Last week we took a good look at who we are in Christ! Not in the eyes of the world... Not in the eyes of parents, friends, spouses, or even in our own eyes...But in Christ! And we found that many, even MOST of us... Have been held in a prison of false Self-Identity for much of our lives! Not seeing ourselves as we should...Therefore, not seeing and loving others as we should...And especially, not feeling worthy or accepted to be close to Christ as we should! What Scriptures reveal to us about who we REALLY ARE is...Your REAL Identity... Your REAL name... Your REAL WORTH...Is not based upon any mistakes you've made in this fallen world... Not based on your Condition...But upon WHO He made you to be... Your Position! Paid for by His very BLOOD!
And we ended with this powerful Truth...We need to stop insulting Jesus Christ by denying and belittling the INCREDIBLE WORK He did in you...Stop living neutral, withdrawn, guilty, anxious lives based upon how you feel about yourself...HE HAS UNLOCKED THE PRISON YOUR SINS AND DOUBTS HAVE PLACED YOU INTO... SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE THERE ANYMORE! JUST STEP THROUGH THE OPEN DOOR TO FREEDOM! Galatians 4:7 (NKJV) And does anyone remember what we said was waiting for you outside the door? Because you are not a slave, but an HEIR...A Crown! Now... If you TRULY have seen and accepted ONCE AND FOR ALL...WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A BRAND NEW PERSON IN THE BLOOD OF CHRIST! WHAT IT MEANS THAT YOU WERE BOUGHT AS A SLAVE...NOT ONLY A SLAVE…BUT A CONDEMNED PRISONER OF SIN... AND YOU WERE NOT ONLY FREED FROM CONDEMNATION, SHAME AND JUDGMENT... YOU WERE ADOPTED AS A ROYAL CHILD OF THE KING...Then, our next most important question we can possibly ask ourselves in life is... LISTEN CLOSELY PLEASE… "What is my New Position... My New Life as a Royal Child… Suppose to look like? Truly?" Because I have not only been set free... I have been given a life, in a new position... With a new purpose...Not MY old purpose... But a totally NEW one...
Have I ever looked at my new Position? My new purpose? My new Identity? Have I ever taken it seriously? Or has it just been part of a pretty little speech I give with my Salvation story?! A cliché? If you choose to finally step out of that prison cell and accept your new freedom... Your new position in Christ...It will be because you see His Love, His Sacrifice, His Ways are so much better... That you not only want His mercy and love... You want to be everything HE IS to others...Because He is so wonderful! You WANT a NEW IDENTITY in HIS NAME! You WANT to be associated with HIM! So yes... You pick up a new Crown just outside that door! But with that Crown... Comes a beautiful suit of Armor... And a Sword! Because you are not just adopted into the Family as a Royal Prince or Princess... You are offering yourself as a Royal Warrior to the King!! From the moment you walk out of that prison cell...Realizing your worth in Christ is just the first part of the new you! How you think, walk, act, love and fight should ALL be different now! Let me explain...Being saved by our God and King, Jesus Christ...Is NOT just about getting you into Heaven someday!!! It is 100% about getting heaven into YOU on this day! RIGHT NOW! Meaning you were NOT just saved...So you could continue living a life all about self...So you could continue doing the exact things that made your condition so horrible God Himself DIED to free you from it!! So you could continue living with the focus and purpose of someone who is only living for and about THIS WORLD! You were saved...So you could see your worth as Christ's Beloved! So you could live out that worth AWAY FROM the sickness of sin that imprisoned you! So you could HAVE a new heart, a new mind, a new purpose... NOW! So you could give your life to the Cause of the Righteous King Who Died for you! Most people never truly stop to consider what their new position... Their new mindset... Their new purpose really entails...Because they don't take THAT part of their Salvation seriously... Just the SAVED part! NEWSFLASH: If you don't want and take everything this new position brings with it... You NEVER TRULY HAVE THE SAVED PART! JUST A LIE! So let's take a HARD LOOK at the adventure which awaits us when we accept our new role with Christ, as a Royal Warrior for the King! GET THE BIG PICTURE OF WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND US! We as Christians, are suppose to now see and understand clearly...That nothing in this world is of REAL VALUE...But the SOULS of God's people are of INFINITE value...And that God's people are misled, blind, abused, and miserable...Because they are being deceived and even attacked by a real enemy! An enemy most do not understand or have the ability to fight! But Satan is an enemy God HAS NOW revealed to US... An enemy Christ has Saved US from...An enemy Christ has given US the ability to resist in our NEW POSITION! And Christ wants to share His Love and Urgency with us to go back to our old prison cells...And fight to release as many others as possible! NOT to run free in a carefree stupor...As others are dying as we were! And if we truly appreciate the horrors we were saved from... We will be passionate to join Him! The Commission! When you step out of prison... When you become a Child of the King... You receive a Crown that others do not have...With it comes authority and responsibility! You receive armor and a sword that others do not have…With them come protection, strength and ability! So when you step out as a new person for Christ...YOU HAVE ACCEPTED A COMMISSION! (Great Commission!) A Commission is defined as: "Granting power and authority to another in order to fulfill an order or mission..." Synonyms: To Crown...Deputize...When I became a Deputy Sheriff... I became aware of just how many people around my family, friends and the general public...Were convicted criminals or dangerous characters...Carrying illegal or dangerous paraphernalia...Posing a constant THREAT...And often totally missed threat to those around them...And I had a completely different mindset towards the people around me AND those known threats... Because I had taken a very serious oath to protect all of the people around me at any given time... From these threats... (Soldiers in war rest?! )So I began to walk and act with a different mentality and purpose from the crowd around me! Everything in me, and about me, changed when I took that oath...Because I had weapons, authority and knowledge that others did not! If I did not act... If I did not risk... Who would?! Wouldn't the public have a right to be upset if they knew I did not act in the face of a threat? Isn't that why so many of us are attracted to stories about legendary heroes and superheroes who are gifted with great power...And use that power in sacrifice and servitude for those who are helpless and threatened?! These "superhuman" characters are not only able... But expected... To live differently from the rest of the world! Because they have something the rest of us don't! Well you and I have been adopted into the Family of the King...And we are walking around in Our Father's Kingdom...Which has come under siege by a foreign army... There is crime and anarchy in the streets...With enemy soldiers running around freely hurting and killing...People starving and in need of medical attention... SO DO WE... As the King's Warriors and Royal Children of the Crown...Join in the rioting, rape and destruction? Do we ignore the enemy soldiers as we watch them hurting others? Do we walk right by the starving and sick people when we have full authority to get them help in this Kingdom? OR DO WE BECOME THE POWER TO DELIVER THE HURT PEOPLE AND DRIVE OUT THE ENEMY? IF IT IS NOT US... THE ROYAL CHILDREN...THOSE WHO ARE ADOPTED BY THE KING...WITH HIS AUTHORITY, CARE, TRAINING AND WEAPONS... WHO ELSE SHOULD THE PEOPLE LOOK TO?! If you take what God says with complete ownership and faith... You should walk completely different in this world...Because YOU have a completely different view & goal! Because it's not a game... Not a fantasy... IT’S REAL… AND IT’S NOT AN OPTION!! And when you choose to accept Jesus' Gift...And walk out of that Prison...DO so with this very real mindset of Commission: Isaiah 54:16-17 (NKJV) Micah 7:8-10 (ESV) That means every aspect of normal life should be looked at with a different attitude and with different motives! If sin put you in prison... Took you away from your King...If sin caused the whole Kingdom of God to come undone...If sin is hurting those around us...How can we purposefully entertain the things that put our Savior and King on a Cross? How can we indulge in things that were so serious they condemned us for eternity? We have to walk in the world with the knowledge that we are literal Crown Bearers in Jesus! Meaning we are called to be different! It should be on our mind all of the time... We have to stay away from SIN in preparation for our battle… To see and hear our KING CLEARLY! As it was when I was a Deputy! Called to walk differently! With a different purpose from those around us! I don't want anything to do with what had to hurt My King in order to save me!!! Two things here...ONE- Anywhere you work... At anytime in your life...Is massively important! Because it is NOT just about your job…It is about the people who are around you in that job! If your focus is just on being the best...Or just on how well you are treated...Or sometimes even on whether that is where you want to be... You may have missed the bigger calling! Everyday... Every person...Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to love, care about and pray for! Your literal focus should be on the condition of those around you! Their spiritual condition, their problems, their struggles! YOU are God's Called Warrior in that area, at that moment! It is NO ONE ELSE'S responsibility! TWO- Even though PEOPLE are your highest priority...Everything you do... And everyone you work for...Absolutely deserves your very best!! Because you are not working for them first, but God! Your character, commitment and dependability is shown in your work ethic long before you reach out to someone about Christ! Because your concern for others will cause you to do the best you can... Deserved or not! That care shown on the job, easily carries over into life! Philippians 2:14-15 (NKJV) And lastly, because you want those around you to know that any knowledge and commitment you have of Christ... Is not from a flippant, uncaring attitude...That shows little or no concern for excellence! But from a responsible, well informed, caring person of trust! MONEY AND MATERIAL THINGS- Of course we are to care for our loved ones... Prepare for emergencies or difficult times... But if our New Identity is literally rooted in protecting and saving God's Kingdom... Everything we have is at the disposal of the King when needed... Mission first! It won't be a struggle or legalistic tally of a certain percent! It will be a passion to fulfill God's work at any cost! Money and possessions being one more weapon of warfare! Not a distraction to lure you away from the battle! Doing and giving what it takes… In faith that Our King provides what we need when used for Him! 1 John 3:17-18 (NKJV) Stop expecting a certain living condition or material blessing JUST for serving your God... And begin to simply ASK HIM what His desire is for your material life! The focus is on HIM... Not the blessing! ATTITUDE TOWARDS OTHERS- Let me ask you something...When I was a Deputy, do you think it was OK to let someone die in an emergency... Or even in a physical struggle... Just because they were breaking the law or trying to resist me? NO! My sworn oath recognized people's worth whether they were treating me right or not! I was to serve and protect... Putting them above self at all times... Until that was no longer possible!
If our new Identity truly is to rescue people from the confusion, pain and damage of the enemy... To free others from THEIR OWN DARK PRISON! HOW IS IT OK TO GIVE UP ON THEM... WRITE THEM OFF... OR IGNORE THEM...BECAUSE THEIR PRISON IS UNCOMFORTABLE OR OFFENSIVE TO YOU??!! ISN’T THAT WHY YOU ARE THERE? Their CONDITION?! If you take your new Identity seriously...You see the reason behind the sin and hate...The person is more important than your pride or justice...Because you have committed to serving in love...And unforgiveness... Apathy... Pride... Abuse... Manipulation… Is unthinkable! You realize that to save the prisoner... You sometimes have to join them in THAT prison for a time! Matthew 18:21-22 (NKJV) Matthew 5:44-48 (NKJV) Your New Identity in Christ is PRICELESS...And you have been given great Worth, Authority and Power in the Name of your King! All of this also comes with the Commission! Because with great Power... Comes what class? Great responsibility! If we really know what we are saved from... If we really know how Awesome our King truly is...WE WILL RUN TO THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE THE ONE WHO FREED US! We have to truly understand that we were SAVED from something that took the Life of Our King in the process! We should work to defeat it with all we have in us...Not flirt with and dabble in it! And if our lives were won back for us...Bought with a Price... With literal Blood-money! Then we need to be living our bought Lives...Lives that we shouldn't even have now...For the One who bought US! Your Crown has been bought and paid for... Do you wear it or not? If you do... Then you wear the Armor and carry the Sword as well! If you do, then your life is COMMITTED to a different way... PERIOD! It is YOUR CALLING... YOUR RESPONSIBILITY...Embrace it... And live it in passion and love...Or take off the Crown... You didn't earn it in the first place! THIS is where true joy is found! When you are completely given to Something... Someone...Greater than yourself! And there has NEVER been a time in man's history when the CALL has been more prevalent! Joel 3:9-10 (NKJV) WHY DOES HE EVEN USE US IN A FIGHT HE DOESN’T NEED US TO WIN ANYWAY?! Because He wants to know that IT IS YOUR FIGHT TOO! That you are sold out on what HE’S sold out on! That RIGHTEOUSNESS IS IMPORTANT TO YOU! THAT HIS PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU! WE ARE NOT CALLED TO GO TO WAR AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD… THEY ARE THE TREASURED PRIZE! WE ARE CALLED TO WAR AGAINST THEIR ENEMY…AN ENEMY ONLY THE SAVED, ROYAL WARRIORS OF THE CROWN KNOW AND RESIST! YOU AND I ARE THE ONLY HOPE…SO OUR LIVES HAVE TO BE DIFFERENT!! IF NOT US… WHO?!
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