW ANOTHER RULE...You should first focus on whole-heartedly coming back to serving Jesus Christ with all you have... Making Him and others first! Out of a true desire to love & give as Jesus has for us!!! Do you or do you not, see how close we are to His Coming?! NOTHING is more important than learning to love His way...Nothing would make you happier than to come back to HIS WAY of serving others...Nothing is more important in these darkening hours than winning others… Securing our families! NOTHING! Nothing is more important than showing a misguided world... God's REAL PLAN in YOUR ACTIONS AND CONVICTIONS!! No matter the cost! The world is begging for someone to show them the way...Most are floundering and searching... With no true knowledge like YOU have!! ONE- Caring for your family and training up the next generation! Titus 2:4-5 (NLT) 4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes... Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. Proverbs 31:25-31 (NLT) 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. 26 When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. 27 She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. 28 Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: 29 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. 31 Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise. God unapologetically gives the calling to supervise & run the home...And the caring for and raising of the children...Primarily to women! First of all... Why on earth is THAT considered an insult…Rather than an exalted honor?!! Why is protecting and shaping the future heart, mind and soul of the most precious creations of God a step down? LISTEN! This ONE SINGLE MISSION is more important to God and society...Than any job title... Or amount of money ever made for the family! It IS the very heart of our existence! That is why it is a literal sin against God to expect someone else to PRIMARILY nurture and train our own children!!! To let our home environment be a secondary task...Divided anyway possible... AFTER all else is cared for! This is God's biggest blessing & responsibility to us in life! ABSOLUTELY YES... Women are able and equal in any vocation! Women have every right and ability to pursue their own careers and accomplishments! And in our society today…One cannot even consider the possibility that many CAN, SHOULD and even MUST often be at work... Period... Those single or with no family yet...Single mothers, financially struggling homes...Those with older or grown children...But it should be an honor and privilege... NOT a task and burden... To place other pursuits aside and completely focus on...WHAT YOUR CHILD BELIEVES... WHO THEY BECOME... HOW THEY ARE CARED FOR... This is NOT my OPINION...It is God's Wisdom and Desire…Are we smarter than Him?! If you have to work in those critical days of family care...Then you must simply trust God to protect and supply...But if it is JUST to have more than you NEED... NOT WANT! Or stroke your own ego in the world...YOU make your own call... "Are you pleasing and obeying God?" AND LISTEN CLOSELY… For those, “making it work!” How many ONLY MAKE their household work…By taking every single thing they have to offer in time and effort to get by... LEAVING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LEFT TO SERVE GOD OR OTHERS? LIVING TOTALLY SELF-ABSORBED IN YOUR OWN WORLD?!!! I see it daily!!! (IS THAT PLEASING GOD? Loving others?) And if you DO work...THAT does not take away from your primary calling to apply yourself like no other towards raising up your children! Absolutely... Men should equally share in everything... Remember men... You are to serve the needs of those you lead!! But LADIES... YOU are literally gifted and equipped to help those children in ways we are just not as able! Obviously in your ability to physically provide nourishment in early stages...But also in your ability to remain aware of multiple events surrounding you in your environment...In your ability to see and understand emotional cues and deep seated needs which men often miss...In your ability to communicate more openly and effectively...In your natural tendency to nourish, care for, and provide as a motherly instinct... That no man can simulate!! (Gender-neutral countries) These things aren't by accidental fortune or evolution...But by God's Design!!! To equip you like no one else for His calling! If we just took back the responsibility and awesome privilege...Of being immersed in our homes and children...Rather than our entertainment or vocations first...But WITHOUT having to rob God & the world… Please tell me how it would affect our culture?! Our faith?! EVERYTHING YOU DO FOR YOUR FAMILY...IS INFINITELY MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING ACCOMPLISHED IN THIS WORLD!! TWO- Support, respect and encourage your husband... Just as you expect to be loved, cherished and respected!! It is so socially pushed that women MUST look and act as though they... Need no one... Answer to no one... Can be totally independent!! That often consciously or subconsciously, your husband is treated as though he were unnecessary & expendable! Often questioning, ridiculing and ignoring anything he does or says as dumb, unneeded or disrespected! Please get this... Of ALL the people in his entire life...What YOU THINK OF HIM... Is the most important, influential, and potentially uplifting or destroying factor in his life...And men have a literally, natural need to feel…They are seen as capable and respected... As deeply as YOU need to feel loved and cherished! Ephesians 5:33 (NKJV) 33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. And if you are living as a Warrior for Christ...You MUST shake the self-focus of proving self... Of labels...And focus on what is supposed to be the most important person God has given to you on this earth! Stop making excuses... And make your husband your focus...Your responsibility... You know him best... So YOU have a major responsibility to pray for him! You know his strengths and weaknesses...So instead of manipulating them...YOU have a major responsibility to encourage him through them...And make your voice and opinion heard... You are an equal partner! But NOT in a rebellious, hateful or disrespectful way! Keep order and unity... Even above being right all the time! Speak your mind... But don't challenge and attack...Men are naturally going to resist when challenged...Apply your wisdom in such a way as to add to And build as a TEAM...Rather than as an opponent proving your superior! Show you are complying for love's sake... Not angry subjection! BIG! And for Heaven's sake... Don't be afraid to tell and show him that he is...NEEDED... DESIRED... CAPABLE... And you feel SAFE with him!!!! Let him know you CAN'T DO IT AS WELL WITHOUT HIM! And if you say, "Well why should I? He doesn't show love or respect for me?" One- You aren't doing it for something in return...But in obedience to God... And because you ARE SUPPOSE TO BE PUTTING HIS NEEDS FIRST! Two- These confirmations will completely change his attitude towards himself... And YOU! When done genuinely... And not patronizingly and manipulatively! Three- Can we all agree, the world has turned woman into "sexual objects"! And so many claim they want to be seen, respected and appreciated for who they are... Rather than objectified!! So... Especially as a Christian woman of God...STOP FEEDING THE FRENZY WITH YOUR OWN SEXUALITY! I AM NOT OLD-FASHIONED... PREACHING WHAT TO WEAR OR HOW TO ACT... BUT LISTEN TO THIS!!! Your body is a precious, awesome gift to be given as a treasure to one person!! So respect THAT PERSON by saving yourself for them! And LISTEN...Your HEART is to be focused on loving others above self... RIGHT OR WRONG? So WHY, in love... Do you dress in a purposeful way to draw their minds into an area of sin? Hurting them... Making them stumble! If you know men are visually driven... Stop playing the card for your own attention & confidence! Dress in a way that is attractive... Complimenting... Make yourself appealing! But STOP purposefully drawing improper attention...Which causes others to stumble... And shows a focus on nothing but SELF! Think about this in love and passion as you decide how to dress and conduct yourselves... 1 Peter 3:3-4 (NKJV) 3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward--arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel-- 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. Why don’t you give more attention towards a precious, loving heart & attitude towards others...Focused on THEM...Over how perfect you look!! And see how attractive you become!! THIS IS BEAUTY TO GOD! And have your True Groom in mind when you dress and walk in the world...Do it in such a way as to consciously please HIM... As a literal act of worship! AND STOP LETTING THE WORLD TEACH YOU… HOW YOU SHOULD LOOK... WHO YOU SHOULD IMPRESS!! YOU TEACH THE WORLD A THING OR TWO… IN YOUR TRUST AND WISDOM OF GOD!! IN YOUR ACTIONS AND ATTITUDE... NOT JUST APPEARANCE! Lastly- When you get past all of the fluff and hoopla about whether a woman should have the right to her own body as far as abortion in this country...It comes down to this...You are NOT driven by the laws of this land, or any land... After they have preceded the Laws of God...Period! According to a survey taken by Focus on the Family...Four out of every ten abortions in this country are chosen by "church attending" women... * Survey: Women Go Silently From Church to Abortion Clinic, By Lisa Cannon Green, June 21, 2018, Retrieved on May 9, 2020 from https://www.focusonthefamily.com/pro-life/survey-women-go-silently-from-church-to-abortion-clinic/ So many are misled... Desperate... Uninformed... Hopeless! So many are victims themselves! They are to be helped, healed... Shown that God loves them... Given assistance! (My own thoughts as a young man) LISTEN!!! THIS sin against God will NEVER... EVER…Be effectively impacted by the actions or will of MEN!! ONLY WOMEN HAVE THE POWER AND CHOICE…TO ULTIMATELY BELIEVE AND HONOR GOD IN THIS STRUGGLE! Through your own convictions lived out, no matter the cost...Through love and guidance for those in trouble around you...Through understanding and healing to those suffering afterwards... Use your overwhelming control & authority over this situation as women...To honor God in your life...And guide and heal broken women around you! A Matter Of The Heart! In a nutshell... Here a few of the DEFINITE MAJOR CALLINGS: God has given to the WOMEN living in THIS TIME... And THIS GENERATION!!! In a world that has pushed women to rise up and fight for injustices and inequality...YOU NEED TO JOIN IN... BUT ABSOLUTELY NOT AS THE WORLD HAS DONE! NOT JUST FOR YOUR RIGHTS AND YOUR FREEDOMS...BUT IN A FIGHT TO RETURN TO SELFLESSNESS AND LOVE...A RETURN TO GOD'S WISDOM, NO MATTER THE COST... - A RETURN TO PASSION AND TRUST IN GOD! LISTEN!!! YOU NEED TO RISE UP AND FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS...OF GOD AND FAMILY!!! BECAUSE THE WORLD IS WORKING TO SUBTLY CHANGE YOU FROM THIS FOCUS ALTOGETHER... AND YOU ARE FALLING FOR IT! TAKE UP HIS FIGHT...AND DO IT WITH ALL OF THE FRENZY, COMMITMENT, AND ZEAL THE WORLD HAS SHOWN IN THEIR FIGHT!! STOP USING INJUSTICES, PRIDE AND WORLDLY VIEWS AS AN EXCUSE TO FOCUS ALL ON SELF...AT THE EXPENSE OF SELFLESSLY LOVING AND SERVING...YOUR HUSBAND... YOUR CHILDREN...THE WORLD AROUND YOU...AND ESPECIALLY GOD!!! MAKE IT YOUR LIFE PURPOSE... YOUR GOAL...IS TO GIVE SELFLESSLY... HUMBLY...TRUSTING IN GOD'S WISDOM...NOT EVEN TAKING NOTE OF THE BELIEFS OR PRESSURES OF ANYTHING AROUND YOU…(CHRISTIAN OR NON-CHRISTIAN)... AND BE A WARRIOR FOR CHRIST USING THE POWER THAT ONLY A GODLY WOMAN CAN WIELD!! BE SERVING, BEAUTIFUL, SELFLESS, HUMBLE, UNIFIED, SOFT-SPOKEN AND SUPPORTING IN YOUR WAYS...BE POWERFUL, UNBENDING, FAITH-FILLED AND PASSIONATE IN YOUR PURPOSE! EMBRACE GOD'S CALL ON YOUR LIFE FIRST...AND FIND THE TRUE JOY IN HIS WAYS AND PURPOSES! Meditated on every word of this precious passage... With the complete focus of your calling as a Warrior Woman of God... In an unjust and pressure-filled world... 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NLT) 4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
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