I just want to start out point blank with where we are going today. We are not meant to know the day or hour of Jesus' return, but He did not give us hundreds of prophecies about the events of the Last Days so we would be blind to His works; so we would be blind to the days we are living in. There have been alarmists in every generation believing they were seeing the events of the Last Days. Some were honest enough to recognize the end could not come unless Israel was home. We have seen this incredible return of Israel from every corner of the world in our time. We cannot know the day or the hour of His return, but we can see certain objective facts which undeniably say He is close at the door. Jesus warned us not to be lackadaisical about His coming, but watching, vigilant, ready. I want us to stop for a moment and take in the snowballing events around us today and look up. Changes are occurring at break-neck speeds around us that we need to be aware of—that we need to contemplate—as we follow His command to "Watch, and be ready!" We know that against all odds, Israel's return to her homeland is the prophetic key that says we are probably in the last generation, and they have been a nation for 75yrs now: Ezekiel 38:8. ✅ And that Russia is to ally with Iran and other Middle Eastern countries in the last days (aiding and arming them: Ezekiel 38-39). And come against Israel from the northern mountains of her borders along the Golan Heights of today. Today, Russia and Iran are powerfully bonded now, with Iranian and Russian troops amassed in Syria at the northern border of Israel. And Iran is about to force Israel into conflict with the nuclear program aided by Russia. On August 12, 2023, The Jerusalem Post announced that Iran is close to actually testing a nuclear weapons device soon, leaving Israel no choice but to engage in a major conflict. ✅ We know there is to be a massive army of 200 million east of the Euphrates River (Revelation 9:16-19) ready to cross into the Middle East in the last days. And this very day, China boasts this exact number, but soon will not be able to amass an army of this size due to child-bearing restrictions of this generation. This army will destroy 1/3 of mankind with machines of war that issue smoke, fire and brimstone from their mouths like lions (tanks). China has the largest number of tanks in the world today. ✅ We know there is to be a great falling away—world wide—a great apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:3), an abandonment of God—a refusal to follow God's commands and ways; a time of hate and moral depravity—with the entire world beginning to call wrong right and right wrong. Now, with incredible speed, we see abortion, abandonment of God, adultery, homosexuality, transsexuality, gender confusion, racism, violence, murder, rape, theft all exponentially raging and the very laws of the land have now begun to protect and even promote anarchy and sin. Do we have any doubt about the times that are upon us? ✅
But there is another cloud looming on the horizon, which I think is very important to be aware of today because we are to remain vigilante and aware. And this growing probability is astonishingly foretold about the last days as well. If we truly are this close to the end, and money drives—potentially controls society—shouldn’t we be seeing signs of the world economy changing drastically? I make no apologies and I don’t speak timidly on this. Weeks/months of study has been done. It is not a hidden conspiracy or a "Christian paranoia." It is an open plan for anyone to investigate and verify, with all of the facts presented coming from secular sources. How many know what "Central Banks" are? In a nutshell, they are financial institutions given privileged control over production and distribution of money and credit for a nation or group of nations. They formulate and regulate monetary policy of the economy and banks within the nation or regions are over. The U.S. Central Banking System is called the "Federal Reserve." And it is one of the most influential Central Banks of the world with the U.S. dollar used in 90% of all world currency transactions. For a number of years, the Central Banks of the world have been in a planning stage to ultimately create a world monetary system which evolves around something called CDBCs: Central Bank Digital Currency. This is basically like digital cryptocurrency such as a bitcoin, except that bitcoins are controlled by a network of decentralized computers using Blockchain Tech (only seen by participating groups), and thus, not in the system—untraceable and unregulated. CDBC on the other hand, is a government issued digital representation of the existing money within a society which can be stored in software and hardware form used by the society in place of physical cash or checks, is traceable and regulated. The selling points for this Digital Currency are: 1) increased payment efficiency (small % of cash transactions now) 2) decreased processing fees 3) decreased expense to make, handle and protect money 4) deter physical crime (lower insurance and violence) 5) deter electronic illegal transactions (drugs, terrorist funding, etc.) 6) improve international payment options. Many have thought or said, "This will never happen, too many will resist." But, please take note of the following open facts: (According to the Atlantic Council) In May of 2020, only 35 countries in the world were considering a CBDC. Today—just three years later—130 countries are seriously exploring the potential. Those countries represent 98% of the Global GDP. Sixty-four countries are in advanced phases of development, pilot and launch, and 11 countries have fully launched digital currency. And the G20—a group of 20 nations joined in a concerted effort—to solve global economic and financial issues (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, UK, United States, and the European Union). Making up 85% of the global GDP, and, over 75% of world trade, and representing 2/3 of the world's population, this G20 has 18 of the 20 countries in advanced stages of CDBC development—with all 20 investing significant time and resources into the project. If you think CBDCs will not be coming to the U.S., even though several states are very resistant to this possibility—just last year an Executive Order was given to ensure responsible development of this exact system (Sept. 16, 2022). And just a month ago (August 3, 2023), Digital Dollar Project announced completion of a pilot program using CBDC in the United States, conducted with partnership from Western Union, BDO Unibank, and support from Accenture. And the techno giant, IBM is currently working to assist in the creation of the technology for CBDCs. Currently, the Federal Reserve website declares: They will only proceed with CBDC under authorizing law and Congressional approval, and that they would not completely replace cash but considering CBDC as a means to expand safe options. As you can see by the open evidence, in just a few short years, CBDC has exploded onto the international scene with every nation connected to global trade and economic success of the world; deeply involved in creating and piloting this program. There is strong interest in creating a ‘Global Ledger’ where all Central Banks connect their CBDCs and tokenized money on one platform. There is no logical reason to possibly think that all of these nations have invested this kind of collaboration, time, and money into creating and piloting this system if it is not soon to become a reality. It seems to be only a matter of when and how it will be implemented. Without researching a single Christian site, here are the obvious and enormous fears and implications to such a system. How would you like it if I asked you for a detailed record of everything you bought this year? Under CBDCs, every purchase you would make would be seen by the government and potentially analyzed by any AI filter system they may put into place. Every purchase you may want to make could literally be blocked or limited by government restrictions on how CBDCs may be spent if Executive Orders, or hardships, or government programs deemed it necessary (environment/epidemics). Social status or perceived criminal activity (think about who they are calling Domestic Terrorists) could limit or deny access to any CBDC monies. Spending habits could be investigated and give cause to classify individuals using social credit scores—limiting access to certain groups. CBDCs and a Global Ledger offer the very real potential to unlimited governmental knowledge and control over individual monetary freedom, worldwide. Many non-Christian experts warn that though it may not be designed with this in mind, it is a very real probability that it will be used in this fashion to some degree. With everything that you have just seen and heard—which is being openly contemplated and planned by the nations of the world, and has only been possible within the last few years—please listen again to these incredible words of John as he speaks about the last generation on earth: Revelation 13:14-18. For centuries, scholars have pondered how one man could control the whole world’s economic system like this. And now—as we stand here today—not only is this system possible, but every relevant nation on earth is creating and piloting the system. And just for the record—though it is only a possibility—what does the very ‘image of the beast’ spoken of here seem to potentially be? This statue brought to life with the intelligence and power to be worshiped; with the ability to know instantly who has, or has not, received this ‘mark’—Artificial Intelligence, perhaps? And just for the record, look at the two witnesses of the Tribulation who will be killed for standing against the Antichrist and warning the world of God's judgment: Revelation 11:7-10. Notice that Scriptures are very careful to point out one detail—their dead bodies will be seen by people all over the world within three days (peoples, tribes, tongues, nations), and people all over the earth will send gifts to one another in celebration. We are the first and only generation since those words were penned who could actually live out this prophecy. So, my friends: Israel is home—against reason or possibility—starting the clock. Russia, Iran and other nations stand poised for their attack, joined in alignment, hatred and location as prophesied. China has it's 200-million-man army east of the Euphrates, amassed and ready. The world has fallen into atheism, anarchy, sin and hatred, almost supernaturally fast. The technology to witness the death of the two prophets has become a reality in this one generation. And now, in just a few short years’ time, we see the leaders of the world's nations working together to create the first and only economic system that is an exact description of the world economic system written about 2000yrs ago. As the world is set in turmoil as described by Daniel, waiting for someone to bring peace to the Middle East as prophesied 2500yrs ago; and the Temple is on the verge of being rebuilt on a Temple Mount which is divided between Jews and Gentiles just as prophesied 2000yrs ago. We do not know the day or the hour of His return, but Jesus gave us a very clear message about the generation: Matthew 24:32-35. Jesus Christ is real; His Word is true. What are you waiting for?
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