A question to all, do you really want a close intimate relationship with God? Think long and hard before you answer that question because the answer is not simply yes or no. If you answered no then read no further, if you truly don’t want an intimate relationship then this message isn’t for you, I really hope that you didn’t answer no because He wants that intimacy, and He paid such a tremendous price for you to have that intimacy. However, if you answered yes, and truly meant it, then read on because this message will show you the basics of how to have that intimate relationship. As a church, we probably have studied more than the average church the proof of God’s existence, from the intellectual reason evolution can not account for life on this Earth, and the historical and prophetical proofs Jesus was indeed the Messiah, and we will continue those studies. But let me ask you this “Has it changed us?” I know it has strengthened our faith and opened our eyes to the reality of Christ but has it truly lit a fire for us to live for Christ, but has it altered the way we live our personal lives?
Why did Christ die on the cross? To pay for our sins and make us righteous before God. Why make us holy and righteous? To restore us to our original state before sin entered the world. Why is that original state so important? The Perfect and Loving God longs for fellowship. He desires an extremely intimate relationship with us. Christ didn’t just die so we could live a morally righteous life, to stop evil, give blessings, nor did He die just so we can go to Heaven. He literally died to establish an intimacy with us that we can’t even comprehend. Not a figurative or theological reason but a literal desire for fellowship. Now honestly, as a Christian, is that your goal, your constant burning passion to intimately know God above all else? If so, what steps have you taken to make that intimacy a reality? For most Christians this isn’t even on the radar, not a thought given to it day to day, the only thought is of being a better Christian is a better ministry, more righteous life, or giving more. All are good but none are the goal—intimacy with God. EXODUS 33:11: Moses was a friend to God like no other in scriptures. He was used like no other, spoken to like no other and this was not because of his righteousness, God made that clear by putting him on the backside of a desert for 40 years until Moses realized he had nothing to offer. EXODUS 33:1-3,15,18: When God tested Moses to see if he would accept the blessings of God without the intimacy of God, Moses showed his true desire by wanting even more of God’s presence not the blessings. He wanted God to reveal Himself even more intimately. Moses’ greatest desire was to be closer to God personally, even after spending 40 days on a mountain alone with God he still wanted more of Him. David accomplished great things for God and pleased God greatly but read what David wrote: PSALMS 63:1. The Apostle Paul, in the New Testament, was used powerfully by God but his heart longed to be more intimate with God: PHILLIPIANS 1:23; PHILLIPIANS 3:10. Take a look also at Jesus’ life, He was God in the flesh, all powerful, performed great miracles but His one burning desire above all things was passion and intimacy with His Father: JOHN 17:5. The true calling in our Christian life is to live with this single biggest goal: to get closer to God even above serving and giving, this is everything to God! This will be to us, too when we finally draw closer to Him. The first thing we must do to achieve this is simply grasp how much He wants our personal passion and closeness above all. Consider for a moment all God did to have real intimacy with us: 1-Created the universe for us 2-Turned it upside down 3-Sacrificed His own Son 4-And is planning to recreate it all again—just to be with us. 2 CORINTHIANS 6:16; REVELATIONS 3:20-21; EXODUS 19:10-13. This Holy and Powerful God Who was unapproachable at one time, now passionately desires to be intimate with you as He was with Moses: REVELATIONS 19:19-21, 20:11-15; EPHESIANS 1:18. The All Powerful, Unstoppable Judge of the universe is the One Who wants to meet with you personally—He calls us His inheritance! God puts so much worth towards our relationship with Him that He calls us His inheritance! Now, do you not think that He wants to be intimate with you? JOHN 17:22-23. Jesus is saying that He loves us so much that the worth and glory the Father places on Him, Jesus places on us. His desire is that we are one with Him and the Father. Jesus is saying that His love and that of the Father just as intimately burns for us as it does of One Another. This is the desire that God Almighty has for your intimacy. Not only must we be completely confident that God wants to know us intimately we must know it’s possible and should expect it. It’s not for someone else, it’s not theological or symbolic it’s real, now, practical and literal. 1 CORINTHIANS 2:6-12,16. Paul says that God may be known by us as intimately as one may know themselves, because His Spirit lives in us and His Spirit knows the deep things of God’s own heart, is ready to reveal them to those who draw close. 1 PETER 5:7. He wants to share His heart with you and you share your heart with Him. The God Who judges the world wants to sit and listen to the cares of your heart. So much so that He died to give you the chance to talk to and walk with you. You have to want Him and that fellowship, not for the power, blessings, or even heaven. You have to want it because you see Him for Who He is, because you see the incredible honor, privilege and joy of becoming one right now. Becoming one with Him Who is selfless and pure, full of wisdom and knowledge, the one Who is more interested in your feelings, cares, and life than anyone else. He’s more excited to be with you than anyone you know. When Moses asked to be more intimate with God God’s answer was: EXODUS 33:19. God said if you want to know Him intimately “I’ll show you My goodness”, if you see my goodness understand my heart you’ll know me intimately, you’ll know my true name. Most miss on the greatest part about being a Christian—we can have that relationship He died for, now, not later. If there’s something in your life keeping you from that relationship get rid of it and run to Him. What are you waiting for? He’s literally waiting eagerly for you, this parable is the picture of God waiting for you: LUKE 15:20-25. I couldn’t care less if we’re the biggest church, have the best programs, best music, how intellectual informed we are, those things are all good but it’s not the center. When I see Christ face to face, I want to know that He saw us as the church that wanted Him the most, that wanted to draw close to Him, hear His voice. JOHN 14:9. Can God say that to you and I what He said to Phillip? You can be that close to God now, but is it your heart’s passion? Your primary goal? Your greatest desire? PHILLIPIANS 3:7-8. For your sake and His, realize how much He wants you to know Him intimately, realize it’s possible, realize His love and goodness should compel you to want Him intimately above everything else, realize a true intimacy with Him is what He died for IT IS EVERYTHING!
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