Our Country is on the verge of IMPLODING on itself in every way. As we have become a spectacle to the rest of the world...Some countries looking on in hope and joy while we devour one another... In the midst of external threats... And complete political division and unrest…And the biggest pandemic to strike our generation... Now...we find ourselves caught in the biggest racial division our generation has ever faced...With everyone wondering how to respond to this nation-wide need for reconciliation...Well... With the selfish attitudes shown on all sides... And the denial that racism is even a problem by many...And the impossible demands being given before change will occur by others... Reconciliation seems almost beyond hope in this world's wisdom and attitude! I speak to all True Christians…Who are willing to trust and follow Jesus Christ... Whether anyone else chooses to or not! And I challenge you to follow God's Plan... Rather than any man... Rather than any organization... Rather than any book, program or ideology...And once again be the Light that others might see and recognize as Truth! To live a life... Show a heart and soul... That represents something so different... So Right... So True... So real...Others will recognize and follow!
God's Plan For Reconciliation! Here is God's Plan For Racial Reconciliation...So simple in design... And yet so difficult in life... God's whole Plan of Redemption for mankind... His whole reason for sending Jesus Christ to Die... Was for what reason?! TO RECONCILE US BACK TO HIM...TO HEAL THAT WHICH WAS HOPELESSLY SEPARATED...TO BRING US BACK TO PERFECT UNITY AND HARMONY WITH HIMSELF! Wow... So let's see... If we look at His Plan... His Way for that reconciliation...Maybe it would work for us... His Children as well, right?! Could there be a more perfect plan...Than the One which reconciled us to God? So here it is... ONE - Was there real reason for separation from God? YES! We have all hurt Him... Turned on Him... Rejected Him... And considered ourselves above Him! Did He ignore the fact that there was a problem...Or did He face it head on... No matter the cost?! TWO - Did God wait for us to do better? Did He wait for us to do everything necessary to make amends and satisfy His demands...Did He even wait for us to change our minds about Him and love Him back FIRST...BEFORE HE WOULD OFFER THE HAND OF RECONCILIATION? Or did He see us as so treasured, even in our messed up state... So loved, even when we hated in return...That HE offered reconciliation, at His own expense... Even while we were undeserving and uninterested in that reconciliation...In HOPES that His show of Love and Sacrifice would bring our hearts to accept Him?! Did He not reach out first... With NO PRE-QUALIFYING ACTIONS OF ACCEPTANCE? THREE- And was that offer for Reconciliation... In spite of the fact that we owed Him for more wrongs than we could ever pay back to Him? In spite of the fact there was no hope of ever making it right again? FOUR- And in that reconciliation... Even though He truly IS far above what we are...Has Jesus not called us… Accepted us… As His very Own brothers and sisters? Has God the Father not called us His Own Children? Has He not called us His very Inheritance? FIVE- In that Reconciliation... Did Jesus Christ not place us above Himself in every way to save us? Did He not become our Servant, even as God? Did He not even place Himself in our shoes... Walk where we walked... To understand our pains…And relate to our struggles? Well then... There… Is our Plan of Reconciliation All we have to do... Is Mimic the heart and attitude of Our Precious Savior... And pass on what has been given to us! Because Christ has made it known... That IF WE cannot see the FORGIVENESS of the unrepayable debt we owe...As beautiful enough to pass along to others... Then we have not truly accepted Him! Matthew 18:32-35 (ESV) 32 Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. 33 And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ 34 And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. 35 So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” Pay It Forward! Today, we see…One extreme screaming for demands and changes, many even unreasonable... Before reconciliation and love will ever be considered...And the other extreme ignorantly feeling there is not even a problem to address...And building so much resentment for the demands and violence...That any thoughts of reconciliation have grown even more hard and callous! For Followers of Christ... The answer is this... There is no time or action…In the future… Which will warrant reconciliation through merit...It must be freely given... Right now... By any proclaiming His Name...In hope and love...No strings attached! Even in the face of resentment... 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 (ESV) 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. And that attitude of reconciliation is to continue... Even in the face of unacceptance... Because of the true desire behind it! It is not conditional! Luke 23:33-34 (ESV) 33 And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on his right and one on his left. 34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. And we must realize we cannot change another person's heart...But we can change our own...So whoever you are... On either side... Look inward first... To see what you need to change as well... Because EVERYONE is guilty of being blind to their own wrongs...While clearly seeing those of the other side! And look inward first...To try and understand the pain and feelings of wrong felt by the one to whom you hope to be reconciled...Because if you truly hold them as worthy and dear...You will WANT to understand their view... Their pain...And not simply justify your own position! Hebrews 4:15-16 (ESV) 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. So... Let's honestly do that for a moment now! And look at things from a different perspective... I've heard many white brothers and sisters say... "We can't help what happened then... Blacks have equal rights now… So why are they still so angry and cliquish?!" That is one of the most clueless and self-focused comments I've ever heard! Stop and honestly think for a moment...The Civil Rights Act was just passed in 1964! After hundreds of years of racism...And even then, with much resistance from many! You DO realize that means JUST ONE GENERATION BEFORE THIS ONE? Meaning with the inclusion of many of the very mothers, fathers and grandparents of people in this room...Blacks were still not legally allowed into certain courthouses, parks, restaurants, theaters, sports arenas and hotels! Do you truly think ALL of the prejudice has disappeared in that short time? And if you and I were living in a country that had enslaved and abused our people just a few generations ago... Treated us as inferior by their own laws until just one generation ago...That you and I, "Wouldn't have feelings of fear, resentment and mistrust towards many in the culture?” Do you truly feel blacks have no reason to be paranoid, hurt or assuming about what others may be thinking of them? That they should have no cause for discomfort when people privately display flags which flew over their enslaved ancestors? I absolutely know and understand, being from the south myself...That many simply have pride in their southern roots! And you have freedoms to express that pride... But as a Christians FIRST... What does Scripture say about our freedoms and pleasures when they cause others pain or cause others to stumble? - (Rom 14:15-20) Do not destroy the work of God, but pursue peace, joy, righteousness and mutual upbuilding! And for goodness sake, can you tell me, in your love for Christ and others... What is more important... Exercising the right to show your pride in ANYTHING that could rightly be taken painfully...Or assuring the peace of mind in someone who may honestly feel that you despise them by your actions?! Galatians 5:13 (ESV) 13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Walk just a few hours tomorrow… Looking at everyone you usually deal with privately and publicly...And try to imagine how you would perceive them… And their attitudes… If you were black...You would be surprised at how many people you now see as unthreatening... Who would suddenly seem suspicious! Wake up... And realize it is not unrealistic or paranoid...For Black brothers and sisters to feel suspicion or fear of prejudice from many around them today! Nor is it reasonable to think racism does not exist! Rather than brush it off, or get angry because WE didn't have anything to do with it... We should work especially hard to love and assure a hurting brother… Of their equal worth. And love them as brothers and sisters in Christ! And we should stand by them in every way against prejudice from others! As long as the means used to do so remain righteous before God! Not having any idea what it would feel like to live in this society as a black man or woman... It is difficult for me to address issues of cultural attitude from a black perspective...But there are some things which can and should be addressed...Simply because they are based upon God's Word...And God's Word goes beyond relating to any culture, gender or race! It is horribly wrong to stereotype or discriminate against someone for being born black or for growing up in the wrong part of town...So, as a black brother or sister in Christ...Why is it OK to prejudge or discriminate against someone for being born white, or growing up with luxuries many do not have? They are no more to blame than anyone else for who they were born as, or where they were born either...And to assume they are racist, or surely couldn't have the problems you have in their privileged state...Is also horribly unfair and self-focused! Understand there are many around you...Who have never held racism in their hearts...And truly do not understand why they are being rejected and hated in return... Even if they do have privileges… See everyone the way YOU want to be seen... As an individual! As a Christian… Do not let unfair actions against you justify the same in response to all! And this uprising based upon the horrible statistics on blacks verses whites being killed by law enforcement are difficult to accurately display...Due to missing data…And improperly applied data from both sides of the issue...But a few things are clear enough to safely distinguish...There are surely more blacks than whites being killed by Officers...There are also more crimes committed by blacks than whites...The case is made here that the poverty level of blacks is more to blame for the increased crime…Than the black subculture... The problem comes when comparing these poverty levels...There are almost twice as many Whites living in poverty in America than Blacks...(1 )And just as many Hispanics as Blacks... (1) (1) Jessica Semega, Melissa Kollar, John Creamer, and Abinash Mohanty for the U.S. Census Bureau, “Income and Poverty in the United States: 2018” (United States Department of Commerce, 2019), available at https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2019/demo/p60-266.pdf Now I absolutely know there are REAL and obvious occurrences of serious racial discrimination by officers in the system...But I also know that in my years in law enforcement... I have had a number of black arrestees honestly reveal to me...There is also a feeling of disregard and contempt for laws imposed by authorities…Which held such bias against Blacks not so long ago...This is totally relatable... But not advantageous, or of God...The atrocities of racial discrimination in our justice system are terrible... Real... And worthy of protest... They need to be addressed! And every brother & sister in Christ should stand with you! But not with rebellion and destruction… But the statistics do not come close to supporting systemic racism... As a purposeful structure of society…Nor do they support the answer of more killing of innocent people, more destruction, and more chaos…From those who follow Christ…As the solution! Nor do they justify the overturning of a system that gives more opportunity for change than any other in the world! Nor does the dismantling of police protection serve to do anything but increase the violence and death of more people of every race! Christian brothers and sisters, black and white...MUST stand against racism and mistreatment wherever it occurs! Including in the Justice System...But not with equal racism, chaos and hate! And lastly... TO BLACK AND WHITE CHRISTIANS: Listen closely and honestly...Are we all in agreement that slavery has been the root of the majority of racism and mistrust in this Nation... And an epic sin against humanity? Because to consider an entire group of people as less than you... Less than human...And justify saying they have no right to live free... Or sometimes to life at all...Under the claim it is a "necessary evil" for another's ability to succeed financially or live more comfortably...And to say having the right of power over another person's very life...Even when it is considered legal...Is simply and clearly... Inherently wrong! If you agree with these statements...How can you be so against slavery and racism...So concerned about the rights of the oppressed…And not have the same passion and desire for the unborn?!! The situation is clearly the same...They are considered less than human...They are taken from society, robbed of life... Often for financial security and a more comfortable life...Their lives and freedoms have been given into the hands of another...With no voice of their own! Their only crime is where and when they too were conceived! Will future generations (if we last that long)…Want to remove our pictures and statues because of the atrocities we have blindly accepted as part of our culture as well? The Answer... Just for the record...The thought of different races... The very concept of racism...Is based upon a lie! Modern genetic research has uncovered the fact that we are not only obviously from one, ultimately same race...But that there are often more genetic differences between one person compared to another of the assumed "same race"...Than there are between that person and someone of an assumed completely "different race!" (2) (2) https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/race-is-real-but-its-not-genetic So... It’s kind of humorous…Many people with racist attitudes towards another...May have more genetics in common with the object of their hate...Than they do the chosen friends they run with! We as Christians today... Even if the world doesn’t...MUST understand that according to Scriptures... Forgiveness and reconciliation is not earned or even deserved before it is offered...It is a choice... Based on the knowledge and thankfulness of the forgiveness and reconciliation WE have been given! While we were still in the wrong...At the cost of the very life of God's Own Son! It is a choice…Based on the love and worth GOD places on ever person! And that unwarranted desire for reconciliation...Is a powerful weapon to break down prejudice and hate... How can we live any different? Give any less? And it should be the goal of every Christian who HAS suffered prejudice and discrimination...Not to mimic the same unwarranted prejudice against others...But to stand for truth in voice and protest as long as it takes...To beat the ignorance of racism...Only NOT in ungodly hate and violence...But with the choice to love as Christ loves! Giving every individual the same chance to prove themselves that you would like in return! And as Christians... We have to stop being so naive as to think that racism is not a major issue today... While living just one generation away from Equal Rights even being given to Blacks in this country... And stop being so worried about clearing and justifying ourselves… And pick up the mantle… And fight for our brothers and sisters! BUT NOT IN HATE AND AGGRESSION! It should be your heart's desire to give assurance and peace to our brothers and sisters in the times in which we are living! You should be the voice and attitude among others...That shows the true heart of a Christian towards those hurt and persecuted...It is the Will and Calling of God to lift up a brother or sister in need...And heal those who are hurting... If we ARE ALL truly Christians...Then we are NOT actually equal at all!! Because God actually says that we are to consider our brothers and sisters ABOVE ourselves...That we are to be a servant to all! Philippians 2:1-5 (ESV) 1 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, When a Teacher of the Law… An expert in God’s Word… Asked how to get to heaven… Jesus replied… Luke 10:27-29 NKJV “So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ ” And He said to him, “You have answered rightly; do this and you will live.” But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”” Jesus told the story of a man who was injured and dying…Passed up by two of the most “Holy” and respected men in their culture…Who was saved by a man of the most hated RACES…Who surely was hated even by the man being saved… And then Jesus asked the Teacher… Luke 10:36-37 NKJV “So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?” And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” In the Name and Sacrifice of Our Lord and Savior...Let each of us give unconditional reconciliation, forgiveness and acceptance to all... Starting RIGHT NOW! Let us be the one to show mercy to those who hate us…And stand against Satan’s ploy of division... Being used to distract and divide God’s people in these last days! When we should be more united in HIS Cause than ever! In love... Unbending, unyielding… Love! “Go, and do likewise!”
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