Have you ever thought to yourself as you read Bible stories, "If I could have lived during those days—if I could have seen that—I wouldn't have any trouble believing in God!"? Look no further: today we are going to take an extremely abbreviated trip through the history of Israel on its 75th Year Anniversary. We will see that we not only have historical proof of God's existence, but present-day proof of God's existence. Proof that is beyond accident or man's design; proof that is breathtaking in literal Biblical proportions; and proof that also shows us just how close we truly are to seeing our Lord return. Israel is set as "Center-stage" in Scriptures for God's entire plan of Salvation for mankind. It is the "Show-piece" of His power and sovereignty through the ages and it is the "Timepiece" for all the prophecies about our future. Do not consider it an accident that Israel is at the center of world attention, hatred and problems like no other nation on earth. With so many accusations, so much prejudice, so much hatred—over 1500 rockets fired into Israel in past month—and yet they account for only 1/1000th of the world's population. We need to see how and why God has chosen them as His people throughout history, and what to expect next.
Today we are here to explore and celebrate…The Awesome, God-Created, Powerful, Blessed, Precious…Role of Motherhood! Which according to the Plans & Purposes of Our Almighty God…And the very foundational truths of Biology...Can only be fulfilled... By a woman!
Sad... That we actually have to clarify that... In a world that is supposed to be dictated to snd ruled by…Science and reason! In all reality... I do not think "Mother's Day" does the position justice...But... I guess its' just not convenient to say... "Asset Analyst, Investment Manager, President of Compliance and Control, Marketing Specialist, Supply Chain Director, President of Strategic Partnerships, Skills Development Master Trainer, Design Expert, Human Resources Consultant… DAY!" For about 4 weeks now... I have been preparing this Message! Even started writing it... Then tucked it aside a couple of weeks ago…And when the time came to bring it this Sunday...I was hesitant... Thinking the timing may now be wrong!...But then I realize...In God's Incredible Sovereignty and Care...THIS was exactly the week…He had been Preparing it for all along!
So please give God's Words…Complete attention and reverence this morning! Because this topic absolutely & severely... IMPACTS every one of us! In just 6 days... This congregation has experienced the life-changing events... Of the passing away of three people near and dear to us!...And because THIS world…Is all we have known this far in our journey...It is easy for us as Christians… Right along with the world…To lose perspective on the real meaning & nature of death...Of why it happens... Of why we have to experience such pain and separation...We see death as a terrible interruption…Of our lives and relationships...And as a dark and fearful unknown. In the 1700's, a large percentage of Europeans feared the tomato because they thought it to be very poisonous. It was even nicknamed the "Poison Apple." Many years later it was discovered that tomatoes were not actually the culprit, but the fact that they were often being served on pewter plates of the more well-off in society. And the high acid content of the tomatoes would leach the lead content from the pewter and become deadly. So, it was not the fruit which was troublesome all along, but the way in which it was being served and consumed.
As we discuss our topic today, there will be three potential listeners: 1) worldly, non-believing people of which I do realize have no reason to listen to why I'm right and they are wrong, based only on a God in which they don't even believe exists. Listen open-mindedly, knowing everything I say will be in genuine concern and real love and I simply want you to see the logic behind God's Words even if you do not believe what, I know, is true. 2) Progressive-minded Christians who claim that a true God of love would agree with and encourage the many changes we are seeing under the label of unity, self-expression, and acceptance of differences in compassion and love. I would ask that you continue listening with an open mind and discover for yourself whether you have left the very central core of everything God's Salvation and Righteousness is based upon. 3) True, believing, fundamental Christians of whom I would ask that you open yourself to real change of mind in what your life is about; in how serious you are about God, and in whether you truly love God and others over self.
We are celebrating the Literal Greatest and Most Important Day...In the Christian Faith!
The Events leading to this Day...And the Events of this Day...GIVE US EVERY REASON... To EMBRACE or DENY everything we believe! Unfortunately... We now live in an age that can...In all practicality... Be called a "Godless Generation!" With little to no knowledge of the True Teachings of Jesus! With little to no knowledge...Of the solid, indisputable, historical facts...That Jesus was even a Real Person in History! Much less... Knowledge of the Incredible Prophecies...Provable beyond any reasonable doubt...Confirming God's Existence and Love! Unfortunately... We live in an age where...Most have no idea... Of the Love & Sacrifice shown...On that First Easter... The True Purpose of their lives...Or the True Destiny of our near future! We could not in one Sermon... Not in one whole DAY...Convey the powerful Proofs of this Day in History! We WILL look at enough for you to SEE TRUTH...If you are open to TRUTH... And NOT preconceived desires! Right now in our nation's... And our world's condition... That Truth is more important than at any moment in history! So let's delve into a few of the Incredible FACTS...what this Day MEANS to you and I...And Celebrate together ... In a world of anger and darkness! It is already Palm Sunday! The Sunday which launches us into my favorite time of year!
With my favorite Topics of Teaching and Preaching! So this week... And Wednesday... And Sonrise... And Easter Sunday...We will explore some of the most Awesome and Challenging Stories... Of the New Testament! We are at the end of a very different four part study on End Times where we have been focusing, not so much on the chronological events of the Last Days (meaning just before the Tribulation period), but on the current and potentially upcoming events and trends in our world right now—which are clear, tell-tale signs of major prophetic incidents coming the Tribulation. Things which, by nature and prophetic declaration, have their beginning roots revealed before the Tribulation begins. Thus far we have studied these clear, unmistakable signs from prophecy in our generation: 1) the single-most important event prophetically since the death and resurrection of Jesus: the return of Israel as a nation which has started the clock ticking on the last generation of history. 2) the seemingly unavoidable war between Israel, Iran, Russia and a Middle East Alliance of anti-Israel nations which could be pushed into reality very soon with Iran being at the brink of nuclear power and Russia in a deep military and economic alliance with Iran—having joint forces with Iran, Syria and others at the Northern doorstep of Israel right now. 3) the preparations for a third Temple are all but complete and the intentions to do so are at a peak right now. 4) the moral and religious conditions of our country and our entire world have exponentially changed in a single generation with fear, anarchy, complete moral debauchery, selfishness, pride, narcissism, and godlessness, representing a world against God—a "Great Falling Away" as never before in history. Next, according to the descriptions of Jesus, let's look at evidence which must begin in occurrence as the last days approach an end.
We are in Part 3 of a series concerning End Times Prophecies...But this series is NOT simply about...Chronologically walking through the events of the Last Days...
As we have done in the past... And will do again in the future. This series is intended to make us...Aware of the things happening around us everyday...Right now! To make us watchful of the things which... WILL BE HAPPENING... At least in part... In the near future! If we are truly living in the End Days. Because a number of Events which occur just before... Or in the beginning of... The Tribulation Period...Are so huge... So UNMISTAKABLE...That their beginnings MUST be apparent...Long before they come to fruition! We had begun a study of things we should be looking for in our lifetimes if we are indeed living in the last days, which must at least have their beginnings before—or just into the start—of the Tribulation. We should be actively, expectantly looking for these things from a solid scriptural basis with great expectation because such a large portion of the scriptures are used to explain the events to come. Because time and again, scriptures tell us: "To keep watch… for these things that will begin to happen!" Because Jesus gave one of His longest sermons in all three synoptic gospels, and John wrote an entire book telling us of the "Signs for which we are to watch," and encouraging us to actively be looking: Luke 21:28, 31, 36. In our last study, we recognized that none of these signs would matter unless the single most important key had been revealed—the return of Israel to her own land, because everything which happens in the End Times involves Israel as the center stage, and because one of the biggest reasons for this entire time of Tribulation is to bring Israel to repentance and redemption. We also looked at the coming war of Gog, from the land of Magog with all his alliance in the last days, moving against Israel near the beginning of the Tribulation in the last days—which we seem to be witnessing with incredible accuracy today involving Russia, Iran, Israel and other Middle East nations—perfectly fitted to the last detail with prophecies over 2500yrs old. Today, we will look at another event which must at least have its roots of origin before the Tribulation begins in order for the prophecies of the End Times to occur as written: the rebuilding of the Third Temple.
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September 2024