Needing Other Christians to Observe My Faults & Offer Righteous TruthAre you leading the perfect Christian life?
Do you have a stress free, worry free life? Are you never short tempered or quick to anger with your family? Can you honestly say that you always hear that still small voice of God and trust it without hesitation when He speaks to you? Are you living life abundantly and full of joy? Do you want these things in your life? At NO COMFORT men over the age of 18 will study and learn how to do these things and become the Christian men they are called to be. This is an open forum discussion class. The group leaders don't claim to have all the answers, but they do know where to find them, in God's Word. Together you will find the answers. If you make it a priority to attend the meetings, and apply what you learn in your lives, you will grow and see dramatic improvements in your family life, in your own happiness, and most importantly, you will get closer to God than you ever have been before. Meetings are every other Wednesday after the prayer and worship service. Please see the calendar for the dates. We would love to have you join us! |