Our culture is bullying, shaming, and using downright deception through our education system, media and our social expectations—even our churches—to teach us that God has sinned against many of us in creating us with the gender He chose. Or that He didn't know what He was doing, which stands to reason since He only had the intelligence and ability to create a Universe of which we can’t even see the boundaries with our most powerful telescopes, much less comprehend. A Universe with more intelligently designed language and machinery at a microscopic level than we can even see or understand, and laws to hold it all together and sustain it that we do not even begin to comprehend yet. As well as miraculously designed bodies and brains with mysteries, wonders, intricacies, and power—of which we have only scratched the surface. And He knew you before you were born, before you were a thought, and He knows your entire future—but He messed up on your gender role. [inset eyeroll]. If you don't know and believe in our God, I can understand that you might be confused, because the same world that once declared we are born with a predetermined tendency towards all these differences in our gender or sexual desires has gone against their very declared beliefs and made it their quest to form and teach these tendencies; planting these thought-forming notions into the youngest minds they are allowed to influence; planting seeds of confusion, division and anxiety where none existed; saying that resistors of this idea are increasing the depression and suicide rate by not allowing children to change their bodies permanently into a non-functional state of use before they can even drive a car rather than teaching them to love and accept themselves—and daring to call it love and concern for them. If you will do 5 seconds of research, you will see that suicide rates have taken their sharp increase not in years gone by when this declared oppression has been rampant, but in very recent years as we have sown the seeds of discourse, confusion and hurt in our youth through a myriad of changes, attacking their homes, origins, identity and purpose, causing hopelessness, dysfunction and stress. From 2007 to 2018 (before pandemic influence) the CDC stated youth suicide in 10-24yrs of age, increased a staggering 57.4%. This is the most medicated, depressed, distraught generation in history—what changed? The true and hurtful wrong all this time has been in teaching a child they have no purpose or worth; that they are worthless machines of procreation. The true wrong is in teaching a child to question and be dissatisfied with themselves as they were created, before they even have a chance to develop, before being allowed to follow their natural tendencies. The true wrong is not guiding them through childhood and puberty with direction and purpose, equipping them, encouraging them, affirming them, based upon the known traits, feelings and needs of their gender. It's in not giving them direction and assurance in who they are and what their beautiful, purposeful place in this life truly is. True wrong is to take people who—through poor self-esteem, pornography, abuse, improper sexual contact, or emotional trouble—have been seriously hurt and confused in a traumatic way and not even give them the right to counseling and assistance, to help them love who they are and find joy in their position in life. Again, those who do not have faith in God's Word and plan have strong reason to be led astray today. But if you do know that God is real, you have no excuse in doubting His wisdom and will because Jesus spoke clearly about His creation: Matthew 19:4. Scriptures are clear that God saw us, knitted us, and planned our days in the womb: Psalm 139:13, 16. You simply can’t trust that we were created by God then purposefully reject and rebel against His Will for your life, believing He has made a mistake rather than to believe we have simply been confused and hurt in a fallen world. Our culture has made it a poisonous sin against society to embrace masculinity in any way, removing any strong male lead in media unless it is in a villainous or ignorant light; discouraging them in leadership, showing they have no benefit and nothing exclusive to offer. The only stereotypical male strength or courage is usually represented in commercials, programs, or even recruiting of any kind through aggressive, arrogant, even belligerent women as though it is prohibited to even show an actual male representing true maleness today. Overall, maleness is purposefully frowned upon and put down in much of society, and much of the Progressive Church Movement, along with uneducated Bible-quoters love to even represent Jesus as soft, effeminate, accepting and inclusive of all sins, just wanting to be about love and peace at all costs. The real Jesus was accepting of all sinners, but not of their sins: John 5:14; John 8:10-11. He was kind and tender with women, children and the rejected outsiders, but was the toughest, most self-sacrificing, confrontational, courageous, in-your-face, tireless, fearless in anyone's presence, emotionally, mentally and physically unbreakable man’s Man on this planet, who lovingly protected the abused and misled, but was the worst nightmare to those who purposefully did the misleading; who put Himself between, and in the way of all who faked love, while chasing their own agendas in His Name, or who chose to love blatant sin and those who cling to it more than Him: Matthew 12:34; Matthew 10:34-39. Jesus was a man's Man with fearless, controlled strength who loved deeper than anyone else, but who stood on the side of righteousness and holiness no matter the cost—and it made Him a hated, rejected scum of society who died as a criminal. Living as Jesus lived doesn't mean walking around in gentle acceptance of every sin that is hurting and killing the world, it means loving those who are hurt by the lies enough to stand up to any who mislead them.
The results of this bashing and hating of masculinity has taken a severe toll on the men of this nation. Read this recent statement by U.S. Senator, Josh Hawley about the condition of men in America. Culture is teaching us that we do not have to adhere to any one gender or role in life, but we can change at will as we decide—even daily—and the world should support and cater to that choice. For example: What if soldiers decided daily whether they "felt " like defenders of your freedom in war? How would the war fair? How would roles of combat, accountability and even basic functionality fair? The exact same is true in daily life and family structure: purpose, care for others, functionality all begin to fail in such an environment—not to mention doubt and dysfunction in the individual. To make the external world submissive to objective feelings rather than understand and treat the internal struggle creates mass confusion and instability. According to God's will, to biological truth, to historical evidence, to any chance for functionality and accountability in society, we must recognize our purpose and role in this life: give of ourselves, fight to fulfill our roles for our own growth and the greater good of others over self—or we will die in our self-serving, unattached bubbles. Real healing can’t change the external to match incorrect notions. Real healing awakens the soul to truth and strives to embrace it. Our nation, our culture, the people we love all around us are being deceived, hurt and quickly destroyed due primarily to a loss of identity and a presence of strong, masculine leadership, protection and care. Men of God need to accept, embrace and live their roles unashamed, unapologetic and in passion. The toughest, most demanding, responsibility filled, humble, sacrificial job in God's Plan is that of a Godly, caring man—not a macho, bull-headed jerk to be catered to and feared: Colossians 3:19; 1 Peter 3:7. You are to be a passionately fierce, unbendable, immovable servant and warrior who chooses to give his life in protection and care for those he loves. Step away from the crumbling ways of this world, we are called to be totally different from the world. Instead, step up to your calling from God. Scriptures, psychology, and history all scream the fact that men have more influence and power to affect the choices, beliefs and self-esteem of family, effect change in their society, lead, protect and provide in perilous times. As the men of a society go, so goes the society. This generation didn’t abandon their place as men, they were abandoned by men. Stop worrying about the White House and start taking care of your house. You alone carry the sword to do battle. If you don't draw it, the battle is lost. Men, stop apologizing for your role. Stop backing up and backing down. Stop being ashamed or feeling guilty. Stop wondering what your place is and step up. Stop expecting it to be someone else's job because you were told to stay out of the way. Stop dodging your responsibilities to others for your pleasure. Stop feeling that you are unqualified, because faith, desire, passion and truth are your desperately needed qualifications: Ephesians 6:4. Men, you be the teacher of truth in your home. You be the one to sacrifice sleep, play, and fun when your family and wife is in need. You make every decision based on their needs, not your own desires. You teach and live Christ in front of your family. You be sure your family is in church and serving God. You insist on morals, responsibility, belonging. You emphatically teach identity, purpose and worth. You be sure your family is protected and provided for financially: 1 Corinthians 13:11. Stop crying over what you don't have time to do in personal life, and give yourself in love and even loss for others entrusted to you: Ephesians 5:25. Your position as the father and husband is more impacting than any other person in their entire lives. You alone have the power to change everything in the lives of those around you. Be someone your family is thankful and longing for to lead and protect them. Respect, cherish, grow, support, and unleash your mate's strength as she stands next to you. Guide, form, and cultivate the strengths of your children. Teach them to stand as one, to have identity and purpose in others above self. Recognize the times; forget what the world says. Change your mind, change your heart, change your ways. Stand up and be the men you were called to be. Release your sword. There has been no greater need in this nation's entire history than now: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14.
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